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Hiding upcoming/future items


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Is it possible to hide the products that are going to be added at a future date?

We have over 4000 items and we are adding 1-5 daily. The ones that will be in stock in 5 mnths from now, do not need to be added already.


Can we turn it 'on' somewhere that these items are only visible when their avaialability date has passed, or is only a week away?



I've searched both forums and admin thoroughly, no dice.

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Can I just change your questions slightly?


Is it possible to hide products we have set up but where the date avail is in the future?


Yes the test in /includes/moduls/upcoming_products.php is


where to_days(products_date_available) >= to_days(now())


you could change this to


where to_days(products_date_available) <= to_days(now()) + 5 and to_days(products_date_available) > to_days(now())

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