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Setting Permissions "includes/configure.php" at Yahoo


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How exactly is "admin/includes/configure.php file is set to 777" done for a yahoo site? I am a real newbie here but I have been searching for the answer in this forum and came up short. I have found the actual configure.php file and found nothing obvious in the coding to change (told you I was a newbie :-) I could not fig out how to do this from the admin panel. If I am supposed to change configure.php to 777, what is it to begin with? Please help.


You change permissions with an ftp program (right click and chmod) or through your hosts control panel. The former doesn't always work. You will need to ask your host about the latter since it is host specific.



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You change permissions with an ftp program (right click and chmod) or through your hosts control panel. The former doesn't always work. You will need to ask your host about the latter since it is host specific.



Thanks so much for your quick reply! I was using a program "FTP Commander" that could not do this. I swithced to Dreamweaver and I see it has that option. I will try it now and see if it works on the Yahoo server.


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