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The e-commerce.

Any 3rd party software?


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Well, hello, that'd be my very first topic on this forums.


I've been browsing through, checking out how you all guys are doing with your osCommerce shops.


I got myself one, but it's still in beta tests and I have no customers yet but it's all going in very good direction to be good, ready and running in few upcoming weeks.


So I'm wondering if you guys (especially those of you who have big traffic and a lot of transactions) are using any type of 3rd party software. Any applications that are made to manage the sales (waiting, paid, sent etc)


What I'm thinkink about is when you reach for example 20+ sales per day, how do you manage it? I'm afraid I might get lost between in. Who ordered what, did he pay, have I sent the object he ordered? Have I informed him via email that his order was assembled and sent away. Is it all managable through the web admin form? Or do you have some kind of software that connects to your database and does it all for you.



I hope I expressed myself clear enough to get an answer - sorry for my english, it's not my first language.




Mike R.

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It is all managed by the admin page. Orders have status flags that you can change to whatever you want. I have several...

Pending (when the order first comes in)

Awaiting Stock (if something is out of stock, holding up the order)

Awaiting Customer Feedback (if I need feedback from customers like address verification, extra fraud check info, etc)

Partial Shipment (if I shipped out an order that was incomplete)

Awaiting eCheck To Clear (if customer pays with a Paypal eCheck)

Awaiting Payment (if customer is sending in money order)

Shipped (when the order has bee shipped)


A distributor of mine has


Processing (guess this is where they make sure payment is received, etc)

Pulling Order



All orders have comments that I use to contact my customer with regarding questions and such. As well, for notes about the orders themselves. These are accessible to the customer as well so don't include anything you would not want your customer reading.


When I receive e-mails about the orders, I update the comments in the particular order with a copy of their e-mail, and my response.


You can also see the date and time the comments were made to know if something should be followed up on if the order is sitting there for too long.

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