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Whats the PHP page that I can edit the category pages?


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I added the features contribution to be on index.php but now it appear in my category pages as well.


So when some one clicks on a category they see the featured products of the index.php.


I was wondering how to remove the featured products from the category pages.

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The index page is made up of three sections. It sounds like you added the code outside of those sections so that it appears in all of them. You will need to move the code to the bottom section (search for } ekse { ).



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The index page is made up of three sections. It sounds like you added the code outside of those sections so that it appears in all of them. You will need to move the code to the bottom section (search for } ekse { ).




Hi Jack, thanks for your reply, sorry, im just really bad with PHP and don't know what you are saying. I tried searching for ekse and ekse { ). on my index.php but it did not find anything. I added the features contribution and followed their instructions, but now it appears in all my category pages. I have no idea where it's calling it from. I just want to remove it from my category pages. I've searched everywhere but can't find an answer. Do you know where I can find more help for this?

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I'm sorry for the confusion. My brain can't keep up with my fingers sometimes so they just keep typing away until told to stop. :) The code you need to search for is

 } else { // default page

It's located in the lower third of the page (line 283 of a black shop). Then around line 321, there is this code


Any code you add between those two lines will show up, only, on the home page so you need to move code to be within that section.


The best way to get help with a particular contribution is to ask in the support thread for that contribution. That way, people that use it and work on the code are more likely to see it. If you must place a message in general support, then the message title should explain what the problem is. Your title doesn't mention the contribution you are having problems with so some that might be interested in helping with the answer may never even look at the thread.



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