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Header Tags SEO


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I'm sorry but I don't support SEO 5 so I can't help you. If you turn it off or use Ultimate SEO V2.2d you'll find the links work properly. You will need to ask in the support thread for SEO 5 for help on this one.


Yet again I'd better react to this so that users are not mislead into believing that USU5 is broken when the broken script is clearly header tags.


It is totally ridiculous to suggest turning off a script that works in order to fascilitate one that does not.


1) Header tags continues to function so long as the rewrite method is chosen in USU5 ( non path based simple URIs ).


2) There is a clear, obvious and inescapable reason why Header tags ceases to work with path based URIs: -


The coding within Header tags is incorrect, it breaks whenever a path based URI is introduced .. not just USU5 but ANY path based URI.


The only viable solution is for header tags to be correctly written by the author .. if he does not wish to do this then users will have to correct the code themselves as has the resourceful user above.


So there you go . .if you want to use the powerful features of USU5 you can do so, you do not have to be restricted to Chemos ancient URL rewriter as is often suggested here. Just bear in mind that if you want to use path based URIs then you either have to get the current supporter of the header tags contribution to write it correctly or you will need to correct it yourself.

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Hello everybody


I have only one problem with the banner.

Before in header.php i was able to control the banner size like this


(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'logo.png', 'Magazinul de bancnote', '100%', '75')


After i installed header tags seo i dont know how to set the banner to 100% to fit every resolution screen. I tried like before but dont work

(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'logo.png', (tep_not_null($header_tags_array['logo_text']) ? $header_tags_array['logo_text'] : STORE_NAME))



thank you

Edited by bancnote1
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Hi Jack,


I installed "Header Tags SEO V_3.2.6" on my 2.2RC2a shop. (for now localy on my PC with WAMP)


Everything seems to run very well. This will solve the problem of "duplicate title tag errors in Google" Great contribution, so thanks for this great module!!!


however there is one issue, that I can't fix and I have a question about the language tag.


1) When I select "product_info.php" on the Page Control.


In the language boxes I can select Root:, Product: and Model: These 3 work as expected.


When "Category:" is selected: it doesn't show any results.

When "Manufacturer:" is selected: it shows the tags for the above category, not the manufacturer of the product.


Another weird thing what I noticed is that, when you fill the manufacturer tags, eighter by hand or with Fill Tag utility, the manufacturers logo gets disconnected. In the admin it shows that there is no picture. When you connect the logo again, it becomes visible again.


I put the header code in the index.php and info_products.php files and tried all modules switched off, this didn't solve the problem.

The logo text part of the Header Tags SEO I haven't installed, because the shops logos are on the CSS pages, not on the HTML page.


I compared and instected the php codes, but I couldn't find any irregularities.

Any idea what could be wrong here?


2) A question about the language META tag.


When I switch on: Language Meta Tags it only gives my countries language: <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="nl" >

Is this how it was designed?



I want all pages in each language to show up in the google results of that specific language, so I tried to change this in includes\header_tags.php:


if ($defaultTags['meta_language']) { $langName = explode(",", $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]); echo ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="' . $langName[0] . '" >'."\n"; }


changed to:


if ($defaultTags['meta_language']) { $langName = explode(",", $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]); echo ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="' . $language . '" >'."\n"; }


this works but gives a result in a wrong syntax: <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="german" >, should be "de"


Already there is a section that shows the pages language: <html dir="LTR" lang="en">

Would a language specific Language Meta Tag help to get each language page in the right google? Google.de, google.fr etc

If so will it be easy to get the right syntax?


Installed modules:


8 languages (english = default)

STS v4.6.1

Ultimate SEO URLS V22d_10

Google Sitemap SEO V1.5

Google_Analytics V1.0

oscThumbSimple Multiple Images with Fancy Popups V1.3.5

and many small add-onns



Test Results (no errors)

Permissions Error: explain

Permissions settings for the C:/wamp/www/includes/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect. Change to 777. NOTE: Disregard if on Windows server.


Extra File Error: explain

The C:/wamp/www/headertags_seo_install.php file is present and should be removed.

The C:/wamp/www/headertags_seo_uninstall.php file is present and should be removed.


languages in the Header Tags table are: 2 ( Deutsch ).

languages in the Header Tags table are: 3 ( Español ).

languages in the Header Tags table are: 7 ( Italiano ).

languages in the Header Tags table are: 8 ( Français ).

languages in the Header Tags table are: 9 ( Portugues ).

languages in the Header Tags table are: 11 ( Russian ).

languages in the Header Tags table are: 6 ( Netherlands ).


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Hello everybody


I have only one problem with the banner.

Before in header.php i was able to control the banner size like this



After i installed header tags seo i dont know how to set the banner to 100% to fit every resolution screen. I tried like before but dont work


(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'logo.png', (tep_not_null($header_tags_array['logo_text']) ? $header_tags_array['logo_text'] : STORE_NAME), '100%', '75')

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however there is one issue, that I can't fix and I have a question about the language tag.


1) When I select "product_info.php" on the Page Control.


In the language boxes I can select Root:, Product: and Model: These 3 work as expected.


When "Category:" is selected: it doesn't show any results.

When "Manufacturer:" is selected: it shows the tags for the above category, not the manufacturer of the product.

If you go to the shop side and view a category, do the categories title and tags display correctly? If not, then you haven't setup the database correctly. What are the results of the test routine? Try uploading the included copy of product_info.php after renaming it to something else. Then visit that page and see if they display correctly. If they do, then you've made some mistake in the installation.

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If you go to the shop side and view a category, do the categories title and tags display correctly? If not, then you haven't setup the database correctly. What are the results of the test routine? Try uploading the included copy of product_info.php after renaming it to something else. Then visit that page and see if they display correctly. If they do, then you've made some mistake in the installation.


Yes the category tags all show perfecty, when I check the source. Also the test routine doesnt show any errors when all tags are filled. I will to replace the product_info.php to see if that solves it..

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If you go to the shop side and view a category, do the categories title and tags display correctly? If not, then you haven't setup the database correctly. What are the results of the test routine? Try uploading the included copy of product_info.php after renaming it to something else. Then visit that page and see if they display correctly. If they do, then you've made some mistake in the installation.


Replaced the product_info.php by a clean one from your distribution, but the same story. To isolate this problem, I will try this trick with other files as well, and if it doesn't solve it, I will try a clean install.


What about this language tag: <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="nl" > should it adapt itself to the language of the page? Or is meant to show the sites main language?

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What about this language tag: <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="nl" > should it adapt itself to the language of the page? Or is meant to show the sites main language?

You don't need any extra meta tags but if they are used and placed after the header tags code, they will override any of the same kind. To see if the tags are showing up twice, view the source of the page using a web browser.

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I am using Header Tags SEO 3.2.6 on a 2.2rc2a shop and I am not sure if my question had already been answered. At least I could not find anything through google or this site´s search.


For Header Tags Social Bookmarks Feature:


Is it possible and if yes, how can I add features to it like they appear on this forum´s social bookmarking feature. e.g. "share this via email", "print this page" or maybe even "download". But most interesting are print page and send link by email functions as they would help to clean up my site.


Thank you


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I am using Header Tags SEO 3.2.6 on a 2.2rc2a shop and I am not sure if my question had already been answered. At least I could not find anything through google or this site´s search.


For Header Tags Social Bookmarks Feature:


Is it possible and if yes, how can I add features to it like they appear on this forum´s social bookmarking feature. e.g. "share this via email", "print this page" or maybe even "download". But most interesting are print page and send link by email functions as they would help to clean up my site.

Yes, it's possible but not part of the Header Tags code. Sending it as an email would involve creating a small form that the icon would bring up. For the printing, that can be done via javascript but without a text only version of the page, it would print out a lot of useless information and wouldn't be very user-friendly as a result.

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Hi Jack


I am using the fill tags option and there seems to be a character limit on the fill title tag to 80 characters as it is cutting my titles short. How can I change this, say to 120?

You would need to change the size of the field in the database. However, that is a waste of time since the search engines limit the length of the title. If your title is going to be even close to 80 characters, be sure to get all of your keywords before that length is reached since they may be truncated.

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You would need to change the size of the field in the database. However, that is a waste of time since the search engines limit the length of the title. If your title is going to be even close to 80 characters, be sure to get all of your keywords before that length is reached since they may be truncated.


Thanks Jack, where can I find this value? What table is it in?

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Im getting an error when I go under the Header tag in the backend:


Warning: call_user_func(header_tags_reset_cache) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /home/savingsh/public_html/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1277


Anyone know about this error? And how can I actually go in and begin to write my own meta tags and header tags... where is the actual place where these are all placed? Im kind of clueless...

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Im getting an error when I go under the Header tag in the backend:


Warning: call_user_func(header_tags_reset_cache) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /home/savingsh/public_html/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1277


Anyone know about this error? And how can I actually go in and begin to write my own meta tags and header tags... where is the actual place where these are all placed? Im kind of clueless...


Basically what I mean is where or how can I have the option to apply the header tags and meta tags for each product. Right now, meta tag is automatically using the description and product information there is no versatility? Any idea guys?

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Thanks Jack, where can I find this value? What table is it in?

In the categories_description, products_description and manufacturers_info tables, depending upon which you want to change.

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Im getting an error when I go under the Header tag in the backend:


Warning: call_user_func(header_tags_reset_cache) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /home/savingsh/public_html/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1277


Anyone know about this error? And how can I actually go in and begin to write my own meta tags and header tags... where is the actual place where these are all placed? Im kind of clueless...

The error most likley means you made a mistake on the installation. Be sure you made the change to the admin/includes/functions/general.php file and uploaded all of the Header Tags files.


The tags can be edited in the category, manufacturer and product edit pages, depending upon which you want to change. There are also override options in fill tags if you want to apply a general change to a large group.

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Hey Jack,


I have two, probably dumb, questions for you. It concerns a couple of slight modifications I'd like to make to your Header Tag's SEO add-on.


First, I would like to be able to add about 10 more character's into the Description title field. I'm assuming that would be done in the database but I couldn't find the appropriate section to do this too. Whoops I just saw it above in one of the previous posts, would this code be applicable for the change using a SQL query?:


drop table if exists categories_description;
create table categories_description (
 categories_id int(11) default '0' not null ,
 language_id int(11) default '1' not null ,
 categories_name varchar(40) not null ,
 categories_htc_title_tag varchar(80) ,
 categories_htc_desc_tag longtext ,
 categories_htc_keywords_tag longtext ,
 categories_htc_description longtext ,
 PRIMARY KEY (categories_id, language_id),
 KEY idx_categories_name (categories_name)


Now still secondly, I'd like to be able to add a horizontal rule under each of the descriptions, right at the very end. Can you help show me the way to do this? Many thanks indeed.



Edited by Eaviator
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First, I would like to be able to add about 10 more character's into the Description title field. I'm assuming that would be done in the database but I couldn't find the appropriate section to do this too. Whoops I just saw it above in one of the previous posts, would this code be applicable for the change using a SQL query?:


Now still secondly, I'd like to be able to add a horizontal rule under each of the descriptions, right at the very end. Can you help show me the way to do this? Many thanks indeed.



I'm not clear what you mean by the "Description Title" but if you mean title, then it is the categories_htc_title_tag entry.


I don't understand what you mean by "each of the descriptions." There's only one description per page.

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Sorry Jack,


Oh geez, I've just have realized this may not be part of your add-on at all now but rather the site.


What I meant was regarding the Category name overall, where it's shows within the "Categories Box" on my site it's name is shortened to a total of 32 character's overall, I'd like for that to show at least 40 character's in length.


The second question regards the layout within that same Categories box, I'd like to place a horizontal rule directly beneath each of the Category names shown, is there any way to do this?


Sorry to be so confusing, I didn't really think about how I worded this question to you...a real D'oh moment I guess.


If you're able to help that would be great, thanks in advance.



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Sorry Jack,


Oh geez, I've just have realized this may not be part of your add-on at all now but rather the site.


What I meant was regarding the Category name overall, where it's shows within the "Categories Box" on my site it's name is shortened to a total of 32 character's overall, I'd like for that to show at least 40 character's in length.


The second question regards the layout within that same Categories box, I'd like to place a horizontal rule directly beneath each of the Category names shown, is there any way to do this?


Sorry to be so confusing, I didn't really think about how I worded this question to you...a real D'oh moment I guess.


If you're able to help that would be great, thanks in advance.



This is the support thread for Header Tags so only questions relating to are handled here. You need to post your question in the general forum. I do recall answering the HR question a couple of times so the answer is somewhere on the forum but finding it may be difficult. When searching, you should use "site:www.oscommerce.com/forums search phase" (no quotes) on google for better results.

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This is the support thread for Header Tags so only questions relating to are handled here. You need to post your question in the general forum. I do recall answering the HR question a couple of times so the answer is somewhere on the forum but finding it may be difficult. When searching, you should use "site:www.oscommerce.com/forums search phase" (no quotes) on google for better results.


Hi Jack,


I installed and tested Header Tags SEO on my PC, using WAMP. Everything ran fine (except for this manufacturer issue, see my previous posts).


So I transferred the new files and the changed files to my online shop and I upgraded the database. After I set the file permissions to 755.


I ran Header Tags SEO in admin and everything works well. No errors and also the test shows no errors after fill tags. Tags are present in the source, like they should.


but when I try to edit something in Catagories/Products in Admin, the right column dissappears. This also happens when I try to edit the Manufacturers part.


When I try to edit a product, it shows the products descriptions in all languages, but I can scroll down just to Meta Tag Information. Everything below "Product Tag Title" is not visible.


I checked the configure.php file and all the new and modified files. All looks ok.


Any idea what I could check more?


Thanks in advance



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When I try to edit a product, it shows the products descriptions in all languages, but I can scroll down just to Meta Tag Information. Everything below "Product Tag Title" is not visible.

Whenever there is a problemin the products edit page, other than missing text definitions, the problem is in the admin/categories.php file. So replace yours with the included one to make sure it loads properly, which it should. Then use a compare program to find the problem.

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