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Banking for adult website company


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I am starting up a adult gift and lingerie website company, however my personal bank, which is a major High Street bank in the UK rejected my business a/c application due to the "adult" nature of the business. Obviously there are other stores and websites with similar natures, and they must bank somewhere, has anyone got any experience of a bank who will take on "adult" businesses?



Thankyou, I looked at their website, but it appears that they are only a credit card processing solution, not an actual bank? I meant a UK bank where I could put the money I make from the business, make payments from etc.


I never knew that a bank could reject you as a customer because of the theme of your site.





Apparently they can, I guess it is just like any business really, they can choose what customers they do and don't want. I am interested in finding out though, as there is nothing that I can see on their main page about restricted business types, so I may write in and see what they say.


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