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Header Tags SEO


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If you mean the breadcrumb path, you can't. I plan on changing that in the next version though. You can remove the changes that were made to the includes/application_top.php file to go back to what it was before though. Or change that code to load the categories name instead of the header tags title.

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If you mean the breadcrumb path, you can't. I plan on changing that in the next version though. You can remove the changes that were made to the includes/application_top.php file to go back to what it was before though. Or change that code to load the categories name instead of the header tags title.


thank you that worked

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It is mentioned in the update instructions.

Thanks Jack, that did the trick. However, the instructions were not real easy to find, and there may be an error. I'm not a programmer, so the error may be mine although it worked.


In the headertags_seo_update.php file it says "If the url to run this script is changed to http://YOUR DOMAIN NAME/headertags_seo_install.php?reset_options=true, the configuration options will be reset." Since it is the update file and not the install file shouldn't the address be "http://YOUR DOMAIN NAME/headertags_seo_update.php?reset_options=true"? That is what I used and it worked.

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Thanks for pointing out that mistake as I was not aware of it. However, that file is usually only ran if an update is done. You said you were updating from version 3.2.6 so I assumed you read the update instructions in the "Update_from_V_3.2.6_to_V_3.2.7.txt" file and step one in that file gives the correct url to use.

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Hi, Jack


Is it possible to get standard or full category path option working correctly when i have same product duplicated under multiple top level category?

Full category path is working partly ok when product is on multiple category. Only current category is not showing correctly.

Duplicate Categories option shows header from two categories and i would need it to show only current one.

I have been struggling with this for a while and i can't figure out how to get it working correctly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, this is very strange. In Google search results, the correct titles show, but on my website only the default titles show. The entire reason I have articles is for SEO, so I guess it is working for me, but it is very strange none the less...


@@ABG_Building It could be either. But if all of the non-Article Manager pages are working correctly, then it is either something with the pseudo code in Header Tags or the problem is Article Manager. But the problem is almost certainly with your installation since this is a common setup and they work well together.

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@@aliasmatias I don't think I'm understanding the question. It sounds like you are saying it works for products that are not duplicated and only those that are are having the problem. But if they are duplicate products, they are separate and have nothing to do with one another so that doesn't seem to make sense to me.

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Ok, this is very strange. In Google search results, the correct titles show, but on my website only the default titles show.

I don't see how that is possible. Google gets the title from the same place you do, except when they decide to write their own, which doesn't sound to be the case here. So I don't have any suggestions for this one.

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I have a problem with the Titles no matter what i do the Category Parent is getting assigned to the title wither i have it checked in the page control or not if i have it checked in the page control i can assign a sort number to put it at the end but if its not checked it puts the category parent at the front of the title am i missing a setting or not ... when i look in the Configuration->Header Tags SEO->Display Category Parents in Title and Tags It says that will only work if the Category is checked in the page control but thats not working here its always adding the category parent any help would be appreciated thanks.


another question when clicking on the Manufacture to show all products for the manufacture the only way i can have it display the manufacture title on that search page is by checking on the include Manufacture in Page Control->

Default Tags - English

that the correct way or can i specify what to show for each search by manufacture?

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I don't see how that is possible. Google gets the title from the same place you do, except when they decide to write their own, which doesn't sound to be the case here. So I don't have any suggestions for this one.


It seems like Google might be making their own titles, because even if I don't have a title set in Header Tags, and the default title is showing on my website, Google is showing the article title in their search results. Weird.


I've replaced article_info.php but that hasn't changed anything. I'll keep poking around, I'm sure the problem will show itself eventually.



Again, Jack, thanks so much for all you do for this community, we all greatly appreciate it.

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@@mabboud If you are using a url rewriter, try turning it off to see if the titles start working for the categories. For the manufacturers, they should display their own titles. Apost was made to fix that for some versions but I don't recall how far back.

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@@ABG_Building Yes, google will replace the title of the page if they think theirs is a better choice. You don't have any control over this. But you should still setup the page as if it is being used by the them as intended since, supposedly, they still use the original contents of the page for evaluating its SEO.

Again, Jack, thanks so much for all you do for this community, we all greatly appreciate it.
You're welcome. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...



I'm using HTS v3.3.0, The contribution works perfectly :)


My shop is 2.2 RC, and I'm using 'template_top.php' in all my pages to load jquery and HTS in my web.


The code of HTS works fine, but in admin don't show the pages to edit like index.php, product_info.php, etc.


The meta description, keywords, etcs.. that I put before start to use 'template_top.php' in my osc 2.2 are show when you access to catalog (index.php, product_info.php, etc)


I use a comparation tool (winmerge) and the files for 2.2 and 2.3 are the same (except table and divs)


If I use my 2.2 files in 2.3, HTS find the new files and I can edit, but If use 2.3 files in 2.2 (for example specials.php and template_top.php) HTS don't find specials.php


Any Ideas where I must to look?

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You have a non-standard installation so it is confusing the code. In admin/includes/functions_header_tags.php, find

function IsTemplate() //return if BTS or STS is enabled, or not

and change it to

function IsTemplate() //return if BTS or STS is enabled, or not
return true;

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Thanks for your answer.


With this code, HTS shows all files include files that don't have (template_top.php or HTS require).


I must to revise all the installation because HTS don't save my changes, maybe for my recently update from 3.2.5 to 3.3.0


Thanks for your time.

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If files in the includes directory are being shown, you've got some serious problem with your installation. My guess is that you've uploaded the includes directory to the root by mistake. I see this fairly often.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jack,


Attempting a new install of the latest version on osc2.3.3.4 on a php 5.4 server and have a couple of problems as follows:


1) on carrying out the test I get the errors:

Missing Database Error: explain The products_head_title_tag field cannot be found in the products_description table. The categories_htc_title_tag field cannot be found in the categories_description table. The manufacturers_htc_title_tag field cannot be found in the manufacturers_info table.

although looking at the tables in phpmyadmin they are there - tried uninstalling and reinstalling sql several times


2) All the boxes outlines on the home page have vanished - just the text left behind as has the breadcrumb


3) in the install on admin at:

In admin/includes/column_left.php before the first ?> (by the other

include statements),




/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/

include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'header_tags_seo.php');

/*** End Header Tags SEO ***/


There are no other include statements in that file in osc


Any advice would be great thanks

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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OK Update,


Sorted out error 2 - it seems that installing the sql changes for header tags uninstalled all other modules in the admin/modules/headertags box - reinstalled these and the formatting is back.


Errors 1 & 3 still exist

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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@@Mort-lemur For the first problem, please find this in the admin/header_tags_test.php file

   foreach ($tables as $table => $field)
 $check_query = tep_db_query("select * from ". $table);
  $found = false;

  $i = 0;
  while ($i < mysql_num_fields($check_query))
    if (($meta = mysql_fetch_field($check_query, $i)))
	  if ($meta->name == $field)
	    $found = true;

and replace it with

   foreach ($tables as $table => $field) {
  $check_query = tep_db_query("select * from ". $table);
  $found = false;
  $i = 0;
  while ($i < tep_db_num_rows($check_query)) {
    if (($meta = tep_db_fetch_fields($check_query, $i))) {
	  if ($meta->name == $field) {
	    $found = true;

For the last problem, loads the boxes automatically so you don't need to make that change.


I don't know why installing this would remove existing boxes. I tried it here and that didn't happen but I was using a clean install so maybe that makes a difference. I'm glad you found the cause because I was going to say I had no idea on that one. :)


I'll be releasing a new version soon that will have these fixes and other changes. If you notice anything else, please let me know so they can be included in the next version.

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I don't know why installing this would remove existing boxes. I tried it here and that didn't happen but I was using a clean install so maybe that makes a difference. I'm glad you found the cause because I was going to say I had no idea on that one. :)


I'll be releasing a new version soon that will have these fixes and other changes. If you notice anything else, please let me know so they can be included in the next version.


Hi jack,


That change sorted out the database test.


It doesnt remove the boxes - it just seemed to uninstall the modules I had installed such as themeswitcher, twitter product card etc. hence the reason for losing the boxes as the themeswitcher was removed.


Also I dont know if its because Im using it on a test site with only a handful of products or not, but I cannot get the tag cloud or silo link boxes to display.



Been using this on my 2.2 sites for years with great results

Edited by Mort-lemur

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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For both the tag cloud and silo, make sure those options are enabled in the settings. They are off by default. For the silo, you also need to install the box in admin->Modules->Boxes and set it up in admin->Header Tags SEO->Silo Control. And in includes/mdoules/boxes/bm+headertags_seo_silo.php, find

   if (empty($linkList))

and change it to

	    return $linkList;

After the above changes, both options are working fine for me here.


Thanks for letting me know it has been helpful to your site. :)

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hello support,


i am updating HT SEO 3.28 to 3.29 and then 3.3.0.

i have everything backed up.


i have a coupe of questions or point to where the instructions are


this file headertags_seo_update.php , i did not find anything in the update instructions--


should i run this first?? last?? at all??


and this file




i do not know what it is????



Edited by zpupster
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The headertags_seo_update.php file is for updating databases that might be missing some items. It is not meant to be run unless new database changes are needed, although it is safe to run at any time. If you do run it, which might be a good idea if you have been doing many updates, use the rest option so that the url would look like: ...domain_name/headertags_seo_update.php?reset_options=true. The headertags_seo_convert.php file is for converting from the old Header Tags Controller. I had forgotten that was in there and is not of any use any longer so I have deleted it from the next version.

Edited by Jack_mcs

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