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Hi people,


I have a client that required an e-store, so I went for OSC. This is what I did for the price we agreed upon, which would include installation, some light customization to the appearance and insertion of 50 products. If at some point a professional template would be needed, I would need to buy one, since I am not interested in making one (nor do I have any talent for that).


I used

- Aesthetica Icon package to make the headings and buttons,

- gdlibrary thumbnail contribution

- ajax attribute manager contribution

- fckeditor contribution

- store pickup contribution


I made the manufacturers vertical image list by tweaking the manufacturers box. Then, when you are viewing a product, you don't see a box on the right for the manufacturer info, since I moved it to be under the price. Clicking the manu logo, you go to the manu site. I had more ideas for changing the product_info.php but I am not getting paid that much for it and I have other things to do.


I had to "break" the 'detect browser language' function, forcing it to display in slovene as default, since Firefox, unlike IE, has the english lang as default, even if it is a non-english distribution. Actually the client is not yet sure if he needs the store in more than one language, so I haven't yet made the buttons etc. for the english translation. So if you are interested enough to evaluate and give an opinion about the site, please do so while the slovene lang is set.


Colors inspired by the NightGlow template from some free templates site :)


Oh, the URL: http://ritosa.si/trgovina/


KK, tnxtnx, byebye :P


I went to view the site in english and noticed that you still had the default mainpage, you need to edit the english language file to match the other one




The design looks okay, but again:


1. No SSL

2. No Meta Tags

3. No SEO URL's


Without those the site won't do much business.



I went to view the site in english and noticed that you still had the default mainpage, you need to edit the english language file to match the other one



The other english pages also have not been edited.


Thank you for your comments.


As I have written already in the first post, at this point it is still uncertain if english is going to be needed. We need to clear that one out with the client.


Vger, I just checked and it seems SSL is not supported at the current host. Well, at least there will be no credit card transactions. But I should check that out, maybe the "zero" at the specifications page means that I did not install one.

Meta tags, didn't even notice there weren't any, heh. Weird that they are not implemented in osc.

Don't understand that about SEO urls. I think the urls are just fine. Each link to a product is descriptive, dunno what more can you do about it? :)


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