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The e-commerce.

My sites not closing the deal?


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I've had my site www.volumestereos.com up for several months. I'm just starting to get some decent, relatively stable traffic but very few sales.


When I check who's online using oscommerce there is often people with stuff in there shopping cart but almost none are closing the deal and buying the item.


Anyone have any suggestions what I can due to entice users to close the deal?




Well I have a few more questions.


-Exactly how long have you been online

-Have you done any research on what your competition is selling at

-How much traffic do you get per day

-What's your conversion rate

-Where are you advertising if you are advertising


With those questions I can better answer your question.


It might be a good idea to mask the account creation page (this has been explained in quite a few posts) to remove the idea of creating an account.


The process is to rebrand the create_account.php page and bypass the login.php page completely. There is also a way to merge the payment and shipping page which should shorten the checkout and help conversion rates.


Do you have analytics or anything to work out at what stage the customer is abandoning the cart?




Your site looks nice but...


"Volume Stereos does not take returns of any working product"...Is that legal with distance selling? Not in the UK & apart from that it wouldn't impress me.


No physical address...where are you based?


No privacy statement...reassuring me about my data protection. (Sorry just seen it & it doesn'y say you won't sell my data etc. Very short)


ps didn't see powered by oscommerce.


I do not have a clue about car radios, so as said above I assume you are competitive & have been around long enoug for the search engines to do their magic.


Again I like the look of your site,but personally these would make me um & ar about buying.


Good luck






If you know where people abandon their carts would be useful information. (I didn't notice any outside tracking code.)


I threw something in a cart and clicked checkout.


It does seem like an endless process when signing up for an account


K3D has a point of of the mask. I wonder if the account creation success page could be omitted from the lineup.


I stopped my test at the payment selection page as you didn't mention we could do test orders. (Yes, I know - I am welcome to put anything in the cart and use anyone of my real credit cards. "Test" as often as I like...)


I did not get any type of glitch while attempting to checkout. I can't see any technical reasons.


It is possible your customers may be in multiple stores shopping and are choosing the "best deal" and using their carts to hold things.



Thanks for all these great tips and advice.


I have been online since January 2008, I realize this is probably not enough time to let the search engine do their magic. I was amazed I'm getting about 100 unique visitors a day. I did a lot of research to make sure my prices are extremely competitive with the competition.


Masking the account creation page is a great idea, I'll check into that.


Warrenerjm, those are great idea about reaffirming customer's privacy and adding my physical address and return policy. I'm going to update that information.


What kind of outside tracking code would you recommend? Right now I use google analytics but only on the homepage?


I'll change the site to say 'powered by oscommerce' I didn't realize the proper etiquette. :)


Feel free to do test checkouts, just send me an e-mail or pm [email protected] so I know its a test.


thanks again.

Volume Stereos




What kind of outside tracking code would you recommend? Right now I use google analytics but only on the homepage?


Google Analytics. You want the code in a lot more than just your front page. Define at least one goal, say Shopping Cart and list the pages used for the process. In the future you will be able to see exactly where they abandon their carts. With the code in all the pages you will see the navigational patterns, entrance and exits pages, and a host of other information.


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