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SSL Certificate snakeoil.dom... How do I get rid of it?


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I'm terribly confused right now, this is giving me a headache! The issue at hand:

When I try to enter account_edit.php I get a message that the server certificate for "snakeoil.dom" has expired.

It doesn't pop up anywhere else on the website that has SSL redirects in the links.

I do not have an ssl certificate yet, so I was very suprised. After searching for the origin of this certificate, I found some explanations. :blink:


One is that this certificate is a Israeli virus that should not be opened, while the other ones stated that it is a test certificate that comes with the standard Apache installation.

I asked my hosting company about it, as it wasn't there before. They informed me that it's popping up due to a script that I installed in oscommerce.

They couldn't see wich script is causing the error and that's where their assistence ended. And that although it is an Apache server, they do not install this certificate. :blink:

I don't have the faintest idea where to begin to solve this. Does anyone know how to fix this?


The "snakeoil" ssl certificate is a default part of the Apache install.


The way to get rid of it is for the server to have its own valid and trusted shared ssl certificate, which you could then use on your website.


Basically - your hosts are talking total c**p about this, and if they don't know how to resolve this problem then you should be worried about what else it is that they do not know!!



The "snakeoil" ssl certificate is a default part of the Apache install.


The way to get rid of it is for the server to have its own valid and trusted shared ssl certificate, which you could then use on your website.


Basically - your hosts are talking total c**p about this, and if they don't know how to resolve this problem then you should be worried about what else it is that they do not know!!



Thanks for your reply Vger! I thought it very strange that this is caused by some script I supposedly installed.

They were saying how it's oscommerce related and that I should find the answer here. Got me a bit upset, because I read that it comes with the standard Apache intallation. It felt like they were just trying to shut me up. :angry:

I have read about installing an ssl certificate, wich will make it go away. It just seems strange that it wasn't there before.

I can purchase a certificate from my hosting company, but then I will be needing a dedicated IP address, so they say.

I'll look into this right away. My shop is still under construction, so I didn't get to this part yet.

Thanks again!!




Okay, so I've found the problem! My host was right about the script causing the pop up!! :o

I had a NONSSL page request in the head of account_edit.php, but the links to the pages are SSL.

So by changing the script in the head to SSL, problem was solved. :sweating:


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