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Saving an order's shipping method


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I've only seen a few posts with this question, and never an answer.


Does OSC store the shipping method for an order somewhere? I've been through almost every DB table, and can't seem to find any location where it's stored.


I'd like to have the selection stored, then have the shipping method displayed in the order list for processing, as well as on the packing slip / invoice.


I'm ready to just figure this out myself and make a contribution for it. But if it's already been figured out and done by someone else, no sense in duplicating the effort.

I've only seen a few posts with this question, and never an answer.


Does OSC store the shipping method for an order somewhere? I've been through almost every DB table, and can't seem to find any location where it's stored.


I'd like to have the selection stored, then have the shipping method displayed in the order list for processing, as well as on the packing slip / invoice.


I'm ready to just figure this out myself and make a contribution for it. But if it's already been figured out and done by someone else, no sense in duplicating the effort.

Did you make a test order and see what the results are?


Yes, it is stored somewhere...export_orders_to_csv_v22 module withdraws it and places it into a csv. I think this is the code from the module that withdraws it.


// -------------------- QUERIES 5 ------------------------------------//


$orders_shipping = tep_db_query("select title, value from orders_total

where class = 'ot_shipping' and orders_id = " . $Orders_id);

//$row_orders_shipping = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_shipping);

while($row_orders_shipping = mysql_fetch_array($orders_shipping)) {

// end //

$Order_Shipping_Total = $row_orders_shipping["value"];

$Shipping_Method = filter_text($row_orders_shipping["title"]); // Shipping method from query 5



OK, turns out this is no longer an issue. An older version of OSC I'm using on a heavily modified site didn't have that, while the latest version of OSC does have it.


And for the benefit of those also looking for this info, it's stored in the orders_total table.


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