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The e-commerce.

Page Set Up With Just Pictures

Lethal Designs

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Hello OS COMMERCE World B)




I want to make a page just fill with scrap pictures from customers who have purchased the clothing ... if you go to the front page http://209clothing.com/catalog/ you will see the picture I made of the fighters wearing 209 clothing ... besides the front page I dont know how to add pictures above anything...does that make sense lol lol ... like here ... http://209clothing.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=2 if i wanted to just had some photos and not stuff to buy between the small icon ( tees ) and the new products for April.... where would I do that.... hope I made a little sense LOL LOL


The index.php file works basically to output the data in 3 different ways, based on the selection that has been made. Try reading the file and find out where you can program your images. You can just do this with a little bit of testing by adding just one character to begin with.

The index.php file works basically to output the data in 3 different ways, based on the selection that has been made. Try reading the file and find out where you can program your images. You can just do this with a little bit of testing by adding just one character to begin with.



inside the index.php will I see the different page titles that I have created? Thats where I editied the front page but I didnt scroll the whole thing...am not to good with codes yet lol lol


Look for the following code (3 times):


<td class="pageHeading"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?></td>


This is displayed at the top of each page, so you could create a new table below it to show your images.

Look for the following code (3 times):


<td class="pageHeading"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?></td>


This is displayed at the top of each page, so you could create a new table below it to show your images.



The index.php file in which to find that code is in file manager and not define language right? I added that pic/banner of the fighters through define language ( os commerce )( index.php ) but I found that code you gave me in the file manager ( index.php ) . Also you say 3x's, is that because I have 3 categories ( head gear - mens - ladies ) ....so each time i see it that represent the start of the page..... when I add this "customer picture page" that will give me that <td class="pageHeading"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?></td> again so when I see it the 4th time in the (file manage index.php ) I will know that is the begininng of that page? Thanks for your help also.....I appreciate it :thumbsup:


Better don't make changes to the files through the osc admin filemanger / define languages, it can cause errors. Download the file catalog/index.php, make the changes to this file and upload it again.


The index.php consist of 3 parts;


part 1 (bottom part of the index.php file): default shown when customer lands at the shops main page. You used the welcome / main text in the language file to show your images here (no problem).


part 2: (top part of the index.php file) the part when the customer is browsing through your categories, the page is showing the subcategory images and the product listings. To show an image on top you would have to modify the code at the location I pointed you before.


part 3: (middle part of the index.php file) the part which is shown in case the customer makes a selection to show products from a certain manufacturer. Also here, to show an image on top you would have to modify the code at the location I pointed you before.

Better don't make changes to the files through the osc admin filemanger / define languages, it can cause errors. Download the file catalog/index.php, make the changes to this file and upload it again.


The index.php consist of 3 parts;


part 1 (bottom part of the index.php file): default shown when customer lands at the shops main page. You used the welcome / main text in the language file to show your images here (no problem).


part 2: (top part of the index.php file) the part when the customer is browsing through your categories, the page is showing the subcategory images and the product listings. To show an image on top you would have to modify the code at the location I pointed you before.


part 3: (middle part of the index.php file) the part which is shown in case the customer makes a selection to show products from a certain manufacturer. Also here, to show an image on top you would have to modify the code at the location I pointed you before.


Thank You....I will try this later when I get on my home computer and I will stop using os admin to make the changes and use DW :thumbsup: I'll let u know the out come....


I've done something like that to create some fixed extra pages in the shop for some clients. Some of my clients however want to have full control over these pages themselves, for them I mostly implement Information Pages Unlimited

I've done something like that to create some fixed extra pages in the shop for some clients. Some of my clients however want to have full control over these pages themselves, for them I mostly implement Information Pages Unlimited



which Information Pages Unlimited version....looks like v2.04 is the newest one? Can u direct me to the link at which one your referring to? What are some of the sites you have done ... I would like to look at them. Thanks Again :thumbsup:


So do you want the different pics in the same place on different pages? Or just one set of pics in this place on all pages?


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