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Header Tags SEO


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Thanks for mentioning it. It took me a while to find a shop where it caused a problem since that is common cross-scripting-type code and most of the shops I work on have cross-scripting protection installed. Cross-scripting attacks should be handled by the shops protection code. If you try applying that text to a basic 2.3 shop with canonical enabled and that doesn't have Header Tags SEO installed, you will see it also shows the hacker result.

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@@burt The only 2.3 shop I have access to without Header Tags SEO installed is one here on my local server. It definitely fails on it though I can't say for sure that the local server isn't affecting that. I was going to try it on the demo shop (here) but that doesn't have canonical enabled.

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I don't see an image. Header Tags SEO does change the breadcrumb entries though. If you are seeing duplicates, maybe the two items have the same or similar names?

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I don't see an image. Header Tags SEO does change the breadcrumb entries though. If you are seeing duplicates, maybe the two items have the same or similar names?


Hi Jack.


The link shows up just below the text as a very thin blue bar. It's there, but you have to click on it to see it as it was meant to be seen. Not sure why.



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Hi Jack,


I have installed the current version of HTSEO on OSC 2.3.3 and was doing some troubleshooting as I was getting a bad test on Product_info.php I first used the instruction set for a shop that had some add-ons installed but then switched over to use winmerge and compared the file in the install catalog to my file I found a piece of code in the install file that was not in the instruction set and added it to my file I also notice that there is a piece of code from the original OSC download that was not in the install file, this is the code that was preventing me from having a good test:


if (!isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'])) {




this is toward the top of the file around line 15. when I remove the code I get a good test - It appears that this was part of the version update for 2.3.3.

I do not understand the code and do not know what it is supposed to do, looking thru the site I do not see any problems due to it being remove.

However can you tell me what it does or advise a different solution besides deleting it from the file?


Thank You!


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@@AJRYAN I'm still not seeing it. I increased the size of the text on the page quite a bit and don't see anything like a link. What about a link to your shop?

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@@burt Yes, it fails there too. The resulting tag is

<link rel="canonical" href="http://template.me.uk/testing/product_info.php?products_id=1???<script>alert( 313)</script>=1" />

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Hi Jack,


Yes sorry I did not make the question clear - it is code that is in the oscommerce 2.3.3 install files (product_info.php)with the code the test in HTSEO show a problem of missing data or header tags not installed properly WITHOUT the code it passes the test OK can you advise me what this code does?


Thank You

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First of all thank you very much for the work !!!


I have a small problem, while installing the latest version of header tags seo on OSC 2.3.3 my include/header.php looks absolutely different than the one in the manual, so at point 7. of the manual i can not make the changes i have to. My header.php looks like:


 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions
 Copyright (c) 2010 osCommerce
 Released under the GNU General Public License
 if ($messageStack->size('header') > 0) {
   echo '<div class="grid_24">' . $messageStack->output('header') . '</div>';
 if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['error_message']) && tep_not_null($HTTP_GET_VARS['error_message'])) {
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
 <tr class="headerError">
   <td class="headerError"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(urldecode($HTTP_GET_VARS['error_message']))); ?></td>
 if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['info_message']) && tep_not_null($HTTP_GET_VARS['info_message'])) {
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
 <tr class="headerInfo">
   <td class="headerInfo"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(urldecode($HTTP_GET_VARS['info_message']))); ?></td>


But the manual says:


7) In includes/header.php,
<div id="header" class="grid_24">
<?php /*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/
<div style="text-align:center; color:#aaa; font-size:10px;"><?php echo $header_tags_array['title']; ?></div>
/*** End Header Tags SEO ***/
 <div id="storeLogo"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'store_logo.png', STORE_NAME) . '</a>'; ?></div>
 <?php /*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/ ?>
 <div id="storeLogo"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'store_logo.png', (tep_not_null($header_tags_array['logo_text']) ? $header_tags_array['logo_text'] : STORE_NAME)) . '</a>'; ?></div>
 <?php /*** End Header Tags SEO ***/ ?>
 Note: There are four extra fields, logo_text_1 through logo_text_4 that can be used
    for displaying text for additional images in the logo, or anywhere on the page
    if you like. The same code as above would be used except the logo_text would
    have to be changed to logo_text_1, and so on.

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You can try placing it at the very end of that file. However, that file doesn't have any display code for the normal operation of the shop so it may not be used or it may be outside of wherever the header code is loaded. If placing it at the end of the file, I won't be able to help since it is a non-standard setup and I don't offer support for those here.

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Hi Jack, How are you?


I have a question about this module. I've installed it in my store. And in Admin page, i can use everything, I chance the header and description os the Products, Categories, and works very well. But the new description is not appear in catalog the product page. What step i've missed???


All the changes that i made in admin, is saving in the data base, but its not working in the catalog\product_info.


Thank you!


Marcelo Collina

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It's not clear to me what description you are referring to. If you mean the meta tag description, then there must be some mistake on the shop side. I can't say much more than that though since I don't know what version of shop you have or even if that is what you mean.

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Hi Jack. I'll try to show you.


When I access a products page, the meta tag looks like this:


<title>Ambiance Bijoux e Acessorios - Loja virtual de Bijuterias, Acessorios, Porta Joias</title>

<meta name="Description" content="Compre bijuterias finas online. Encontre tudo o que voce precisa por um otimo preço e qualidade" >

<meta name="Keywords" content="Brincos, aneis, bijuterias, bijoux, porta joias, maletas, pulseiras" >

<meta name="googlebot" content="all" >

<meta name="robots" content="noodp" >

<meta name="slurp" content="noydir" >

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" >


But these "Meta names" is reference to the "default page" of the system, but in this product I've wrote a new tags, and this tags is not showing up in the product page.


All the Tags that i wrote in Products, Categories and Manufecter are not showing up. Always the tags a reference from the "default page".


Did I make myself clear now???


Thank you for your attention.


Marcelo Collina

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This type of problem is almost always due to not having the check boxes set correctly in Page Control. Try loading product_info.php in Page Control and uncheck all boxes for it except Include Products. Save and update a products page on the shop to see if that worked.

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Hi Jack, this is following on from an earlier question. When viewing the product listing page, and selecting a manufacturer from the filter, the resulting page (ie category-name-c-45.html?filter_id=312 ) does not carry the manufacturer name in the title tag. Is it possible to do so?

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I've found this section of code.. and added it..

else if (isset($_GET['manufacturers_id']))
$type = 'man';

and then find if ($type == 'man' && ($pageTags['append_manufacturer'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_group'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_manufacturer']))

and replace with if ( $type == 'top' && ($pageTags['append_manufacturer'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_group'] || $defaultTags['default_logo_append_manufacturer']))

However, nothing happens. Can I just double check, should the header tags contrib do what i'm asking anyway? Ie should it place the manufacturer name in the title tags when using the manufacturer filter on a product listing page?

Edited by adibranch
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Yes, it should and that code should have fixed it. It might be that you are using a template in which case the basic code could have been altered.

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