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Eway payment contrib - MS XML on Linux?


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Hi, I'm having a hell of a time figuring out how to set up payment modules correctly. If there's any actual documentation or best practices on it, please let me know; it just seems to be a mish mash of modules with very limited text file help or lots of unanswered forum posts (here's hoping this doesn't become another one...)


Anyway.. Can anyone please tell me if this module: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,875/ will work on a unix based server? The description text says it needs "Microsoft XML version 2 or 3 (3 preferred) to be installed on your web server to run this module." The server which the OSc site will be run on is a linux based machine. I have already tried this contrib a few weeks ago with no luck. After throwing my hands in the air and working on something else for a while, it's now time for me to try this again.


Is this contrib Microsoft only? If so, how do I get this to work on the linux server? Is there a different module? The server has all the xml bells and whistles afaik; do i just need a different eway module?


Thanks very much

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