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How to send an email when order is status X ?


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I have created a different email which creates a PDF and attaches it to an email. Because I use a payment gateway I only want to send the supplier email when the gateway transaction is successful and the order is set to the status "Payment Received".


I know I need an if statement to check the status of the order but I am having a little trouble getting it to work.


This is what I have so far.


if ($order->info['order_status'] == '88990') {

tep_mail_string_attachment('', $supplier, $email_subject, '', STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, $pdf_po, $file_name);





With "88990" being the status number in which I want to send the email. The file I am changing is checkout_proccess.php




Thanks for any help you can offer

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