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https login and create an account problem


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I installed and I am updating an oscommerce website that has a template. I have a “Create an Account” and “Log In” link on the footer of my store home page. I have been unable to get them back to a secure https. I do not know how they came out of this state in the first place. Could someone tell me how to reconfigure these two pages (or links), so that when they are clicked they go into a secure https state, instead of a regular http state? Thanks



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since you are talking about a template and theres so many of them, you would need to look at the footer part to see how the url links are generated. normally, it'd have to be generated using the tep_href_link function with SSL as one of the parameters. if your site's other parts such as the checkout process are using SSL already, then your configure.php is OK and the problem is more likely in the footer.



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Thanks for your response. Could you tell me what should I change in the footer.php below to get those two pages secure?




$Id: footer.php,v 1.26 2003/02/10 22:30:54 hpdl Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License



require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'counter.php');






<tr><td class="bg">

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">

<tr><td valign="top" height="96" align="center">

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style=" width:732px;">

<tr><td height="6" colspan="2"></td></tr>

<tr><td width="732" height="83" class="bg6">

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="footer" style=" width:732px;">

<tr><td width="175" align="center"><?=tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES.'m22.gif')?></td>

<td width="542" align="right"><a href="<?=tep_href_link('specials.php')?>"><?=BOX_HEADING_SPECIALS?></a>  |   <a href="<?=tep_href_link('advanced_search.php')?>"><?=BOX_SEARCH_ADVANCED_SEARCH?></a>   |   <a href="<?=tep_href_link('reviews.php')?>"><?=BOX_HEADING_REVIEWS?></a>   |   <? if (tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) {

?><a href="<?=tep_href_link('account.php')?>"><?=HEADER_TITLE_MY_ACCOUNT?></a><? } else

{ ?><a href="<?=tep_href_link('create_account.php')?>"><?=HEADER_TITLE_CREATE_ACCOUNT?></a><? }

?>   |   <? if (tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) {

?><a href="<?=tep_href_link('logoff.php')?>"><?=HEADER_TITLE_LOGOFF?></a><? } else

{ ?><a href="<?=tep_href_link('login.php')?>"><?=HEADER_TITLE_LOGIN?></a><? }

?><br style="line-height:1px;"><br style="line-height:3px;"><?=FOOTER_TEXT_BODY?>   |  <a href="<?=tep_href_link('privacy.php')?>"><?=BOX_INFORMATION_PRIVACY?></a>  |  <a href="<?=tep_href_link('conditions.php')?>"><?=BOX_INFORMATION_CONDITIONS?></a></td>

<td width="15"></td></tr>



<td width="11"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('spacer.gif', '11', '1'); ?></td></tr>

<tr><td height="7" colspan="2"></td></tr>










since you are talking about a template and theres so many of them, you would need to look at the footer part to see how the url links are generated. normally, it'd have to be generated using the tep_href_link function with SSL as one of the parameters. if your site's other parts such as the checkout process are using SSL already, then your configure.php is OK and the problem is more likely in the footer.



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To make the account, login and create account links go SSL, all you should have to do is replace these code snippets:







tep_href_link('account.php', '', 'SSL')

tep_href_link('login.php', '', 'SSL')

tep_href_link('create_account.php', '', 'SSL')

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


"Given enough impetus a parallelogramatically shaped projectile can egress a circular orifice."

- Me -


"Headers already sent" - The definitive help


"Cannot redeclare ..." - How to find/fix it


SSL Implementation Help


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