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Our little shop has been getting pretty busy lately :)

In the morning we print off all orders, then go and pick the items for the orders from the stock rooms and bring them back to the office for packing. Working out what items to collect involves juggling a load of invoices and collating the information in your head.... not ideal...


What I'm looking for is a report that will show a total list of all items in all orders with a certain status. Then we just get a nice list to print off that shows what needs picking from stock. This should be fairly straightforward I'd guess and I can imagine would be a useful feature for most mail order companies. I've had a search of the forum and the contributions but I can't see anything that does anything like this though....


Can anyone suggest a contribution that would do what I'm after, or something close that I can modify for our purpose?


thanks in advance,

James :)

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