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The e-commerce.

Swedish language for MS2.2 rc2


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Going mad as I need Swedish version, otherwise I cant start selling.


I get this error when I select Swedish manually:




vs the working:




Im Using CRE Loaded PRO v6.2 based on OSCommerce just added modules.


All files in the right place, no such thing as afiliate_swedish.php included in the packedge but for fun I tried to change the name of swedish.php tp afiliate_swedish.php then said it was missing swedish.php insted.


What is the problem?


Thanks!!! :'( :angry: :blink: >_<


I got the language files from Maintainer: Olof Larsson


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This forum is for osC. CRE Loaded is a totally different program based a long time ago on osCommerce. Try their forum. I don't think they will be compatable now as with CRE the optimum work in their title is LOADED. You will not be able to just use an osCommerce language pack and expect it to work, there will be many errors and missing files.


See if CRE has a Swedish language pack, if they don't you are in for a LOT of translation to fill in the missing parts.

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This forum is for osC. CRE Loaded is a totally different program based a long time ago on osCommerce. Try their forum. I don't think they will be compatable now as with CRE the optimum work in their title is LOADED. You will not be able to just use an osCommerce language pack and expect it to work, there will be many errors and missing files.


See if CRE has a Swedish language pack, if they don't you are in for a LOT of translation to fill in the missing parts.



Well... According to CRE Loaded Customer Service they sent me this link to this site http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5826 And told me I should use that.

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There is no way that package will work out of the box. That is like telling someone with a Mac to just download a Windows program and then wonder why it won't work. CRE customer service should have a Swedish Language pack for their software.


The only other thing I can suggest is to get a list of all the addons that CRE puts into their software and see if there is a Swedish language files for ALL of them. Without ALL the files you will have error on your site because it will look for files that are not there.


It is not as easy as installing and expecting it to work and CRE customer service knows that. They gave you the easy option for them which is to let you create one for yourself.


Take your first error where it is looking for /languages/affiliate_swedish.php. There is no such file in osC and even if their was it would not be referenced that way. In osC it would be /languages/swedish/affiliate.php so the two programs are completely unrelated when it come to language files.

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Well... According to CRE Loaded Customer Service they sent me this link to this site http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5826 And told me I should use that.


:lol: *laughing*

Awsome they tell you to use my contribution for CRELoaded.



Thank you Java Roasters for answering and helping in a support thread that is not yours.

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