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Problem with 2checkout - merchant says i'm collecting CC info


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So i opened a 2checkout account and added my vendor # to the 2checkout payment module. I tested how it works and it collects credit card information twice: First time on my site and second time on 2checkout site. Few hours later i get a letter from 2checkout:



During a 2Checkout account review, it was determined that you are

collecting customers' credit card information via your cart system.

This contravenes the Credit Card Association rules that only a Merchant

Account holder can collect credit card information.


2Checkout.com provides a secure interface for payments to ensure that

the security of our customers is not compromised, and that payments are

received reliably. For these reasons, all credit card information for

purchases made from 2Checkout must be made directly from 2Checkout's

interface. Your shopping cart manufacturer can assist you with a

plug-in to ensure the credit card information is collected on the 2Checkout

secure server. In order to reduce delays in your ability to accept

sales, please address this issue at your earliest possible convenience

and contact me at --------


How can i modify my site not to collect any type of credit card information from the customers? Do i have to patch it with any 2checkout contributions?



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Check your payment modules again.

Maybe the "Credit Card (Not For Production Use)" is installed.

If it is, uninstall/remove it.


I had "Test" selected instead of "Production" - but still didn't fix the problem

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Remove the Credit Card module. It can not be used with 2checkout as they are the credit card processor.


The Credit Card module that comes with osc is to be used only if you accept cards and then process them yourself.

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So i opened a 2checkout account and added my vendor # to the 2checkout payment module. I tested how it works and it collects credit card information twice: First time on my site and second time on 2checkout site. Few hours later i get a letter from 2checkout:



During a 2Checkout account review, it was determined that you are

collecting customers' credit card information via your cart system.

This contravenes the Credit Card Association rules that only a Merchant

Account holder can collect credit card information.


2Checkout.com provides a secure interface for payments to ensure that

the security of our customers is not compromised, and that payments are

received reliably. For these reasons, all credit card information for

purchases made from 2Checkout must be made directly from 2Checkout's

interface. Your shopping cart manufacturer can assist you with a

plug-in to ensure the credit card information is collected on the 2Checkout

secure server. In order to reduce delays in your ability to accept

sales, please address this issue at your earliest possible convenience

and contact me at --------


How can i modify my site not to collect any type of credit card information from the customers? Do i have to patch it with any 2checkout contributions?




You have an old 2checkout module, go to the contributions section of this website download a newer 2checkout module and install it.

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