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  • 2 weeks later...

A new version has been uploaded with these changes:

Corrected many compatibility issues found by member @Owl Sauron 
Removed unnecessary jquery code. Found ny member @MyBookShop,

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On 5/23/2021 at 4:21 PM, Jack_mcs said:

Corrected many compatibility issues found by member @Owl Sauron 




guess not:

Notice: Undefined index: title in /includes/header_tags.php on line 221

Notice: Undefined index: title in /includes/header_tags.php on line 222

Notice: Undefined index: keywords in /includes/header_tags.php on line 225

Notice: Undefined index: title in /includes/modules/header_tags_seo/header_tags_opengraph.php on line 31

Notice: Undefined index: desc in /includes/modules/header_tags_seo/header_tags_opengraph.php on line 32


the above happens when you select a manufacturer at index page.


and the bellow isnt fixed either:

- If you have more than one language installed on the shop, the Categories HEADER in the Products Listing only shows in English.


another thing thats not an issue but could be a good implementation is the fact that AutoFill - Listing Text could have a value box so we can decide how many characters it would display at products index nested description...

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@Owl SauronDid you run Fill Tags? Did you make copies of the files in the english directory and place them in whatever other language directory you use? Did you edit the categories in admin to make sure the language entries exist for all languages?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/24/2021 at 9:10 PM, Owl Sauron said:

- If you have more than one language installed on the shop, the Categories HEADER in the Products Listing only shows in English.

to fix this issue just modify the "/includes/modules/content/index_products/cm_ip_title_hts.php" file at line 45


         $db_query = tep_db_query("select c.categories_image as image, " . $name_check . " from categories c left join categories_description cd on c.categories_id = cd.categories_id where c.categories_id = '" . (int)$current_category_id . "'");



         $db_query = tep_db_query("select c.categories_image as image, " . $name_check . " from categories c left join categories_description cd on c.categories_id = cd.categories_id where c.categories_id = '" . (int)$current_category_id . "' AND cd.language_id = " . (int)$_SESSION['languages_id'] . "");


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Hi @Jack_mcs,

Just tested the newest version v3.3.14 on Phoenix V1.0.8.0 and I'm running into a couple of issues that may be interlinked. 

1- When running the fill tags I get this error: 


Notice: Undefined index: language_group in C:\wamp\www\admin\header_tags_fill_tags.php on line 53

Tags won't fill. This is what I have on line 53 of that file:

 $languageID = (int)substr($_POST['language_group'], (strpos($_POST['language_group'], '_') + 1)); //get the selected language or all

Now, if I change this and hard code the ID of the language I'm using (French, language ID 2)

 $languageID = 2;

the fill tags works however I get another set of errors:


Undefined index: add_generic_cat_meta_desc in C:\wamp\www\admin\header_tags_fill_tags.php on line 139
Undefined index: generic_cat_meta_desc in C:\wamp\www\admin\header_tags_fill_tags.php on line 139
Undefined index: add_generic_cat_keywords in C:\wamp\www\admin\header_tags_fill_tags.php on line 140
Undefined index: generic_cat_keywords in C:\wamp\www\admin\header_tags_fill_tags.php on line 140


2- Still in the Fill Tags menu, none of the category titles show up in the "Categories" box (maybe tied to the issue above?)

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@alix32I can't reproduce those warnings. For the first one, that is saying one of the POST variables can't be found. But due to how the code is written, that variable should always be present so I don't understand how it can happen.

For the second, that should only be possible when the "Check to fill title and tags with generic strings." checkbox is checked."  So maybe you are trying to use one of the options on the page but it is not filled in correctly.

I suggest reloading the page, don't check anything on it except for the "Fill Only Empty Tags" and the bottom and then click update. If you don't get any warnings then the problem is in how you are using the form. If you do get warnings, then it must be due to how your site is setupsince, as mentioned, it works fine here (using php 7.4).


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Hi and thanks @Jack_mcs. I re-installed it and am still getting the same errors. I'll install on a clean Phoenix store to see what I get. To note, I'm testing this on local Wamp server with PHP V7.3.5.

It could also be because of my French language settings...wondering if @artfulweb has tested this new version of Header Tags on a Phoenix V. store and had these issues too?

Will keep you posted

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Hi - just installed on a clean version (with English as default). I'm no longer seeing the issues I saw at first with French as default and English language removed, but I'm seeing the same issues @ Owl Sauron did:


On 5/24/2021 at 10:10 PM, Owl Sauron said:

Notice: Undefined index: title in /includes/header_tags.php on line 221

Notice: Undefined index: title in /includes/header_tags.php on line 222

Notice: Undefined index: keywords in /includes/header_tags.php on line 225

Notice: Undefined index: title in /includes/modules/header_tags_seo/header_tags_opengraph.php on line 31

Notice: Undefined index: desc in /includes/modules/header_tags_seo/header_tags_opengraph.php on line 32


the above happens when you select a manufacturer at index page.


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1 hour ago, alix32 said:

the above happens when you select a manufacturer at index page.

Have you checked the manufacturers checkbox in Page Control for index.php? Ran fill tags being sure to check to button for manufacturers?

1 hour ago, alix32 said:

And the categories are still not displaying here:

This isn't throwing an error due to how the new categories tree function is coded so I didn't see it. To fix it, find this code in admin/geader_tags_fill_tags.php

             $categoryFiles[] = array('id' => TEXT_FILTER_LIST_SELECT_ALL, 'text' => TEXT_FILTER_LIST_SELECT_ALL);
             $categoryFiles = tep_get_category_tree('','','',$categoryFiles);

and replace it with

             $categoryFiles = tep_get_category_tree();
             array_unshift($categoryFiles, array('id' => TEXT_FILTER_LIST_SELECT_ALL, 'text' => TEXT_FILTER_LIST_SELECT_ALL));


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Hi @Jack_mcs, ok so:

1- the manufacturers issue is resolved by following your recommendations below, thanks!

On 6/11/2021 at 3:44 PM, Jack_mcs said:

Have you checked the manufacturers checkbox in Page Control for index.php? Ran fill tags being sure to check to button for manufacturers?

On 6/11/2021 at 1:56 PM, alix32 said:


I'm no longer seeing these issues below: 


Notice: Undefined index: title in /includes/header_tags.php on line 221

Notice: Undefined index: title in /includes/header_tags.php on line 222

Notice: Undefined index: keywords in /includes/header_tags.php on line 225

Notice: Undefined index: title in /includes/modules/header_tags_seo/header_tags_opengraph.php on line 31

Notice: Undefined index: desc in /includes/modules/header_tags_seo/header_tags_opengraph.php on line 32


2- Categories not displaying in the Categories box within the Fill Tags section - that is also fixed thanks to your suggested changes:


This isn't throwing an error due to how the new categories tree function is coded so I didn't see it. To fix it, find this code in admin/geader_tags_fill_tags.php

             $categoryFiles[] = array('id' => TEXT_FILTER_LIST_SELECT_ALL, 'text' => TEXT_FILTER_LIST_SELECT_ALL);
             $categoryFiles = tep_get_category_tree('','','',$categoryFiles);

and replace it with

             $categoryFiles = tep_get_category_tree();
             array_unshift($categoryFiles, array('id' => TEXT_FILTER_LIST_SELECT_ALL, 'text' => TEXT_FILTER_LIST_SELECT_ALL));



3- However, I'm still seeing Undefined index warnings:

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: add_generic_man_title in C:\wamp\www\admin\header_tags_fill_tags.php on line 238

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: generic_man_title in C:\wamp\www\admin\header_tags_fill_tags.php on line 238

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: add_generic_man_keywords in C:\wamp\www\admin\header_tags_fill_tags.php on line 240

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: generic_man_keywords in C:\wamp\www\admin\header_tags_fill_tags.php on line 240

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: add_generic_man_title in C:\wamp\www\admin\header_tags_fill_tags.php on line 238

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: generic_man_title in C:\wamp\www\admin\header_tags_fill_tags.php on line 238

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: add_generic_man_keywords in C:\wamp\www\admin\header_tags_fill_tags.php on line 240

( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: generic_man_keywords in C:\wamp\www\admin\header_tags_fill_tags.php on line 240

What I noticed is that it only happens when you want to fill tags for individual sections with Categories, Manufacturers or Products. For example if I want to run Fill Tags for Products Titles:


I don't see the notices if I update all sections Title, Description & Keywords.

4- And after adding the French Language Pack and removing English, I get this error after filling tags if I don't select the language button at the bottom of the Fill Tags page:



On my clean install with English as default (no other language), the radio button is pre-selected against English. When adding French and removing English, the radio-button against French is not pre-selected:



Is there a way to get the new language pre-selected rather than having to click on the button each time?




Edited by alix32
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Thanks @Jack_mcs, there is an issue with this updated file. When running fill tags for all sections, titles and category descriptions get filled with "on" regardless of what you enter in the generic string fields. Sorry!

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@alix32I don't have a multi-language site to test with and since I can't see the problems, I'm just guessing at the fix. If you want to send me a copy of your database, I will use it for testing. I don't need any customers or orders data in it so you can empty those tables if you like. You can get my email in my members section.

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@Owl SauronPlease go into Page Control and select the "Add Missing Pages" from the dropdown menu. Then check for warnings.

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  • 6 months later...



Have found some more issues:
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: htc_title_tag in /includes/functions/header_tags.php on line 112
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: htc_title_tag in /includes/functions/header_tags.php on line 119

PHP 7.4


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@Owl SauronIf you haven't done so, please be sure to run fill tags. If it still fails, these changes should fix them. At the location shown in the erros, change

$header_tags_array['category'] = $the_category['htc_title_tag'];


$header_tags_array['category'] = ($the_category['htc_title_tag'] ?? '');


if (tep_not_null($the_category['htc_title_tag'])) {


if ($the_category['htc_title_tag'] ?? false) {


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  • 7 months later...

Hello @Jack_mcs

After installing Header Tags SEO V 3.3.5 in my OSCommerce-’s admin panel have some warning issues and Header Tage not working correctly. Please refer attached picture for details. So, how can I solve those issues? 
Please help me.


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59 minutes ago, nandima said:

admin panel have some warning issues and Header Tage not working correctly

It is because the language file is not found. To fix it,

- first check that you are using the files in the "Use_if_version_Frozen_or_V234" directory of the package.

- make sure this file exists in your admin: admin/includes/languages/english/modules/boxes/header_tags_seo.php If you are using a different language then check the directory for that language.

Please let me know if that doesn't help.

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Thanks, @Jack_mcs for your reply. 

I’m using, the Use_if_version_BootStrap directory of the package.
Also, I noticed that version hasn’t header_tags_seo.php in the below path.
So, how can I sort out this problem?
Please advise!

Thank you!

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3 hours ago, nandima said:

I’m using, the Use_if_version_BootStrap directory of the package.

There isn't such a directory so I'm not sure what you are looking at. Download the latest version from here and use the directory I mentioned.

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