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Header Tags SEO


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Yes, the checkbox is already ticked

I don't have an answer for you then. I suggest you try using the files included in the package to isolate the problem.

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in update 3.22 to 3.23 admin/cat.php

FIND (around line 386):


<?php // START tinyMCE Anywhere



if ($action == 'new_product' || $action == 'new_category' || $action == 'edit_category') { // No need to put JS on all pages.

$languages = tep_get_languages(); // Get all languages

// Build list of textareas to convert

$str = '';

for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($languages); $i < $n; $i++) {

if (HEADER_TAGS_ENABLE_TINYMCE_META_DESC == 'true') $str .= "products_head_desc_tag[".$languages[$i]['id']."],";

if (HEADER_TAGS_ENABLE_TINYMCE_CATEGORIES == 'true') $str .= "categories_htc_description[".$languages[$i]['id']."],";

if (HEADER_TAGS_ENABLE_TINYMCE_PRODUCTS == 'true') $str .= "products_description[".$languages[$i]['id']."],";

} //end for each language

$mce_str = rtrim ($str,","); // Removed the last comma from the string.

// You can add more textareas to convert in the $str, be careful that they are all separated by a comma.

echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="includes/javascript/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>';

include "includes/javascript/tiny_mce/general.php";


} // END tinyMCE Anywhere






/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/



case 'CKEditor':

echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="./ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>';



case 'FCKEditor':



case 'TinyMCE':



if ($action == 'new_product' || $action == 'new_category' || $action == 'edit_category') { // No need to put JS on all pages.

$languages = tep_get_languages(); // Get all languages

// Build list of textareas to convert

$str = '';

for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($languages); $i < $n; $i++) {

if (HEADER_TAGS_ENABLE_EDITOR_META_DESC == 'true') $str .= "products_head_desc_tag[".$languages[$i]['id']."],";

if (HEADER_TAGS_ENABLE_EDITOR_CATEGORIES == 'true') $str .= "categories_htc_description[".$languages[$i]['id']."],";

if (HEADER_TAGS_ENABLE_EDITOR_PRODUCTS == 'true') $str .= "products_description[".$languages[$i]['id']."],";

} //end for each language

$mce_str = rtrim ($str,","); // Removed the last comma from the string.

// You can add more textareas to convert in the $str, be careful that they are all separated by a comma.

echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="includes/javascript/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>';

include "includes/javascript/tiny_mce/general.php";





default: break;


/*** End Header Tags SEO ***/


i forgot to add i couldnt find that

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i forgot to add i couldnt find that

Then you've made a mistake in the updates. Try searching them for that line.

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doesnt exist in any maybe im wrong but isnt tiny mce anywhere a seperate contribution

It's not failing because TinyMCE can't be found. It is failing because the Header Tags code that handles the editors can't be found. There is a complete set of completed files in the package. You can always to a compare with those.

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<script language="javascript" src="includes/general.js"></script>

<?php // BOF: Additional Images ?>

<script language="javascript" src="includes/additional_images.js"></script>

<?php // EOF: Additional Images ?>


<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="SetFocus();">


that is the area in my file where it shows to be in your already edited files how do i go about adding it

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<script language="javascript" src="includes/general.js"></script>

<?php // BOF: Additional Images ?>

<script language="javascript" src="includes/additional_images.js"></script>

<?php // EOF: Additional Images ?>


<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="SetFocus();">


that is the area in my file where it shows to be in your already edited files how do i go about adding it

Select the text in my file by dragging your mouse over it.

Press ctrl-c

Place your mouse before the <head> in the new file.

Press ctrl-v

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Jack - Great add-on. Installed 3.2.6 without a hitch and everything seems to work perfectly. Thanks!


I run a shop in English and Spanish

My Test Result is clear and only shows: languages in the Header Tags table are: 1 ( English ).


should I also see an entry for spanish?


Poking around admin categories and whatnot, I have both english and spanish fields so all seems well; same for the front end all seems to be working in both languages...


Any concern?


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Dear Friends:


First I've to request apologizes about my bad english. I searched through this post for an answer but I did not find it.


Today I installed this contribution, and all works fine, unless the keyword meta tag.


I ran the fill tags utility, and it filled all the keyword meta tags of the products, using the title of the product, but without commas!




<meta name="Description" content="bla bla bla..." > 
<meta name="Keywords" content="CARON PARIS LA POUDRE LIBRE CLASSIQUE GITANE 30 GR" > 


I don't know how to fix this problem, but I suppose that it is not a good thing to have the keywords meta tag without commas.


What I'm doing wrong?


Best regards!

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Curious if it would be possible to add a icon image into the silo links?

Like a simple small arrow such as /images/categories/arrow_right.gif or the .gif of your choice.


Without some sort of leader its tricky to visually seprate the links. Could just be me :)


If you can point me to the correct placement within the code, I can give it a shot.


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Dear Friends:


I don't know how to fix this problem, but I suppose that it is not a good thing to have the keywords meta tag without commas.


What I'm doing wrong?


Best regards!


In your admin,Go to Configuration > Header Tags SEO

at the bottom you will see


Separator - Description

Separator - Keywords


Set as you wish.


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Jack - Great add-on. Installed 3.2.6 without a hitch and everything seems to work perfectly. Thanks!


I run a shop in English and Spanish

My Test Result is clear and only shows: languages in the Header Tags table are: 1 ( English ).


should I also see an entry for spanish?


Poking around admin categories and whatnot, I have both english and spanish fields so all seems well; same for the front end all seems to be working in both languages...


Any concern?

Hmm, that's strange. If they are showing in the categories they should show in all parts of admin. If you didn't use the headertags_seo_install.php file to make the database changes, then you should remove them (use the uninstall) script and install again using that file since it treats the languages differently. Other than that, I can only think that there is some mistake in your installation.

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I ran the fill tags utility, and it filled all the keyword meta tags of the products, using the title of the product, but without commas!




<meta name="Description" content="bla bla bla..." > 
<meta name="Keywords" content="CARON PARIS LA POUDRE LIBRE CLASSIQUE GITANE 30 GR" > 


I don't know how to fix this problem, but I suppose that it is not a good thing to have the keywords meta tag without commas.


What I'm doing wrong?

That's not a problem or mistake. Assuming the title of the product is "CARON PARIS LA POUDRE LIBRE CLASSIQUE GITANE 30 GR," that is considered one keyword (technically, a keyphase), so commas would not be added. If you want to add keywords, or change that one, then you need to edit it in the products edit page.

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Curious if it would be possible to add a icon image into the silo links?

Like a simple small arrow such as /images/categories/arrow_right.gif or the .gif of your choice.


Without some sort of leader its tricky to visually seprate the links. Could just be me :)


If you can point me to the correct placement within the code, I can give it a shot.

All of the code for the silo on the shop side is in the includes/boxes/headertags-silo.php file (assuming a version less than 2.3). You should just be able to locate <a and change to <img><a, where the img is valid code, of course.

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Hmm, that's strange. If they are showing in the categories they should show in all parts of admin. If you didn't use the headertags_seo_install.php file to make the database changes, then you should remove them (use the uninstall) script and install again using that file since it treats the languages differently. Other than that, I can only think that there is some mistake in your installation.


Sorry you misunderstood me... languages work fine everywhere, catalog and admin... I was just noting that upon running 'Test' I see no errors except for a line that says


Test Results

languages in the Header Tags table are: 1 ( English ).



My question was, since I run two languages, should I? or should I not? see someting like:


Test Results

languages in the Header Tags table are: 1 ( English ).

languages in the Header Tags table are: 3 ( Espanol ).



for grins I looked at the headertags table and language_id is a mix of 1's and 3's so I assume all is well.


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Sorry you misunderstood me... languages work fine everywhere, catalog and admin... I was just noting that upon running 'Test' I see no errors except for a line that says


Test Results

languages in the Header Tags table are: 1 ( English ).



My question was, since I run two languages, should I? or should I not? see someting like:


Test Results

languages in the Header Tags table are: 1 ( English ).

languages in the Header Tags table are: 3 ( Espanol ).



for grins I looked at the headertags table and language_id is a mix of 1's and 3's so I assume all is well.

Oh, I see. That is an error and it is indicating the headertags_default table only has one language in it when it should have two, in your case. I don't know what would have caused that - it shouln't happen. It should have been set when you ran Fill Tags. Try updateing the default section in Page Control. If that doesn't clear it up, then you can add the extra entry in that table in the database, if you feel comfortable doing so.

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My installation seems to be working fine up to a point. Index shows the title, description, keywords i've assigned, but products and categories only show the default tags. I've run the fill tags section and I can see the entries in the database and in the admin, all fields are filled. Products and categories still just show default tags. I can change the default tags and the changes show I've also run the test and it tells me that the header tags code is either not present or not set up correctly. Been through the installation files and it's how it should be so I'm a bit lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


The test shows that the site is returning nothing but the settings are showing that the title, description and keywords are in fact there. I'm using version 3.2.6 on an oscommerce 2.3.1 store. I have Ultimate SEO URLS 5 Pro R205 also installed.

Edited by freakystreak

Ah, the world wide web. What a wonderful place.

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My installation seems to be working fine up to a point. Index shows the title, description, keywords i've assigned, but products and categories only show the default tags.

Be sure you have checked the correct checkboxes in page control for those pages. In page control->index.php, the category box should be checked and in page control->product_info.php the product box should be checked.

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Be sure you have checked the correct checkboxes in page control for those pages. In page control->index.php, the category box should be checked and in page control->product_info.php the product box should be checked.


Hi Jack,


Index.php has category box checked and product_info has product box checked. Any ideas? I've also uninstalled the database and installed it again but still just shows the default tags for the category and product pages. Many thanks.

Ah, the world wide web. What a wonderful place.

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I may have found the problem. By turning off Ultimate SEO Urls 5 Pro r205 off, the header tags work fine. Turning it on again sets them back to default. Have you come across this before at all?

Ah, the world wide web. What a wonderful place.

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I may have found the problem. By turning off Ultimate SEO Urls 5 Pro r205 off, the header tags work fine. Turning it on again sets them back to default. Have you come across this before at all?


Fixed it. Appears that I hadn't added the .htaccess instructions for the RewriteBase. This was having a knock on effect to Header Tags SEO. In case anyone else has this problem make sure you use 'rewrite' as your uri format in Ultimate SEO URLS because using 'standard' will not produce your header tags for products and categories to show, you will get the default tags. Phew!! Relief. LOL

Ah, the world wide web. What a wonderful place.

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Using OSC V2.3.1 with V3.0 Header Tags SEO.


Hi Forum / Jack_mcs,


I ran HTML validation on index.php and got a fistful of errors so logged the following post.............




Just for reference, here's the code extract from template-top.php again...................


/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/

if ( file_exists(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php') ) {

require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php');

} else {


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo CHARSET; ?>">

<title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>



/*** End Header Tags SEO ***/



Is it possible that the "meta http-equiv" statement is causing the validation errors ?


Many thanks,



Edited by semper-linux
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Using OSC V2.3.1 with V3.0 Header Tags SEO.


Hi Forum / Jack_mcs,


I ran HTML validation on index.php and got a fistful of errors so logged the following post.............




Just for reference, here's the code extract from template-top.php again...................


/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/

if ( file_exists(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php') ) {

require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php');

} else {


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo CHARSET; ?>">


Is it possible that the "meta http-equiv" statement is causing the validation errors ?

To be honest, I never look at validation results since they don't make any difference, unless there is some fatal error preventing the page from loading. That line is what's in a stock install so if it is causing the problem, it would be on all pages, whether Header Tags was used or not.


I stand corrected on the above. I forgot about the xhtml being used. You should change this line in incudes/header_tags.php

echo ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . CHARSET  . '" >'."\n";


echo ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . CHARSET  . '" />'."\n";

In template top, change

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo CHARSET; ?>">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo CHARSET; ?>" />

Thanks for bringing this up since I was not aware of the mistake.

Edited by Jack_mcs

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Jack (or anyone else that knows)


Could you give me a little info on the Silo Box.


I see the concept behind it, but I am just not too sure what the most ideal settings would be for it.


For example, What should I make the title of the box? Right now I have a title of "Most Popular" and I choose the "Best Seller" radio button, but that seems too close to the standard "Bestsellers" box


How many links should I have it display? Right now I have 5.


I just don't know if how I have it setup right now is ideal or wrong in someway.


Just looking for some insight/ideas I guess.

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