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Header Tags SEO


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Thanks for the reply Jack,


The only reference to sts i found in the install instructions was this:



NOTE for STS Users: The above also applies to STS shops but does not

always work for some reason. If your STS shop fails, in your

sts_display_output.php file,



require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'clean_html_comments.php');

require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'header_tags.php');


require_once(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'clean_html_comments.php');

require_once(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'header_tags.php');


So i changed it like it said and it hasn't made any difference.... i'm not sure if i'm missing something .. i've got the 2.5.9 complete package ...


Jack...I'll pipe in and help Steve (even though this is not the correct Header Tags Controller or STS thread).




Read my step by step on how to install HTC onto a STS shop and make sure you did not miss any of the steps.




Read this post in the STSv4 support thread that explains how to display the category descriptions and page titles in your template (post#2481):



Hope that helped,

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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I hope I'm posting in the correct place. I installed the headertags SEO v 3.0.8 over the weekend and have been having problems trouble shooting the problem below.


1054 - Unknown column 'p.products_retail_price' in 'field list'

This ins't a Header Tags problem. Please ask in the support thread for that contribution.



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Thanks Jack


Sorted those problems which were spaces after the ?> on a number of files.


Now I just need to get my old 57 year old head around the whole issue of Meta Tags and Keywords.


When viewing the source of my home page I see that description, keywords and robots meta tags are now duplicated. Do I now delete these from the code? Also is there anything else in the header that will interfere and should be taken out?



Part of my problem is that an ex-employee installed all sorts of contributions in my oscommerce package but didn't document the many changes he made.


Also the addition of the h1 and h2 tags to the stylesheet.css file. I can't actually see any changes on the website when I amend the font size and color. Or am I looking in the wrong place? What does it change?


Many thanks once again.

Best Regards


Yes, you have duplicate meta tags code and they are not both from Header Tags so you will have to go through your code and remove the other code. The h1 an dh2 tags are used on the categories and product pages.



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Jack...I'll pipe in and help Steve (even though this is not the correct Header Tags Controller or STS thread).

Thanks. It is appreciated. :)



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Hello! Another newbie - with probably a silly question that I can't work out!


I have Header Tags SEO. I want to have different meta tags - titles,description,keywords in most product category - I have quite a large store with many different types of maternity wear and baby wear - breaking up the landing pages by the product categories seems to be the most sensible way to go.


In Page Controls I have got default details keyed in. In Fill Tags I have Skip All Tags marked. I went into a few of my categories, added titles, description, keywords etc, but when I View Source it is the default details that can be seen, rather than the manually entered ones - am I doing something really simple wrong?




The guy that manages my PPC campaign put this contribution in for me, so unless the instructions are in the directory somewhere I haven't looked, I can't seem to find them.


Any help would be much appreciated - I think this is one of the most amazing community forums I've ever seen, with so much help and advice offered - wonderful! I wish I was more technical and able to contribute!


Cath (babybump)

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Please ignore my request for help - I have downloaded the contrib and discovered lots of juicy info there - thank you, and my apologies for not figuring out that I could just download it myself and get the instructions that way - bit of a dope!


Hello! Another newbie - with probably a silly question that I can't work out!


I have Header Tags SEO. I want to have different meta tags - titles,description,keywords in most product category - I have quite a large store with many different types of maternity wear and baby wear - breaking up the landing pages by the product categories seems to be the most sensible way to go.


In Page Controls I have got default details keyed in. In Fill Tags I have Skip All Tags marked. I went into a few of my categories, added titles, description, keywords etc, but when I View Source it is the default details that can be seen, rather than the manually entered ones - am I doing something really simple wrong?




The guy that manages my PPC campaign put this contribution in for me, so unless the instructions are in the directory somewhere I haven't looked, I can't seem to find them.


Any help would be much appreciated - I think this is one of the most amazing community forums I've ever seen, with so much help and advice offered - wonderful! I wish I was more technical and able to contribute!


Cath (babybump)

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If that is the actual failure, you have a problem in your includes/database_tables.php file since the username is missing, which isn't part of Header Tags.




Sorry i replaced the username with "USERNSME" i get this error when i try to use the functions within the ADMIN panel under


- header_tags_seo.php?selected_box=headertags (main link)

- header_tags_seo.php (page controle)

- header_tags_test.php (when i click the test button)


i can see the


- test page but cann't click the test button

- fill tags page


but i can't use any of the other functions within this contrib


any ideas as i have confirmed that the tables have installed into the db!!!

Thanks in advance!



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This is another STS one, I'm afraid!

I installed the contrib as per the instructions and with STS turned off (and with the header code added to the pages) it works fine.


Once I turn on STS and remove the header code (the if statement around the title tag) then all I get is the default store name. I have added the STS only file and the headertags.php filename to the "files for normal template" in sts admin.


It seems to me (although I can't get my head around the order things are done in STS) that the capture code in the headertags.php file is not being run, or that the "headertags" output is being overwritten before it is inserted into the "headcontent" output.


Any ideas?


Another thing is that when you click the "view results" in the page control admin with STS off it shows the correct title/keywords/desc, but once it is on all you get is the default store name....looking at the code for that page it looks like it extracts the data from the actual page (eg specials.php) and because when STS is enabled there is no HTSEO header code on that page it just uses the default title...maybe if sts is enabled it should get the data from the database?


I have OSC 2.2rc1, STS v4.5.5 and HT SEO v3.0.8. On the test page I only get the header code missing errors which I believe I should ignore if using STS.


Many thanks,


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Sorry i replaced the username with "USERNSME" i get this error when i try to use the functions within the ADMIN panel under


- header_tags_seo.php?selected_box=headertags (main link)

- header_tags_seo.php (page controle)

- header_tags_test.php (when i click the test button)


i can see the


- test page but cann't click the test button

- fill tags page


but i can't use any of the other functions within this contrib


any ideas as i have confirmed that the tables have installed into the db!!!



please do not worry about this post as i have uninstalled it! thanks guys, i will try again at a later date...

Thanks in advance!



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This is another STS one, I'm afraid!

I installed the contrib as per the instructions and with STS turned off (and with the header code added to the pages) it works fine.


Once I turn on STS and remove the header code (the if statement around the title tag) then all I get is the default store name. I have added the STS only file and the headertags.php filename to the "files for normal template" in sts admin.

I can't help you with this one. Hopefully Bill will see it and respond. If not, you may try posting in the gereral forum, or maybe in the STS support thread, though it is not really an STS problem, and he may see it there and respond.



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I have been following the instructions to install this contrib, but have a problem on the admin side.


When I try to add the following to the end of the admin/includes/column_left.php file, it breaks it & I lose everything on the admin page except the left column!


Here is my code before the add:



$Id: column_left.php,v 1.15 2002/01/11 05:03:25 hpdl Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



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require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'configuration.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'catalog.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'modules.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'customers.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'taxes.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'localization.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'reports.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'tools.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'returns.php');




...and here is my code after the add (which causes the problem):



$Id: column_left.php,v 1.15 2002/01/11 05:03:25 hpdl Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2002 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License



require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'configuration.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'catalog.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'modules.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'customers.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'taxes.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'localization.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'reports.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'tools.php');

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'returns.php');

/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/

require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'header_tags_seo.php');

/*** End Header Tags SEO ***/




Does anyone know what's wrong? It's only when I make this one change that my admin screen goes blank. All the rest of the install is done.

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This is another STS one, I'm afraid!

I installed the contrib as per the instructions and with STS turned off (and with the header code added to the pages) it works fine.


Once I turn on STS and remove the header code (the if statement around the title tag) then all I get is the default store name. I have added the STS only file and the headertags.php filename to the "files for normal template" in sts admin.


It seems to me (although I can't get my head around the order things are done in STS) that the capture code in the headertags.php file is not being run, or that the "headertags" output is being overwritten before it is inserted into the "headcontent" output.


Any ideas?


Another thing is that when you click the "view results" in the page control admin with STS off it shows the correct title/keywords/desc, but once it is on all you get is the default store name....looking at the code for that page it looks like it extracts the data from the actual page (eg specials.php) and because when STS is enabled there is no HTSEO header code on that page it just uses the default title...maybe if sts is enabled it should get the data from the database?


I have OSC 2.2rc1, STS v4.5.5 and HT SEO v3.0.8. On the test page I only get the header code missing errors which I believe I should ignore if using STS.


ok, I have sorted it.


It was sort of an sts thing in that

<title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>

has to be replaced by

<title><?php echo $headcontent; ?></title>

in the source code (ie the original index.php file) as well as appearing in the sts_template.html file.


My fault - rtfm... :blush:


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Hi All


Have just installed this contribution every thing seems to be working but I have noticed a few changes.


The breadcrumb under the banner is now not showing the category or product name





Also the text onthe products page Currently viewing: Discount Superstore UK - does not seem to have anything after the hyphon





Would really appreciate some help to fix this problem if it is a problem


Best Regards



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Please ignore my post above have sorted it out now did not fill tags inthe admin and working perfect


Great contrib thanks for all the hard work put into making this contribution





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ok, I have sorted it.


It was sort of an sts thing in that

<title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>

has to be replaced by

<title><?php echo $headcontent; ?></title>

in the source code (ie the original index.php file) as well as appearing in the sts_template.html file.


My fault - rtfm... :blush:




This wouldn't be correct either. I responded in detail to your post in the STS thread. For anyone following this, you can find it here (Post#4457):


Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Back again - thought I had my head around it all, but it appears not!


Cleared all existing tags so I could start again. Went to each category and manually filled in Title, Description, keywords etc - was looking good showing up in ViewSource etc. Went to FillTags - skipped categories and filled all manfacturer and product tags - still looking good.


Left it 24hours, come back tonight (Australian time) and all the default keywords, title and desciption is back in the ViewSource for my categories! All my hours! :-(


I have read the instructions and thought I had done eveything right - is there something silly I have missed? Thanks so much! Below is easiest category - the only keywords I put in where maternity skirt,maternity skirts - title and description with keywords too.... but no more!

See Here

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The View Result option reads the tags from the actual pages of your shop so if the tags were correct and you didn't change anything in Hrader Tags, then someone else made a change. Maybe your host did a restore for some reason?



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Thank you so much for taking the time to reply Jack, it is very much appreciated - I think this is the most fabulous tool!


My host may well have - I have a bit of a convoluted system going where my original web designer organised the host, and I don't really know much about it, then my PPC management fellow has taken over most of the site admin and things, but I can't get hold of him at the minute! The joy of working through second, third, fourth parties! :rolleyes:



The View Result option reads the tags from the actual pages of your shop so if the tags were correct and you didn't change anything in Hrader Tags, then someone else made a change. Maybe your host did a restore for some reason?



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And back again! Sorry to be a pest Jack!


Okay - went back into Fill Tags - cleared all catgory tags. Selected "Yes" to keywords derived from page. Selected Fill All Tags for Categories. Left Skip for Products and Manufacturers for time being.


Go to ViewSource in the Maternity Skirts Category Page and it is still doing the site wide defaults - which I have in the Page Control Page like this:


Default Tags - English

Title: Affordable Baby & Kid's Clothes, Maternity Wear & Breastfeeding Clothing

Description: Bump, Baby & Beyond for Value Baby & Kids Clothes plus Maternity Wear & Breastfeeding Tops. Top Brands!

Keyword(s): baby wear,maternity wear,baby clothing,maternity clothing,maternity clothes,baby clothes,egg maternity,kids clothing,babies clothes,ripe maternity,childrens clothing,kids clothes,children's clothing,children's wear,kids wear,maternity jeans,maternity tops


Logo Text: Bump Baby and Beyond


Include: Group: Category: Manufacturer: Product:


Meta Tags


Google Language (tick) NOODP (tick) NOYDIR

Reply To Revisit Robots UnSpam


I realise these aren't very well set up, but they were put in as a quick fix to be revisited by my PPC management guy when we discovered that we didn't have any meta tags on the site anywhere at all! So, before I started fiddling this was the default on most pages, including categories, but not products.


In the drop down box with the pages there is index.php, about.php, contact.php etc, etc, but no "categories" (or the like) one - should there be?


And should the above defaults be empty? Or just with the main keywords for the entire site(a big ask to determine a few with such varied product, with various ways of referring to it)? I was hoping that if I created good enough copy in each category description and appropriate enough titles for my categories (and products) that this can all de done automatically? Goodness the spiders should love that!!


Thanks again Jack!



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And it's Cath again!


Just did FillTags for Products, sleecting Yes, No, Fill All Tags - just wondering how to get keywords other than the product name in there? Like the ones I keyed in when I created the new product? I tried Yes, Yes, Fill All Tags but kept going to a Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage.


Thanks Jack - feel free to sigh and roll your eyes - I must be driving you batty!



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And it's Cath again!


Just did FillTags for Products, sleecting Yes, No, Fill All Tags - just wondering how to get keywords other than the product name in there? Like the ones I keyed in when I created the new product? I tried Yes, Yes, Fill All Tags but kept going to a Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage.


Thanks Jack - feel free to sigh and roll your eyes - I must be driving you batty!



You can use the option to load from the page, use the generic option or manually edit them in the products edit page.



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I just installed this contrib and everything seems to be working except when I get the following message in the Admin-->Page Control section when I select product_info.php from the "Select an Option" section:


*** No keywords found for this page: product_info.php?language=en


I don't get any error messages on the page and ran the test with no negative results.

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I just installed this contrib and everything seems to be working except when I get the following message in the Admin-->Page Control section when I select product_info.php from the "Select an Option" section:


*** No keywords found for this page: product_info.php?language=en


I don't get any error messages on the page and ran the test with no negative results.

Did you run fill tags? Try going to the page, select view source from the browser menu and see what the tags are and compare them with that product in the products edit page.



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Did you run fill tags? Try going to the page, select view source from the browser menu and see what the tags are and compare them with that product in the products edit page.




Yes I did run the fill tags.


When I goto the product edit page, the product title, desc. & keyword tags are all my product name and when I view source on the product itself (non admin) this is the tag it displays:


<meta name="Keywords" content="Accessories , *** No keywords found for this page: product_info.php?language=en , Apexi Super Ground System" />

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Yes I did run the fill tags.


When I goto the product edit page, the product title, desc. & keyword tags are all my product name and when I view source on the product itself (non admin) this is the tag it displays:


<meta name="Keywords" content="Accessories , *** No keywords found for this page: product_info.php?language=en , Apexi Super Ground System" />

That text is created by Header Tags and there is no way for it to appear in the tags unless you saved it on purpose. So if the keywords are actually showing that, it means you probably used the View Result in Page Control before anything was set and it returned the none found message. Then it was saved with that still in the box, thus setting it.



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