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Removing Text from Main Page


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Im sure this has been asked a million times. My brain cells just do not seem to grasp how to do this. I want to remove the following text below



Error Messages


If there are any error or warning messages shown above, please correct them first before proceeding.


Error messages are displayed at the very top of the page with a complete background color.


Several checks are performed to ensure a healthy setup of your online store - these checks can be disabled by editing the appropriate parameters at the bottom of the includes/application_top.php file.

Editing Page Texts


The text shown here can be modified in the following file, on each language basis:


[path to catalog]/includes/languages/english/index.php


That file can be edited manually, or via the Administration Tool with the Languages->English->Define or Tools->File Manager modules.


The text is set in the following manner:


define('TEXT_MAIN', 'This is a default setup of the osCommerce project...');


The text highlighted in green may be modified - it is important to keep the define() of the TEXT_MAIN keyword. To remove the text for TEXT_MAIN completely, the following example is used where only two single quote characters exist:


define('TEXT_MAIN', '');


More information concerning the PHP define() function can be read here.

Online Documentation


Online documentation can be read at the osCommerce Knowledge Base site.


Support is available at the osCommerce Support Site.



I already know how to get to the proper place to do this (edit the text), I just don't understand what characters go where. Be gentle and explain in non technical terms as much as possible. Im a Nebie here any Help is much Appreciated. Thank You

... I already know how to get to the proper place to do this (edit the text), I just don't understand what characters go where. Be gentle and explain in non technical terms as much as possible. Im a Nebie here any Help is much Appreciated. Thank You

Are you referring to the html tags like these?


<br> are line breaks

<b></b> makes the text bold

Are you referring to the html tags like these?


<br> are line breaks

<b></b> makes the text bold



No I want to do the following.

The text shown here can be modified in the following file, on each language basis:


[path to catalog]/includes/languages/english/index.php


That file can be edited manually, or via the Administration Tool with the Languages->English->Define or Tools->File Manager modules.


The text is set in the following manner:


define('TEXT_MAIN', 'This is a default setup of the osCommerce project...');


The text highlighted in green may be modified - it is important to keep the define() of the TEXT_MAIN keyword. To remove the text for TEXT_MAIN completely, the following example is used where only two single quote characters exist:


define('TEXT_MAIN', '');


I don't understand the problem. You asked how to remove the text and then posted directions on how to do it. Are you asking how to download a file, use an editor or something similar?



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I don't understand the problem. You asked how to remove the text and then posted directions on how to do it. Are you asking how to download a file, use an editor or something similar?




Sorry for the confusion. All I want to know is how do I remove the instructional Text from the Shopping cart main page, after installation of oscommerce.

Here is an example of what I want to remove.


(EXAMPLE-----> Error Messages


If there are any error or warning messages shown above, please correct them first before proceeding.


Error messages are displayed at the very top of the page with a complete background color.


Several checks are performed to ensure a healthy setup of your online store - these checks can be disabled by editing the appropriate parameters at the bottom of the includes/application_top.php file.

Editing Page Texts........................ETC ETC)

The text you previously posted says to edit define('TEXT_MAIN'... in the includes/languages/english/index.php file. That's what you need to do.





But that is the part I don't Understand. Once I get there ('TEXT_MAIN'... in the includes/languages/english/index.php file.) how do I do this.

I open the file then what do I do ???????


You are opening the file in a text editor aren't you?


If so ,move your cursor to the second capital T on the define line e.g. This


define('TEXT_MAIN', 'This is a default setup of the osCommerce project...');


and press the delete key until the line looks like this


define('TEXT_MAIN', '');


Save the file and upload it to your site.

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But that is the part I don't Understand. Once I get there ('TEXT_MAIN'... in the includes/languages/english/index.php file.) how do I do this.

I open the file then what do I do ???????

OK, that was the missing question. Geoffrey already explained the basic process. I would add that you need an ftp program and an editor, there are plenty of free ones of each). The procedure is to download the file to your computer using the ftp program, make the change using the editor and upload it again using the ftp program. There are other ways but I think this is the most common.



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