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The e-commerce.

howto add field and sort by these fields


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Hi Everybody:


It is my first time with OsCommerce. I love the concept of the free stuff that works. I am learning now how to build an ecommerce and I found this forum and all the good free stuff. I achieved some of the modifications from the contributions and I am amazed of what people are capable to give to the community. I am really glad to have you guys. Congrats to each of you. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


1- I am working on a project for a shoes store where you have a lot of specs. I tried to add the extra fields (size, height) and shop by price contributions. Those are working but I would like to extend these extra fields and have the shop by size and by height.


2- I would like to add borders on the products showing up when you are in the main/home page and add more pictures on it:

from 3 x 3 to 6 x 6 pictures or more.


3- Also, a more complex question: i need to move the quick find, the shopping cart on the header.


Can someone help to find the solution or guide me to find it?


thank you all. :rolleyes:




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