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Box titles. Anyone know how to change?


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I just installed a new template. I also installed my norwegian language pack. Then I got a problem. On my earlier template the box titles could be changed by editing the box picture but not on this one. The box titles come automatic and I do not know witch php file to edit that is in controll of this feature.


Do anyone know what I mean couse I do not know if my explanation is god.


If anyone can help I would be greatfull.


My site: http://www.fineklokker.com



I just installed a new template. I also installed my norwegian language pack. Then I got a problem. On my earlier template the box titles could be changed by editing the box picture but not on this one. The box titles come automatic and I do not know witch php file to edit that is in controll of this feature.


Do anyone know what I mean couse I do not know if my explanation is god.


If anyone can help I would be greatfull.


My site: http://www.fineklokker.com



in your catalog/includes/languages/norwegian.php file.


Look in /catalog/includes/languages/norwegian.php


Look for defines that have BOX_HEADING in them like this:


// categories box text in includes/boxes/categories.php
define('BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES', 'Categories');

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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