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The e-commerce.

new type of e0commerce opportunities in China


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Please let me know if you are interested in this area in China, we can talk more. my email address is [email protected] and my msn is [email protected]. Started from here, we can talk over phone as well. Thanks a lot for your attention on this exciting field!





With the recording IPO of Alibaba over Hongkong's Stock Market, people started to realize the huge opportunity in

this untapped and growing field in China.


For the past two years, several companies have been getting funded with over 10M USD. They are very famous

either in China or abroad.









... ...


Famous VCs like Softbank, sequoia capital, NEA and etc continue to lead the efforts after their previous

enormous return over CTRP, FMCN, Google, Baidu, of course Alibaba and etc.


We believe the field still has huge potential and actually it is just the start of beginning!


1) China is so huge and the economy continues to grow at a fast rate even among the recession. Alibaba

has an valuation of around 84B(roughly 12B US Dollar) Hongkong Dollar as of now. In US, Amazon.com

has an valuation of over 30B USD and Ebay has a valuation of over 40B US Dollar, not to say that

traditional retailers like Walmart, BestBuy, Toys R and etc have been starting to putting goods online for

sale. Personally I believe that there would have several mutli-billion dollar public companies created from

China in not-too-distant future.


2) China's retailer market is generally fragmented. It is great opportunity for e-commerce to take the lead

and to build new type of retailer chain.


3) Comparing to other Internet related ventures, e-commerce's business model is solid and clear.



We are aspired to build the new type of e-commerce company in China which caters to the local shopping

habit and economic situation in China. We are working on it with very open attitude. The more people

participate, the bigger the market and hence it is good for everyone involved.


For my VC friends, I hope this group can be field for you to get involved in those exciting opportunities in

China, especially in the e-commerce field. There are no late comers as the field is so large!


For my friends who are interested in e-commerce field, it is a great place to compare notes, exchange

ideas and share resources. We are constantly looking for passionate and capable people to join at each

proper stage!


For my other friends, it may be a chance to observe a great company created from an early stage and it is a

great chance to get involved from a consumer side. :)


Thanks all for your participation, leads, feedback and encouragement!




Language disclaimer:


I am not a native English speaker and I didn't study English until late age.I am

trying to be very careful about my English writing. Do please let me know if there

are any errors or if those sentences are not appropriate and can be better

structured. If nobody points that out, I may not realize it and I would likely make

the same mistake again. So thanks in advance for your help and kindness! :)


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