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The e-commerce.

CCGV (trad)


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I don't understand the CCGV. I installed it on my site but in the admin section it allows a price amount for the Gift Certificates, ( don't plan to use these at this time)


But doesn't allow one for the Coupons. These are what I want to use, but I want to be able to set the amount of the Coupon in percentage.


How do I set the Coupons for a percentage off? (Like (Coupon #A=10% off, Coupon #B =15% off, etc)?


I don't want amounts of money off, because $10.00 off on a $20.00 order doesn't leave no profit like it would on a $100.00 order. But 10% off on a $20.00 order is only $2.00 off, on a $100.00 order it's $10.00 off.

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Is this CCGV(trad) or CCGV? For CCGV(trad) go to your admin then select Vouchers/Coupons from the left menu. In there select Coupon Admin.

You should now see an insert button, click that. You can now enter your coupon info on that page. For Coupon A,ount set as 10%. Remember if using coupon amount you can not use free shipping. It's one or the other but everything is well explained in there.

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