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The e-commerce.

more customized by customers themselves


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hi there, I have found a very interesting website, which customers can customize colors or content of the products that they want, is there a contribution like that? I think it is a kind of contribution which is used flash and xml !


Could somebody tell me something about that?


thanks a lot,



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hi there, I have found a very interesting website, which customers can customize colors or content of the products that they want, is there a contribution like that? I think it is a kind of contribution which is used flash and xml !


Could somebody tell me something about that?


thanks a lot,





is there anybody know about the contribution?

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If anyone can figure out if that was an open source project I would be very interested to play around with it.



I thought it is some kind of contribution by OSC, just integrated flash and xml

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I can't read what it's saying but I would imagine that it was created in-house by their web designer or hired a third party flash designer. If it IS a contribution, it probably isn't free. Looks like it is well customized to suit their specific needs.

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