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hello all,


i am looking for a way to offer a different price, on the same shop, with the same products for users of 2 different zones/countries, like europe sees price A and japanese buyers see price B.


before i install the contrib above: Anyone can tell me if this scenario is possible with Seperate Pricing Per Customer v4.2.1?


btw: is there another way of doing this or is there just this contribution?


thank you!



i am looking for a way to offer a different price, on the same shop, with the same products for users of 2 different zones/countries, like europe sees price A and japanese buyers see price B.


before i install the contrib above: Anyone can tell me if this scenario is possible with Seperate Pricing Per Customer v4.2.1?

Sure, after they have registered and you now know from which country they are you can write code that put them automatically in different customer groups.


However, showing visitors who have not logged-in different prices on the basis of their IP-address is a whole different matter. I guess it would be possible (Google does it when showing ads IMO) but I don't know if there are contributions who do that in osC (can't say I have seen it).

Sure, after they have registered and you now know from which country they are you can write code that put them automatically in different customer groups.


However, showing visitors who have not logged-in different prices on the basis of their IP-address is a whole different matter. I guess it would be possible (Google does it when showing ads IMO) but I don't know if there are contributions who do that in osC (can't say I have seen it).


thanks. so i hope i can manage the first step. but surely before logging in it would make sense to blend out the prices! can this be done with any contribution?

(visitors and users who are not logged in can see the products but cannot see any prices).


sad that osc cannot handle this scenario :(, as powerful as it is...

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