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Install complete but wont load admin/index.php


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Here is the error I am receiving:


1054 - Unknown column 'configuration_key' in 'field list'


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration





I am certain that I am doing something wrong in mySQL when attempting to create the table. Any advise?

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try installing once again, the database has not loaded all the tables.

or if you are OK with phpmyadmin insert the following


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS configuration;

CREATE TABLE configuration (

configuration_id int NOT NULL auto_increment,

configuration_title varchar(255) NOT NULL,

configuration_key varchar(255) NOT NULL,

configuration_value varchar(255) NOT NULL,

configuration_description varchar(255) NOT NULL,

configuration_group_id int NOT NULL,

sort_order int(5) NULL,

last_modified datetime NULL,

date_added datetime NOT NULL,

use_function varchar(255) NULL,

set_function varchar(255) NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (configuration_id)


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