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How To Get New Products For April-May-June ETC Only Displayed On Main Page?

RC Heli Pilot

Recommended Posts

Hi Everyone.


I was hoping that someone could tell me how do you get the New Products Box at the bottom of the page to be displayed on the Main Front Page Only and not in the Categories Sections?



When i go to my Category Areas the New Products at the Bottom of the Page is Distracting and it makes the Sub-Catgories hard to see because of the New Products being there.


Could someone help me out please?


Thank You.


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just need to copy and paste.

Look for this:





Copy this and inserted after the default page on index.php


hope help... :blush:

Erwin D. Padilla

Web Developer and Linux Admin

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My guess is that if the new products thing is enabled on index.php it will be shown in the categories.


You might try tio change the main page to say specials and enable new products on specials and disable it on index.php

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just need to copy and paste.

Look for this:





Copy this and inserted after the default page on index.php


hope help... :blush:


I'm confused,...


You say to look for this




And then you say to copy and insert after the default page on index.php.


Where do i search for it and if i find it why am i re-inserting it if it's already there? :blink:




My guess is that if the new products thing is enabled on index.php it will be shown in the categories.


You might try tio change the main page to say specials and enable new products on specials and disable it on index.php



Isnt there just a way to remove something inside one of the .php pages that tells it to only be displayed on the main page and not in the Categories or Sub-Categoris Pages?


I discovered that the New Products that are being Displayed are the products that are in that Sub-Category and Not All of the New Products that have been added just the ones in that Category.



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This is what i want mine to do.


See this page: http://www.helidirect.com/index.php


It displays the New Products that have been added for the Month of April.


If you visit one of it's Sub-Categories like : http://www.helidirect.com/index.php?cPath=29


You'll see that those new products arent being listed.




Well,... Thats a bummer that no one is able to help me with this. I was really hoping that someone could or at least take the time to try and help me.


Well if someone happens to read this and knows the answers,... Please by all means let me know. I could really use the help.



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