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Linking a product category straight to one product


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I have a product category that only has one item.


When you click the category, it drills down to what I would call a thumbnail list of the items within that category.


As I only have one item in there, I want to skip that altogether and have the link go right to the product page.


I would be grateful for any assistance. Thanks in advance.


Does anyone have any ideas on this, I have not found the answer in several days and it's holding me up.


Is this even possible?


If I have a category with one item, I want to be able for the customer to click the category and go straight to the product and be able to add to basket, skipping out the sub section list altogether.


Could I work around it like changing the the target URL of the category link. i.e. leaving the site as it is but skipping the thumbnail list by changing the link properties of the category link?



  • 3 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This issue has been raised and addressed many times, its not a problem to solve in osC but could be for Oscmax



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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