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Can't believe it's too many products


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Hi, all. I've spent the last six hours searching for a solution to this with no joy...


When in my Admin area, viewing my lists of categories/products (at //catalog/admin/categories.php?cPath=25, for instance), I have a problem. I have seven categories. Five of these categories have maybe a dozen items in them. These list just fine. However, in two of the categories I have 200 or products in each category.


I can view these items, getting the full list/rows, but the details section to the right of the rows of items doesn't get shown. This because it's crapped out with the following messages:


2006 - MySQL server has gone away


select products_name from products_description where products_id = '105' and language_id = '1'




2006 - MySQL server has gone away


select count(*) as total from sessions where sesskey = 'f218b531faf2fa01928f8527571c585c'




This is consistent, always on these two categories, but never on the other five. Product 105 is simply alphabetically the first one listed. Same on the other category, only it's product 209.


On the assumption that MySQL is timing out, I've tried monkeying around with my php.ini file and increasing the mysql.connect_timeout value but without getting stupid with this (like setting it to -1, or something) it's had no visible effect. It's not like it takes ages for the page to come back with the data or anything, taking maybe 20 seconds even though I'm viewing this over dial-up.


I've tried replacing the catalog/admin/categories.php and catalog/admin/includes/functions/database.php files with stock files from a default osc2.2RC2a install with no effect.


This started happening late last year but I've ignored it as I've been swamped with other work and I could still update the products manually through the database and later EasyPopulate so it wasn't a big deal. But I'm going to be having someone else help me with the day to day stuff soon and figured this would be a small job to get fixed. So far, I was wrong. Sheesh!


I feel my eyes crossing at this point and I'm no closer to a solution...


Any and all suggestions most heartilly welcome! Thank you all.




Hi, all. I've spent the last six hours searching for a solution to this with no joy...


When in my Admin area, viewing my lists of categories/products (at //catalog/admin/categories.php?cPath=25, for instance), I have a problem. I have seven categories. Five of these categories have maybe a dozen items in them. These list just fine. However, in two of the categories I have 200 or products in each category.


I can view these items, getting the full list/rows, but the details section to the right of the rows of items doesn't get shown. This because it's crapped out with the following messages:


2006 - MySQL server has gone away


select products_name from products_description where products_id = '105' and language_id = '1'




2006 - MySQL server has gone away


select count(*) as total from sessions where sesskey = 'f218b531faf2fa01928f8527571c585c'




This is consistent, always on these two categories, but never on the other five. Product 105 is simply alphabetically the first one listed. Same on the other category, only it's product 209.


On the assumption that MySQL is timing out, I've tried monkeying around with my php.ini file and increasing the mysql.connect_timeout value but without getting stupid with this (like setting it to -1, or something) it's had no visible effect. It's not like it takes ages for the page to come back with the data or anything, taking maybe 20 seconds even though I'm viewing this over dial-up.


I've tried replacing the catalog/admin/categories.php and catalog/admin/includes/functions/database.php files with stock files from a default osc2.2RC2a install with no effect.


This started happening late last year but I've ignored it as I've been swamped with other work and I could still update the products manually through the database and later EasyPopulate so it wasn't a big deal. But I'm going to be having someone else help me with the day to day stuff soon and figured this would be a small job to get fixed. So far, I was wrong. Sheesh!


I feel my eyes crossing at this point and I'm no closer to a solution...


Any and all suggestions most heartilly welcome! Thank you all.



Try to use set_time_limit(0);

May be this would be solve your problem.

When I was born, I was cryed and everyone around me was smiling.

Live our life so at the end,

I am the one who is smiling and everyone around me is crying.


on the very top of page..

When I was born, I was cryed and everyone around me was smiling.

Live our life so at the end,

I am the one who is smiling and everyone around me is crying.


Thanks, Praful.


I tried adding this, in turn, as the first line of code to both catalog/admin/includes/application_top.php and catalog/admin/categories.php. Results were the same as before.


Thanks for the suggestion, though.


Other thoughts, anyone?

Thanks, Praful.


I tried adding this, in turn, as the first line of code to both catalog/admin/includes/application_top.php and catalog/admin/categories.php. Results were the same as before.


Thanks for the suggestion, though.


Other thoughts, anyone?


i don't think it's a script timeout issue. look here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/gone-away.html


this lists a number of possibilities, but i'm not sure which one applies. if it were a timeout issue i would think it would be more consistent and happening with all categories, rather than just one or two. the example statements you provided do not appear to be too long (16mb) so i don't think that's it. without looking at the code, i'm leaning towards some other part of the code inadvertently closing the connection during the request. but read through the list and see if something else rings a bell. do you have any contributions installed that might affect the editing of categories?


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