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Help with HTML on main page?


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Im trying to edit my main page contents, and i can edit plain text just fine to show new text in place of the default text.. But everytime I try to put a basic HTML table in there, the page comes up blank when viewed. Im using just the table tags, for a small table with 4 cells and some organized text and 2 miages. but cannot seem to get it inserted without breaking the page.


Im placing the HTML right where the regular text goes, any suggestions on how to get this to work?





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define('TEXT_MAIN', 'The basic rule for this code, is this:<br>
If you have a single tick mark in the code, it <b>MUST</b> have a slash before it.<br>
If it doesn\'t have the slash, PHP can\'t figure out what to do, and your page won\'t show at all.<br>
I hope I haven\'t gone too far with this little text demo.<br>
If you can\'t get your text to show after reading this, just post what you\'re trying to say, I\'ll try to help.');

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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