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admin password v1.43


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Hi all,


I need to change my admin password, but there doesn't seem to be a nice easy password change function in the backend. We are running v1.43 which seems to have a different admin p/w feature compared to later versions. The admin section in 1.43 is not protected via htaccess/htpasswd.


The login script runs the following sql which may give you a better idea of the DB infastructure.


$sQuery = "SELECT ID, MD5(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + ID + RAND(UNIX_TIMESTAMP())), sGUID FROM administrator WHERE (sName = '$psName') AND (sPassword = password('$psPassword'))";


Any ideas will be appreciated. I've tried to insert a new record in the DB with the following sql, but had no luck. Anyone got a simple way to change the password.


INSERT INTO administrator (`sName`,`sPassword`) VALUES ('username', MD5('password'))

version 1.43 of what?


Apologies it doesnt actually have a version number. It just says:


E-Commerce Engine Copyright © 2005 osCommerce


If it helps, the relevant db table schema is as follows:


administrator (ID, sName, sPassword, sGUID, sData)


without knowing which contribution or what it looks like, hard to say. what is a link to the area?


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