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Header Tags SEO


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I think I explained it little confusing.


at line 273


else //generic option was used

tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . $set . " where....


this $set variable has value from manufactures information above.


so I added in line #235 inside products info update area to make it to be just ' set ' when no more content to be added to $set...


hope this explains little more.





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Thanks, I understand now and, yes, you are correct. That is a coding problem. I'll change that in the next release. Thanks for pointing it out.



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1. includes/modules/sts_inc/general.php


$sts->template['headertags']= "<title>" . TITLE ."</title>";


2. includes/classes/sts.php


$this->template['headcontent'] = $this->template['headcontent'].$this->template['headertags']. "\n";;


THE BUG: you can change tags of any page except the index.php because it takes only default TITLE.




how to add :


require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php');
echo $preventDuplicates->finalMeta . "\n";


to the header of index.php STS template? or what to do to let it work normally on all pages?


any solution for this problem?

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Hi everyone,


Okay, dont know what happened yesterday but things are a little straighter today.


Using STS system with the header tags.


Index.php works fine, product info works fine.


The database has been updated with manufacturer and categories information using the mod fill function.


However these tags are not being displayed when on a category page (empty tags, but database has the information) or a manufacturers page (in this case default tags displayed although individual manufacturers data in database).


Can anyone advise what code I need to look at to put this right.





Edited by johnnybebad

Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.

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any solution for this problem?
That's an STS problem, or more specifically, a problem with your STS. I tried it here in a shop with STS installed and the titles change as expected. So either you have some version of STS that is not coded correctly or Header Tags isn't installed properly.



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Hi everyone,


Okay, dont know what happened yesterday but things are a little straighter today.


Using STS system with the header tags.


Index.php works fine, product info works fine.


The database has been updated with manufacturer and categories information using the mod fill function.


However these tags are not being displayed when on a category page (empty tags, but database has the information) or a manufacturers page (in this case default tags displayed although individual manufacturers data in database).


Can anyone advise what code I need to look at to put this right.





It's a common problem and is almost always due to an installation problem. Have you ran the test script as mentioned in the docs? Have you added the headertags line to the module in admin?



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Below is attachec an image of what is happening in the navigation bar and listing heading. In the navigation it should read home / American Spirit / product name. Nothing appears after home / when selecting a category. Then when I click a product, it looks like the image below.




Did check includes/header.php and also index.php. But am not seeing why this happening. If any ideas in what file I need to look, I would appreciate it.





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Below is attachec an image of what is happening in the navigation bar and listing heading. In the navigation it should read home / American Spirit / product name. Nothing appears after home / when selecting a category. Then when I click a product, it looks like the image below.




Did check includes/header.php and also index.php. But am not seeing why this happening. If any ideas in what file I need to look, I would appreciate it.








I had the same prob. But then I realised, that I missed to fill one Category-Title-Field. Did you fill up all Category-Title-Fields in Admin-Section?

Maybe you filled up the wrong language?

Just an idea!




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It's a common problem and is almost always due to an installation problem. Have you ran the test script as mentioned in the docs? Have you added the headertags line to the module in admin?




Hi jack, the database has the values in, so I am guessing the admin section is straight, test script showed nothing.




Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.

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Hey Jack i am having a problem with HTS,


It was working fine but this error starts to appear after adding some files to /catalog/

now when i test HTS i get this error message:


Database/File Mismatch Error:
The number of file entries in the database (26) do not match the number in the includes/header_tags.php file (32).
Files not in the database:



and in the front site i have this error


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in W:\www\catalog\includes\header_tags.php on line 233



ps: i use STS


Edited by celina2007
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Hi jack, the database has the values in, so I am guessing the admin section is straight, test script showed nothing.






Found this information in a post:-



I found that I had to have the "manufacturer" box ticked in the "Include" section of "Default Tags" in Page Control for the manufacturer header tags to appear in View Source.



Best Regards


applied it to both categories and manufacturers and problem solved the correct tags displayed for manufacturers and Categories


Didnt make sense to me to call it default tags, but maybe I mis understood, fingers crossed its working spot on now

Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.

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Hey Jack i am having a problem with HTS,


It was working fine but this error starts to appear after adding some files to /catalog/

now when i test HTS i get this error message:


Database/File Mismatch Error:
The number of file entries in the database (26) do not match the number in the includes/header_tags.php file (32).
Files not in the database:



and in the front site i have this error


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in W:\www\catalog\includes\header_tags.php on line 233



ps: i use STS


The mismatch is probably due to those extra files having similar names. It shouldn't be anything to worry about.


For the second problem, there is an error in that file at line 233. You can look at it and see what files is causing the problem. It might be due to the extra pages above. I suggest deleting pages not used by your site, like backup ones.



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thank you for the quick reply jack, i have deleted the extra files in catalog/ and i also find a reference to them in includes/header_tags.php i don't know why i found in this file many of :


// shopping_cart_bak.php


$header_tags_array = tep_header_tag_page(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART);





actually i had only one file shopping_cart_bak.php and getcart.php , getcartbox.php



I deleted all of them and checked again, now i find this in the test:


Database/File Mismatch Error:
The number of file entries in the database (27) do not match the number in the includes/header_tags.php file (25).
Files not in the includes/header_tags.php file:





This is weired because each time i will add a new file to catalog i will have the same problem.

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The Header Tags code has no way of knowing if the files are good or not. If you have Header Tags code installed in the file, it will try to use it. When it does, it will create an error in the includes/header_tags.php file since there isn't a filename entry for those extra files. If you don't want them listed, then download them to your computer and save them there, place them in some directory on the server or edit them so they don't have Header Tags code.



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I had the same prob. But then I realised, that I missed to fill one Category-Title-Field. Did you fill up all Category-Title-Fields in Admin-Section?

Maybe you filled up the wrong language?

Just an idea!





After rechecking category, that was the problem. So now the category title is there. But the products displays twice. Example:



Home ⁄ American Spirit ⁄ American Eagle Bookends ⁄ American Eagle Bookends

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Need some help

I was installing the HEADER TAG SEO and faced few problems. Can any1 help me


I successfuly installed the first step of database...

In the second step and uploaded all the files available in teh catalogue folder of teh contribution folder.. when i checked my site it looks something lyk did www.sportsuk.co.cc


can you please tell me where i went wrong....

aslo the next step to change the files....i couldnt understand teh first step....whats BTS or STS...


please help me out....

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If you uploaded the files and your shop changed, then you uploaded the wrong directory. The Catalog directory only contains new files and wouldn't cause the shop to change in any way. You'll have to undo those changes or it could cause you quite a few problems.


BTS and STS are template systems. They are not in a standard shop so if you have them, they would have had to have been installed, which means you would probably know of them.



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Hi Jack, I found a bug in V 3.10:


If the file where header tags are added, has a point in the name, like: index3.1.9.php all pages go blank because includes/header_tags.php makes an error.


The error log:


PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_DNUMBER in /var/www/vhosts/www.aaa.com/httpdocs/muletto/includes/header_tags.php on line 173,


To remove the error:


1) rename all files where you have added header tags code (remove all points)

2) go in the database and remove those files from the header tags table

3) re-upload a fresh: includes/header_tags.php


Hope this helps someone!

Edited by luckyno

I love oscommerce and OS software! I'm not a programmer, I'm only a learning boy and a translator :) I love full contribution packages!

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Jack, when i add this to product_info.php my site scratches (the shopping cart info box goes below CURRENTLY VIEWING text) , if i delete those lines, it goes back to it's normal place (right column)


FIND (around line 240)



<!-- body_text_eof //-->





<?php /*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/ ?>


<td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>



<td class="smallText" align="center"><?php echo TEXT_VIEWING; ?> 

<?php echo '<a title="' . $header_tags_array['title'] . '" href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $product_info['products_id'], 'NONSSL') . '"/# ' . $header_tags_array['title'] . '">' . $header_tags_array['title']; ?></a></td>


<?php /*** End Header Tags SEO ***/ ?>



Please note that this happens only in IE not FF

Edited by celina2007
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After rechecking category, that was the problem. So now the category title is there. But the products displays twice. Example:



Home ⁄ American Spirit ⁄ American Eagle Bookends ⁄ American Eagle Bookends



Since I was not able to correct the above issue, I uninstalled mod and reinstalled it. As I re-did it the navigation changed to this:


Home ⁄ American Spirit ⁄ 29193 ⁄ American Eagle Bookends


Do not need the product model number there. But as soon as I did step 5 of the catalog install I get this!


Home » » » American Eagle Bookends

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Hi Jack,


Okay I have this working, I Think?


I can populate using the admin section relatively easily and have populated the following below, but my problem is with the extras added automatically:-




<title>Simulation - New Home Page Title</title>

<meta name="Description" content="Simulation - new description" />

<meta name="Keywords" content="Simulation , new keywords1,keywords2" />




<title>Simulation - Sierra - products new home - SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle</title>

<meta name="Description" content="Sierra - products new description - Windows 95/98211 in progress with shots fired. Officer down. Armed suspects with hostages. Respond Code 3! Los Angles, 2005, In the next seven days, representatives from every nation around the world will converge on Las Angles to witn" />

<meta name="Keywords" content="Simulation - Sierra , Sierra , products new keywords1,keywords2 , SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle" />



<title>Sierra - New Home Page Title</title>

<meta name="Description" content="Sierra - new description" />

<meta name="Keywords" content="Sierra , new keywords1,keywords2" />


in the above tags where does the 'new.......' parts come from for products, categories, manufacturers etc, and how do I change/ eliminate from these ever showing again.


I am not sure I understand how they work, and as a result unable to replace them with something more suitable.


As it stands I am quite happy to eliminate, anything that is not directly dervied form the Product title/ name, description etc from all areas such as links, manufacturers, products and categories.( ie all the bits that say new..... and keywords2).


As when checking these in a met tag checker I find these have issues associated with them, in that the keywords are not relevant etc, or the description is too long.


Can you advise on what i need to do to get rid of the 'new....' bits on a permanent basis.

Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.

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Jack, when i add this to product_info.php my site scratches (the shopping cart info box goes below CURRENTLY VIEWING text) , if i delete those lines, it goes back to it's normal place (right column)





Please note that this happens only in IE not FF

You have it in the wrong place. Note that the last html code before that the Header Tags code is


and the first html code in that section is


so you have it adding a new row beside a cell, thus causing the spacing problem. Try inserting it before the </table></form></td> as shown in the install instructions.



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Since I was not able to correct the above issue, I uninstalled mod and reinstalled it. As I re-did it the navigation changed to this:


Home ⁄ American Spirit ⁄ 29193 ⁄ American Eagle Bookends


Do not need the product model number there. But as soon as I did step 5 of the catalog install I get this!


Home » » » American Eagle Bookends

It looks like you either didn't make all of the changes in includes/application_top.php or didn't run Fill Tags.



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Hi Jack,


Okay I have this working, I Think?


I can populate using the admin section relatively easily and have populated the following below, but my problem is with the extras added automatically:-




<title>Simulation - New Home Page Title</title>

<meta name="Description" content="Simulation - new description" />

<meta name="Keywords" content="Simulation , new keywords1,keywords2" />




<title>Simulation - Sierra - products new home - SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle</title>

<meta name="Description" content="Sierra - products new description - Windows 95/98211 in progress with shots fired. Officer down. Armed suspects with hostages. Respond Code 3! Los Angles, 2005, In the next seven days, representatives from every nation around the world will converge on Las Angles to witn" />

<meta name="Keywords" content="Simulation - Sierra , Sierra , products new keywords1,keywords2 , SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle" />



<title>Sierra - New Home Page Title</title>

<meta name="Description" content="Sierra - new description" />

<meta name="Keywords" content="Sierra , new keywords1,keywords2" />


in the above tags where does the 'new.......' parts come from for products, categories, manufacturers etc, and how do I change/ eliminate from these ever showing again.


I am not sure I understand how they work, and as a result unable to replace them with something more suitable.


As it stands I am quite happy to eliminate, anything that is not directly dervied form the Product title/ name, description etc from all areas such as links, manufacturers, products and categories.( ie all the bits that say new..... and keywords2).


As when checking these in a met tag checker I find these have issues associated with them, in that the keywords are not relevant etc, or the description is too long.


Can you advise on what i need to do to get rid of the 'new....' bits on a permanent basis.

Edit the page in admin->Header Tags SEO->Page Control.



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