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simple shopping_cart.php qty link


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I have a little shopping cart design on my non-osc index page, similar to the one in the catalog, "you have # items in your cart." I need to get the "#" to be the real number of items in the cart...activate it, basically. What reference to the shopping_cart.php should I use?

I figure something like this:

<tr><td colspan=2 class=ch1>You currently have  <b><a class=ml1 href=http://mysite.com/catalog/shopping_cart.php> items</a></b></td></tr>

but I just can't get it to work. Am I even close??

Thanks for any help.

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Thanks Burt..still close...does the index.htm page (and other pages with this) need to actually be in the catalog folder (I guess I'd use a redirect from www.mysite.com to www.mysite/catalog/index.htm, or something like that)? My non-osc pages are in the public_html.




<td width="94%"><b><font size="1">You have <?php echo $cart->count_contents(); ?> items in your cart.<td width="3%"> </td>

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alright, sorry to double post.


<td width="3%"> </td>

<td width="94%"><font size="1">You have <a class=ml1 href="http://mysite.com/catalog/shopping_cart.php?"> echo $cart->count_contents(); item(s)</a>

in your cart.<td width="3%"></td>




I've been trying stuff like this for hours and it just ain't happening. it displays "item(s)" as a link to the shopping cart, but no qty in front. any ideas???

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alright, sorry to double post.

I've been trying stuff like this for hours and it just ain't happening. it displays "item(s)" as a link to the shopping cart, but no qty in front. any ideas???


you need to use php to get this to work, so change it to:

<td width="94%"><font size="1">You have <a class=ml1 href="http://mysite.com/catalog/shopping_cart.php?"><?php echo $cart->count_contents(); ?> item(s)</a>

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dave, that's what I have up now (I'll im you my test site), but i still get what's pictured above. It seems the > (after "$cart-") cuts the php code short.

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