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Google Checkout Fees


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Hi all,


I am trying to find all of my fees for Google Checkout.


I have been told Google do send out a montly VAT invoice to you, with notification of the direct debit. If you can't/don't get it, log into your account, and you should under account options have the ability to print off past invoices.


I can't find this.


Please can you help!!!


Thanks :)

Thanks :)

I am trying to find all of my fees for Google Checkout.

Joke? First page https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogi...p;ltmpl=default

Inside of more info, https://checkout.google.com/seller/fees.html?hl=en&gl=GB

Free transaction processing.

All AdWords customers receive 10 times their monthly spend in free processing, all other transactions are processed at a low rate of 1.5% + £0.15 per transaction


I have been told Google do send out a montly VAT invoice to you, with notification of the direct debit. If you can't/don't get it, log into your account, and you should under account options have the ability to print off past invoices.

who told you? they automatically take the fee after charging of your client Credit or Debit card.

Please read this line: Do you want to find all the answers to your questions? click here. As for contribution database it's located here!

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