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Why do All Taxes work except for BC


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Help Please....


I have a customer that has placed an order but there where no taxes charged for her order.

I have had customers order from Alberta and manitoba and ontario and all the provinces but now this order is from British Columbia and although it is set up just like all my other provinces for some reason it is not charging any tax at all for BC.


Someone please help ASAP.

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Help Please....


I have a customer that has placed an order but there where no taxes charged for her order.

I have had customers order from Alberta and manitoba and ontario and all the provinces but now this order is from British Columbia and although it is set up just like all my other provinces for some reason it is not charging any tax at all for BC.


Someone please help ASAP.

Well thankfully I figured it out. For some reason there where 2 Canada's in countries and the one had AB as a code for some reaons. My client picked that country instead of the normal Canada and that is why it did not work.

All good now..


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