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Displaying Tax as a Symbol?


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In the checkout confirmation page where it shows the product and the tax percentage... ie. 10% or 0%.


What I would like change is if the tax class for a product = ' GST ' then I would like to display a ' * ' instead of 10%, and if there is no tax on a product to display nothing instead of 0%.


Also, when entering products about 95% of my products have a GST tax on them. Is there a way to default the product insert or editing page to display the GST tax class as the default tax in the combo box rather than no tax.


Many thanks,


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I would like to be able to do this... but where do I start?


How can I base my if statement on the tax class 'GST' and how would I display an '*' in place of the tax percentage, ie. 10%.


Anyone have any ideas of where I should start on this module?

"The price of success is perseverance. The price of failure comes much cheaper."

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