taaroa Posted May 10, 2008 Posted May 10, 2008 Hello I just installed OTF_Auto Thumb. The problem is that no pictures are coming when the file name of the picture contains the '+' sign. I know that it would be better to not use this sign in file name but I really need it. Do you have any idea how to modify the following code to make it accepting '+' sign in my pictures names ? It will be very helpfull for me. Thanks for your help Florent <?php // This is "On the Fly Thumbnailer with Caching Option" by Pallieter Koopmans. // Based on Marcello Colaruotolo (1.5.1) which builds upon Nathan Welch (1.5) // and Roberto Ghizzi. With improvements by @Quest WebDesign, [url="http://atQuest.nl/"]http://atQuest.nl/[/url], // Martijn Loeffen (browser-caching and thumbnail-cache-dir) and Richard Burford // aka psynaptic (admin control and documentation) // // Scales product images dynamically, resulting in smaller file sizes, and keeps // proper image ratio. // // Used in conjunction with modified tep_image in html_output.php (see: readme.html). // get config values from the database require('includes/configure.php'); // include server parameters $server = DB_SERVER; $username = DB_SERVER_USERNAME; $password = DB_SERVER_PASSWORD; $database = DB_DATABASE; $connect=@mysql_connect($server,$username,$password) or http_headers('','Error,Database Connection'); @mysql_select_db($database,$connect) or http_headers('','Error,Database Connection'); $query="select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration where configuration_group_id='100'"; $output=@mysql_query($query,$connect) or http_headers('','Error,Database Connection'); while ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($output)) {define($row['cfgKey'], $row['cfgValue']);} // CONFIGURATION SETTINGS // // Server cache directory. Set the value below to true to generate resampled thumbnails // resulting in smoother-looking images. Not supported in GD ver. < 2.01 $use_resampling = true; if (THUMBNAIL_USE_RESAMPLING === 'false') {$use_resampling = false;} // // Create True Color Thumbnails? Better quality overall but set to false if you // have GD version < 2.01 or if creating transparent thumbnails. $use_truecolor = true; if (THUMBNAIL_TRUE_COLOUR === 'false') {$use_truecolor = false;} // // Output GIFs as JPEGS? Set this option to true if you have GD version > 1.6 // and want to output GIF thumbnails as JPGs instead of GIFs or PNGs. Note that your // GIF transparencies will not be retained in the thumbnail if you output them // as JPGs. If you have GD Library < 1.6 with GIF create support, GIFs will // be output as GIFs. Set the "matte" color below if setting this option to true. $gif_as_jpeg = false; if (THUMBNAIL_OUTPUT_JPEG === 'true') {$gif_as_jpeg = true;} // // Cache Images on the server? Set to true if you want to save requested thumbnails // on disk. This will add to disk space but will save your processor from having to // create the thumbnail for every visitor. $tn_server_cache = true; if (THUMBNAIL_CACHE_SERVER === 'false') {$tn_server_cache = false;} // // Thumbnail Path. If server-caching is enabled, specify a sub-directory // where the thumbnails should be kept. Use '' for the default images-directory, // which is /catalog/images/ // Note: Make sure this path actually exists as a subdirectory and is writeable! $tn_path = THUMBNAIL_PATH; // The default is 'thumbnails/', should be chmod 777 // // Cache Images in Browser-Cache? Set to true if you want browsers to be able to // cache viewed thumbnails in their own cache. This will save bandwidth for every // visitor that views the same thumbnail again. The default is true $tn_browser_cache = true; if (THUMBNAIL_CACHE_BROWSER === 'false') {$tn_browser_cache = false;} // // Send a 404 http response when an image is not found // If set to false, will show a small error-image (as in version < 2.0.0) $use404 = true; // The default is true // // Define RGB Color Value for background matte color if outputting GIFs as JPEGs // Example: white is r=255, b=255, g=255; black is r=0, b=0, g=0; red is r=255, b=0, g=0; $tn_colours = explode(",", THUMBNAIL_BACKGROUND_MATTE); $r = $tn_colours[0]; $g = $tn_colours[1]; $b = $tn_colours[2]; // // Allow the creation of thumbnail images that are larger than the original images: $allow_larger = false; if (THUMBNAIL_ALLOW_LARGER === 'true') {$allow_larger = true;} // // If allow_larger is set to false, you can opt to output the original image: // Better leave it true if you want pixel_trans_* to work as expected $show_original = true; if (THUMBNAIL_SHOW_ORIGINAL == 'false') {$show_original = false;} // // Set jpeg compression quality for resampled images. $jpeg_quality=THUMBNAIL_JPEG_COMPRESSION; // The default is 100. // END CONFIGURATION SETTINGS // Note: In order to manually debug this script, you might want to comment // some header() lines -- otherwise no output is shown. // reverse strrchr(), taken from [url="http://nl2.php.net/manual/en/function.strrchr.php"]http://nl2.php.net/manual/en/function.strrchr.php[/url] function reverse_strrchr($haystack, $needle) { return strrpos($haystack, $needle) ? substr($haystack, 0, strrpos($haystack, $needle) +1 ) : false; } function modify_tn_path($file) { global $tn_path; if ($tn_path=='') return $file; else{ // append the thumbnail-path to the path $pathSep = "/"; //$pathSep = strstr(PHP_OS, "WIN") ? "\\" : "/";; $path = reverse_strrchr($file,$pathSep); error_reporting(E_ALL); if ($path===false) return $tn_path . $file; else return str_replace($path,$path . $tn_path,$file); } } function http_headers($file='') { // // This function supports the use of browser-caching (optional) // // A 304 (Not Modified) will be sent when the thumbnail has not changed // since the time it was last cached by the client // A 200 (OK) will be sent when the thumbnail was not cached by the client // or when the thumbnail was cached but changed afterwards // A 404 (Not Found) will be sent when the thumbnail is not found (optional) global $use404, $tn_browser_cache; if (isset($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]) && $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] == "HTTP/1.1") $httpProtocol = "HTTP/1.1"; else $httpProtocol = "HTTP/1.0"; if (file_exists($file)) { if (isset ($_SERVER["HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL"])) { $tn_browser_cache = strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL"]) == "no-cache" ? false : $tn_browser_cache ; } //Build our entity tag, which is "inode-lastmodtime-filesize" $lastModified = filemtime($file); $lastModifiedGMT = $lastModified - date('Z'); $lastModifiedHttpFormat = gmstrftime("%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z", $lastModified); // Don't use inode in eTag when you have multiple webservers, instead I use a dummy value (1fa44b7) $eTag = '"1fa44b7-' . dechex(filesize($file)) . "-" . dechex($lastModifiedGMT) . '"'; if ($tn_browser_cache){ $lastModifiedFromHttp = "xxx"; if (isset ($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"])) { $lastModifiedFromHttp = ($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"] === "") ? "xxx" : $_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"] ; } // Read sent eTag by browser $foundETag = ""; if (isset ($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"])) { $foundETag = stripslashes($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"]); } // Last Modification Time if ($lastModifiedFromHttp == $lastModifiedHttpFormat) { $sameLastModified = true; } elseif (strpos($lastModifiedFromHttp,$lastModifiedHttpFormat) !== false){ $sameLastModified = true; } else { $sameLastModified = false; } if (($eTag == $foundETag) && $sameLastModified){ // same eTag and Last Modification Time (e.g. with Firefox) $is304 = true; } else // no eTag supplied, but Last Modification Time is unchanged (e.g. with IE 6.0) $is304 = (($foundETag == "") && $sameLastModified); if ($is304) { // // They already have an up to date copy so tell them if ($lastModifiedGMT > 946080000) { // 946080000 = Dec 24, 1999 4PM // only send if valid eTag header("ETag: " . $eTag); } header("Status: 304 Not Modified"); header($httpProtocol . " 304 Not Modified"); header("Connection: close"); exit(); } } // // We have to send them the whole page header('Pragma: '); header('Expires: '); if ($tn_browser_cache){ if ($lastModifiedGMT > 946080000) { // 946080000 = Dec 24, 1999 4PM header('ETag: ' . $eTag); } header('Last-Modified: ' . $lastModifiedHttpFormat); header('Cache-Control: private'); } else { header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); } } else { if ($use404) { // // send them a 404 http response header header("TEST404: TEST404"); header("Status: 404 Not Found"); header($httpProtocol . " 404 Not Found"); exit(); } else { // // show a custom error-image (non-cacheable by the browser) header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // Always modified header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); // HTTP/1.1 header("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0 header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); $src = imagecreate($_GET['w'], $_GET['h']); // Create a blank image. $bgc = imagecolorallocate($src, 255, 255, 255); $tc = imagecolorallocate($src, 0, 0, 0); imagefilledrectangle($src, 0, 0, $_GET['w'], $_GET['h'], $bgc); imagestring($src, 1, 5, 5, 'Error', $tc); imagejpeg($src, '', $jpeg_quality); imagedestroy($src); exit(); } } } // Get the size of the image: $image = @getimagesize($_GET['img']); // Check the input variables and decide what to do: if (empty($image) || empty($_GET['w']) || empty($_GET['h']) || (empty($allow_larger) && ($_GET['w'] > $image[0] || $_GET['h'] > $image[1]))) { if (empty($image) || empty($show_original)) { http_headers(); } else { // 2Do: Return the original image w/o making a copy (as that is what we currently do): // $_GET['w'] = $image[0]; // $_GET['h'] = $image[1]; } } // Create appropriate image header: if ($image[2] == 2 || ($image[2] == 1 && $gif_as_jpeg)) { header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); if ($tn_server_cache) $filename = modify_tn_path($_GET['img'] .'.thumb_'.$_GET['w'].'x'.$_GET['h'].'.jpg'); } elseif ($image[2] == 1 && function_exists('imagegif')) { header('Content-type: image/gif'); if ($tn_server_cache) $filename = modify_tn_path($_GET['img'] .'.thumb_'.$_GET['w'].'x'.$_GET['h'].'.gif'); } elseif ($image[2] == 3 || $image[2] == 1) { header('Content-type: image/png'); if ($tn_server_cache) $filename = modify_tn_path($_GET['img'] .'.thumb_'.$_GET['w'].'x'.$_GET['h'].'.png'); } // If you are required to set the full path for file_exists(), set this: // $filename = '/your/path/to/catalog/'.$filename; // Protect against visitors resizing images at will and eating up your server resources (only allows images up to 4x the original). if ($_GET['w'] < $image[0] * 4 && $_GET['h'] < $image[1] * 4) { if (file_exists($filename) && $tn_server_cache && filemtime($filename) > filemtime($_GET['img'])) { // Output Cache Headers http_headers($filename); if ($image[2] == 2 || ($image[2] == 1 && $gif_as_jpeg)) { $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename); imagejpeg($src, '', $jpeg_quality); } elseif ($image[2] == 1 && function_exists('imagegif')) { $src = imagecreatefromgif($filename); imagegif($src); } elseif ($image[2] == 3 || $image[2] == 1) { $src = imagecreatefrompng($filename); imagepng($src); } else { // Not an image or imagecreatefrom...-function does not exits. // Let's output an error http_headers(); } } else { // create thumbnail directory if not exist. $tmp_path = str_replace(basename($filename), '', $filename); if (is_dir($tmp_path) == false) mkdir($tmp_path); // Create a new, empty image based on settings: if (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor') && $use_truecolor && ($image[2] == 2 || $image[2] == 3)) { $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($_GET['w'],$_GET['h']); } else { $tmp_img = imagecreate($_GET['w'],$_GET['h']); } $th_bg_color = imagecolorallocate($tmp_img, $r, $g, $B); imagefill($tmp_img, 0, 0, $th_bg_color); imagecolortransparent($tmp_img, $th_bg_color); // Create the image to be scaled: if ($image[2] == 2 && function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) { $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($_GET['img']); } elseif ($image[2] == 1 && function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) { $src = imagecreatefromgif($_GET['img']); } elseif (($image[2] == 3 || $image[2] == 1) && function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) { $src = imagecreatefrompng($_GET['img']); } else { // Not an image or imagecreatefrom...-function does not exits. // Let's output an error http_headers(); } // Scale the image based on settings: if (empty($allow_larger) && ($_GET['w'] > $image[0] || $_GET['h'] > $image[1])) { // existing image is smaller than thumbnail so create the thumbnail // with the smaller original image centred on it $dx = ($_GET['w'] - $image[0]) / 2; $dy = ($_GET['h'] - $image[1]) / 2; imagecopy($tmp_img, $src, $dx, $dy, 0, 0, $image[0], $image[1]); } else if (function_exists('imagecopyresampled') && $use_resampling) { imagecopyresampled($tmp_img, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $_GET['w'], $_GET['h'], $image[0], $image[1]); } else { imagecopyresized($tmp_img, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $_GET['w'], $_GET['h'], $image[0], $image[1]); } // Output the image: if ($image[2] == 2 || ($image[2] == 1 && $gif_as_jpeg)) { if ($tn_server_cache) { $thumbnail = modify_tn_path($_GET['img'].'.thumb_'.$_GET['w'].'x'.$_GET['h'].'.jpg'); imagejpeg($tmp_img,$thumbnail, $jpeg_quality); http_headers($thumbnail); } else { http_headers($_GET['img']); } imagejpeg($tmp_img, '', $jpeg_quality); } elseif ($image[2] == 1 && function_exists('imagegif')) { if ($tn_server_cache) { $thumbnail = modify_tn_path($_GET['img'].'.thumb_'.$_GET['w'].'x'.$_GET['h'].'.gif'); imagegif($tmp_img,$thumbnail); http_headers($thumbnail); } else { http_headers($_GET['img']); } imagegif($tmp_img); } elseif ($image[2] == 3 || $image[2] == 1) { if ($tn_server_cache) { $thumbnail = modify_tn_path($_GET['img'].'.thumb_'.$_GET['w'].'x'.$_GET['h'].'.png'); imagepng($tmp_img,$thumbnail); http_headers($thumbnail); } else { http_headers($_GET['img']); } imagepng($tmp_img); } else { // Not an image or image...-function not supported // Let's output an error: http_headers(); } // Clear the image from memory: imagedestroy($src); imagedestroy($tmp_img); } } ?> Quote
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