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link to product on order page


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Hello, I have been searching the forum but cannot find a solution, Im having a hard time locating the item that has been bought on the shop, so I was thinking maybe I can add a link to the product bought on the order page, so when i enter my orders list in the admin and click on the order I can then click on a link to the product.


Can anyone help me or help me find the topic?




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you can add your mail id in "send extra order emails too" under Admin > Configuration, so you know what stuff the customer bought.


Yes thank you I did, but that does not link to the product either with me

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In orders.php, if you find:




and replace with


'<a href="' . HTTP_SERVER .DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'product_info.php?products_id=' . $order->products[$i]['id'] . '" target="_blank">' . $order->products[$i]['name'] . '</a>'


that should do it I think (seems to work for me at least :) )

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