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The e-commerce.

osCommerce Newbie Question

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Hello All,


Before installing osCommerce. I was wondering if there was a way to disable the purchase options in the system. Basically, I want my users to have all the features of an ecommerce system (product id, product descriptions, cats, sub cats, etc) without the ability to purchase anything. Can this be (relatively) easy done with osCommerce...a simple disabling of the purchase option??


Also, is there a way to have muliple image shots for a product? Thus far I've only seen one photo per product on most osCommerce sites...


Thanks in advance!!

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At the very least, just don't give your products prices when you add them...but you can put a general price in the description areas if you wish. Make text somewhere in the header (maybe insert in your logo) that the site is for informational purposes or something like that. There's probably also a way to make a "wish list" that works with your shopping cart..you'll have to search around a bit here on the forums and look in the contributions part under 'community," above. Good Luck.

edit: yes on the images...again theres contributions that do this (search "images" in contributions) and a friend of mine created a quick fix for this...I can send you the link if you pm me (not allowed to post other forums here I believe)

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Multiple images.. yes indeed you can. Simply go to the contributions area and search the terms "Multiple product images" and you will find some. I can think of Three images with admin and I believe another is called Ultra Pics... as 2 of them right off the bat. The Ultra Pics mod is either a newer one or has a newer version.. i'm not sure. You'll just have to read up on each one.


Iceman :thumbsup:


Hello All,


Before installing osCommerce. I was wondering if there was a way to disable the purchase options in the system. Basically, I want my users to have all the features of an ecommerce system (product id, product descriptions, cats, sub cats, etc) without the ability to purchase anything. Can this be (relatively) easy done with osCommerce...a simple disabling of the purchase option??


Also, is there a way to have muliple image shots for a product? Thus far I've only seen one photo per product on most osCommerce sites...


Thanks in advance!!

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