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So helpful....


dont worry mate, i figured it out


if i'd known the hassle this cont has i would have stuck with what i had, and most people who add contributions include the files for file comparison and had this been the case with this one, it would have been completed many hours ago


thanks for taking your valuable time in reading these posts

So helpful....


dont worry mate, i figured it out


if i'd known the hassle this cont has i would have stuck with what i had, and most people who add contributions include the files for file comparison and had this been the case with this one, it would have been completed many hours ago


thanks for taking your valuable time in reading these posts

I've lost count now but I think a conservative estimate of the time I have invested into developing this contribution would be over 500 hours. That doesn't take into account the time I put in here helping people out, for free. And you are upset because I wouldn't do a search that you are perfectly able to do. Wow!



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thats what oscommerce is ALL ABOUT MATEY.......


if you dont like it then dont do it...Duh!!!


No mate - Its simply your attitude you've had and simply cant be bothered - you are so important for all that youve done...!


im so glad that 99% of contributors are NOT like you or have your attitude


and if you really dont have time then you wouldnt have posted that last one nor anything to this one - after all you could have simply posted the fix in the time you replied to these.............!



Jack - Hopefully, a quickie here. I haven't been on the forum for a while and it seems things have changed - with the style - now down to 24 pages? And, I couldn't figure out where to place this question, so I apologize if it's not in the proper category.


I didn't realize you had upgraded the header tags from 3.0.8. Actually, I have 3.0.7 and was finally working on my keywords, etc., when I went to seek some help, found the upgrades. So, have read through them and want to upgrade so that when I do work on the header tags, hopefully more of the problem areas will be fixed.


I read through all the updates and wondered if I just need to update:




When it says to upload all the files in the admin and catalog directories - do I compare them all again and make changes? Have they all changed?


Thanks - appreciate any help you can give me.



thats what oscommerce is ALL ABOUT MATEY.......


if you dont like it then dont do it...Duh!!!


No mate - Its simply your attitude you've had and simply cant be bothered - you are so important for all that youve done...!


im so glad that 99% of contributors are NOT like you or have your attitude


and if you really dont have time then you wouldnt have posted that last one nor anything to this one - after all you could have simply posted the fix in the time you replied to these.............!



Just would like to say that I wish that all contributors were like Jack. During last month I was getting familiar with oscommerce and tested number of contributions. I was very impressed with contributions that Jack wrote and shared with the community. His code is clean and all his contributions are very well documented. He is very quick to respond and even if he does not gets into details he always tries to point into the right direction, which is the essence of free help here. I agree that it is not always can answer the question, but then you can use paid help. I already check http://www.oscommerce-solution.com/ site where you can get help for very reasonable price. I hope that you will be able to appreciate Jacks contributions as much as I do even installation can be quite challanging.

Good luck

I read through all the updates and wondered if I just need to update:




When it says to upload all the files in the admin and catalog directories - do I compare them all again and make changes? Have they all changed?


Thanks - appreciate any help you can give me.



When upgrading through several versions, you need to follow the upgrade instructions for each one. Replacing files won't matter if they are replacedd in subsequent versions but there may be some other change that is important.


When it says to upload the files, it refers to the ones in the catalog directory of the contribution. Those are Header Tags specific files so they won't cause any problems on your site. The exception might be the includes/header_tags.php file but that is unlikely. To be safe, make a backup of yours first if you do replace it.



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Hi Jack,


I don't know if you can help me with this but we have the following 2 problems with the installation.

1 )When we make the following change in the product_info.php file:


FIND (around line 102)

<td class="pageHeading" valign="top"><?php echo $products_name; ?></td>

<td class="pageHeading" align="right" valign="top"><?php echo $products_price; ?></td>




<?php /*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/ ?>

<td valign="top"><h1><?php echo $products_name; ?></h1></td>

<td align="right" valign="top"><h1><?php echo $products_price; ?></h1></td>

<?php /*** End Header Tags SEO ***/ ?>



The header of our product page changes fontsize. now we changed this in the stylesheet with the new lines that have to be added and now the font size is normal in internet explorer but not in firefox. In firefox whatever changes you make to the stylesheet no font size change takes place. we changed the settings in firefox so it doesn't remember the page but to no avail. do you have a solution for this?



2) With the change below in internet explorer the box in the right part of the page of product_info changes place to exactly below the left part of the page, and this time only in internet explorer and not in firefox, in firefox it displays correctly. Any help is greatly appreciated.



FIND (around line 240)



<!-- body_text_eof //-->





<?php /*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/ ?>


<td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>



<td class="smallText" align="center"><?php echo TEXT_VIEWING; ?> 

<?php echo '<a title="' . $header_tags_array['title'] . '" href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $product_info['products_id'], 'NONSSL') . '"/# ' . $header_tags_array['title'] . '">' . $header_tags_array['title']; ?></a></td>


<?php /*** End Header Tags SEO ***/ ?>


NOTE: The placement of this is not critical. Anywhere neat the bottom of the

page is fine. You can also change or remove the TEXT_VIEWING text to

fit your site.


I don't have a suggestion for the first one. That code is the same as it has been for years and no one has reported such a problem so it would seem to be a problem in your installation, although I don't know what that might be. You can leave that code out if you want. It would be better, for the search engines, if it were in, but it is not required for the contribution to do its main job.


The second is due to the html of your page. Try moving that code to a different loaction. Be sure to insert it after a </tr>.



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Posted (edited)
Just would like to say that I wish that all contributors were like Jack. During last month I was getting familiar with oscommerce and tested number of contributions. I was very impressed with contributions that Jack wrote and shared with the community. His code is clean and all his contributions are very well documented. He is very quick to respond and even if he does not gets into details he always tries to point into the right direction, which is the essence of free help here. I agree that it is not always can answer the question, but then you can use paid help. I already check http://www.oscommerce-solution.com/ site where you can get help for very reasonable price. I hope that you will be able to appreciate Jacks contributions as much as I do even installation can be quite challanging.

Good luck


Much Agreed. I recently questioned Jack to death on his Links Manager II contrib support forum. One after another after another. I believe I own the last two pages of that thread now. Jack did not give up on me and kept me in the right direction. He even entertained my efforts in helping me modify the contrib to my needs outside his original code. Just wanted to make sure to publicly put out my thanks to Jack. Everyone needs to always keep in mind the efforts and principles this type of community is supposed to work around.. Perhaps not everyone can create a high end contrib like Jacks (me) but that is where it weighs in just as important to show your appreciation and not take the hard and free work for granted. Remember to show your thanks to these contrib authors, forum staff, and anyone who helps you out where deserved. So my personal thanks and I am sure I speak on behalf of a great deal of others in this saying "THANKS".

Edited by XxWickedxX
Posted (edited)

Hi everyone, quick question - installed and all working fine (BIG THANKS!) but in the HTML source the following shows:


<!-- start get_javascript(applicationtop2header) //-->

<!-- end get_javascript(applicationtop2header) //-->


Where is this being produced? As I can't find it for the life of me! :huh:


Thanks in advance!

Edited by morehawes



MacMan strikes again!


Always backup first before listening to me!


Joe - That's not Header Tags code. It may be STS, if you are using that or maybe something specific to your template.


Lana & Jason - Thank you both for the kind words. They are appreicated. :)



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Hi all,


Just spent a fair chunk of time installing this and I think that it very nearlt works. I've followed the troubleshooting info but still have no new title of my home page. When I run the test through admin page I get the following:


Test Results


Default Text Present:

The default root text, New Home Page Title, should be removed or changed for index.php with language ID of 1.

The default root text, products new home, should be removed or changed for product_info.php with language ID of 1.


Duplicate title found:

exists more than once.


Duplicate meta description found:

exists more than once.

The Header Tags head code for the index.php file cannot be found.

The Header Tags head code for the product_info.php file cannot be found.

The Header Tags head code for the product_reviews.php file cannot be found.

The Header Tags head code for the product_reviews_info.php file cannot be found.

The Header Tags head code for the product_reviews_write.php file cannot be found.

The Header Tags head code for the specials.php file cannot be found.


Has anybody else had and fixed this?






Oh yes yuo are quiet right! Thanks :blush:



MacMan strikes again!


Always backup first before listening to me!

The Header Tags head code for the index.php file cannot be found.

The Header Tags head code for the product_info.php file cannot be found.

The Header Tags head code for the product_reviews.php file cannot be found.

The Header Tags head code for the product_reviews_info.php file cannot be found.

The Header Tags head code for the product_reviews_write.php file cannot be found.

The Header Tags head code for the specials.php file cannot be found.

These mean the installation was not completed. See the Install_Catalog.txt file for the changes need to the index and product pages.



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Hi All,


I just installed this contribution and although everything went fine, I get an error at the top of my Admin page:


Failed to open file: /public_html/phpinfo.php


Anyone know how I may resolve this err message?


Thank you,


Hi All,


I just installed this contribution and although everything went fine, I get an error at the top of my Admin page:


Failed to open file: /public_html/phpinfo.php


Anyone know how I may resolve this err message?


Thank you,



One more thing: the phpinfo.php file is there it is just an empty file. What should it be?


That file has nothingto do with Header Tags but, in general, the path is wrong (/public_html/) so it would appear something is wrong with the configure file. But you will need to ask in the general forum for help with that.



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I am using a template I purchased. I had a successful RC2 install with the admin and everything running properly. No errors were found. The problem I have is the entire layout of the site is now distorted, images are in the wrong place the page layout is completely changed, etc. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to fix my current layout? I redid the upload and the layout gets messed up when I upload the includes folder. From reading it seems like the Header Tags Seo does not work with a pre-made template, is this correct? Or can I use the add-on but have to make some additional changes somewhere? Any help is appreciated, and if this can be installed for a fee please let me know how much.


Thanks in advance for the help!


Header Tags will work with any oscommerce shop - no matter the version. But the instructions are for a stock shop. There are way too many templates with different code layouts to even begin to describe how to install the changes. See my PM regarding your other question.



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That file has nothingto do with Header Tags but, in general, the path is wrong (/public_html/) so it would appear something is wrong with the configure file. But you will need to ask in the general forum for help with that.




Hi Jack,


If I comment out lines in the admin/header_tags_seo.php the error goes away. Does this help to determine what is wrong?


Thanks - Jon


Here is what I commented out:


/********************** RUN OPTIONS *********************/

// if (HEADER_TAGS_AUTO_ADD_PAGES == 'true')

// $newfiles = AddMissingPages($languages_id, $languages);

// else

// $newfiles = GetFileList($languages_id);



if (tep_not_null($missingTags = CheckForMissingTags()))

$messageStack->add(ERROR_MISSING_TAGS . $missingTags);



if (GetPermissions(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES) != Getpermissions($filename))

$messageStack->add(sprintf(ERROR_WRONG_PERMISSIONS, $filename, Getpermissions(DIR_WS_IMAGES)), 'error');


$optionPopup = array();

$commonPopup = array();

$defaultPopup = array();

$metatagsPopup = array();


// {

// $optionPopup = GetPopupText('option');

// $commonPopup = GetPopupText('common');

// $defaultPopup = GetPopupText('default');

// $metatagsPopup = GetPopupText('metatags');

// }



I am using a template I purchased. I had a successful RC2 install with the admin and everything running properly. No errors were found. The problem I have is the entire layout of the site is now distorted, images are in the wrong place the page layout is completely changed, etc. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to fix my current layout? I redid the upload and the layout gets messed up when I upload the includes folder. From reading it seems like the Header Tags Seo does not work with a pre-made template, is this correct? Or can I use the add-on but have to make some additional changes somewhere? Any help is appreciated, and if this can be installed for a fee please let me know how much.


Thanks in advance for the help!


Hello - I believe the problem you found is in the table (layouts and tags) for the index.php and the product_info.php. I did all of my updates maunally following the instructions very close, but since I started with a 3rd party template I had to make a lot of re-write for most of the these tow files so that my site would not look bad. Take a look at the table tags and make sure that they will work with your site's codes: just in case, when I say table tags I am talking about things like: <tr> </tr> <td> </td> - things like that. There are so many templates out there...


Other then that the contribution works great!


Hope that helps some!




Thanks - I found the problem. The file is empty and when the auto add page function checks for new files and runs across a file which is blank/empty it will produce this error message. Maybe in the a future relaese you can check it the file is empty/blank before the add new file - just a suggestion.


Thanks Again!


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