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I moved a site (countryfloors.com) from MIVA to OSCommerce last year. The client wanted to keep their payment host (Verisign/Interland), but process it through Paypal. I installed the US WPP module, after PayPal suggested it. It turned out, though, that it wouldn't work because it doesn't support having another company handle the transaction. The UK version, however, did. So I installed that and it seemed to work fine. Moreover, I had to disable the "direct checkout" feature because the client cannot enable that while using Verisign/Interland (they'd have to switch to PayPal for everything)


I found out last week that OSCommerce has not been passing shipping tax on to PayPal. I did a lot of digging in these forums, and no one has posted an actual fix to the problem. However, many refer to the problem being fixed in "the latest WPP module". So, I downloaded what I thought was the latest version, the "offical" release. I spent many, many, many hours hand checking all the code so I could move over all the fixes I'd done months ago (and those required by other modules) to the new module's larger collection of PHP pages.


I got it all working, and ran a couple of transactions. Success! Nope. It went through fine, but shipping tax is still not being added. So I go back to the forums, and discover that there are actually many different WPP modules. Can someone please tell me which module is the one with the fewest bugs and will solve this shipping problem? (or just tell me what the shipping fix is)


Here are the ones I've found:

Official PayPal Released Pro/Express Checkout – UK

PayPal Pro Direct Payments & Express Checkout

PayPal Website Payments Pro (UK) Direct Payments

PayPal Website Payments Pro (US) Direct Payments

Official PayPal Released Pro/Express Checkout - US

PayPal Website Payments Pro


These I'm more iffy on:


PayPal Payflow Pro (not sure if I'm using Payflow Pro or Payflow Link)

PayPal Website Payments Pro (UK) Express Checkout (I think I don't want this)

PayPal Website Payments Standard (I guess I need "pro", but I'm not sure)


Thanks, everyone.



is tax being added to the products? it is probably a matter of the order of tax and shipping in order total, as tax usually comes before shipping and it sounds like you need it after, thus change the order of display

is tax being added to the products? it is probably a matter of the order of tax and shipping in order total, as tax usually comes before shipping and it sounds like you need it after, thus change the order of display


Since the tax is being added to shipping to every stage of OS Commerce until it's sent to PayPal - meaning it's never visible in OS Commerce - where would I make that change? There's a lot of pages that have references like this.

Since the tax is being added to shipping to every stage of OS Commerce until it's sent to PayPal - meaning it's never visible in OS Commerce - where would I make that change? There's a lot of pages that have references like this.


Actually, your problem sounds as though it is related to a logic error in checkout_process.php that affects all payment modules that use the before_process() routine to set up the payment. The original code calls before_process() before order_total_modules->process(). The fix is to swap the two calls so that order_total_modules->process() is executed before payment_modules->before_process(). This is fixed in osC v2.2rc1. Here is the (fixed) code from checkout_process.php in rc1.


  $order_totals = $order_total_modules->process();

// load the before_process function from the payment modules


As far as the answer to your original question, I have used PayPal Pro Direct Payments & Express Checkout since version 0.1. I find it to be very reliable and stable. The developer provides support here in the forums, and addresses issues in a timely manner. However, it uses the PayPal Direct Payments API, which uses PayPal as the payment processor, unlike contributions that use the PayFlow API.

However, it uses the PayPal Direct Payments API, which uses PayPal as the payment processor, unlike contributions that use the PayFlow API.


Website Payments Pro in the US uses the PayPal API whereas the Website Payments Pro in the UK utilises the Payflow API.


Thank you all so much. I swear I went through every line of code looking for something tax-related - but I guess there wasn't one! Eventually I just disabled shipping tax. Then, out of curiosity, I checked the laws for California - and as long as you don't bundle the shipping cost you don't have to charge it. :rolleyes: But if I do get the client to use PayPal as the processor too, then I'll try out the module SteveDallas recommended.



Website Payments Pro in the US uses the PayPal API whereas the Website Payments Pro in the UK utilises the Payflow API.


My comment related to the contribution that I mentioned, not to the PayPal offering. It works for both US and UK merchants and uses the PayPal Direct Payments API (and the Express Checkout API for that functionality).



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