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The e-commerce.

smtp program with oscommerce


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Can anyone tell me if I need smtp software to test sending emails on oscommerce on my local machine using apache or can i use outlook..?


Really stuck on this one


Error reads

Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 501 5.5.4 Invalid Address in c:\easyphp1-8\www\myshop\catalog\admin\includes\classes\email.php on line 524






You can download Postcast server. It's an smtp server program.

You can install and use it to test email being sent from a local oscommerce installation.


I used this when I was testing osCommerce locally installed in my machine.

I needed to see if osCommerce mail was working and what mail was being sent when "test" customers register, complete a purchase, etc.


WARNING! Using Postcast turns your computer to an smtp server and can expose your machine to the oustide. You'll need a good firewall to reduce your risk of exposure. Also, I highly suggest that you turn on Postcast only when you need to test email and quit/exit the program when you're not.


Other options:


Hamster - similar to Postcast server - same warning applies



smtp through the authentication smtp server



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