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Header Tags SEO


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This is odd, I updated to 3.2.3 and I still have "catalog//" in the index and the canonical seems to be in the categories the same "catalog//". First were a few wrong, with the time all went "//".


If I clear de Tags SEO cache is ok until i return to the same category.


Products and manufacturers are allways fine.

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The thing is that in my categories.php I have "hard"


and in your instructions you say there sould be a "soft"

Then you've made a mistake in the installation and/or update.

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Hi, this sounds like a useful contribution (thought I admit I don't understand exactly all that it does :D ) but before installing I would like know if there will be any conflict with any of the following add-ons I have already installed, and if there is could anyone provide any advice:


Complete Review system

Security Pro

Sam's Ani-hacker account mods



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Then you've made a mistake in the installation and/or update.


I will put an eye on that, in the meantime I disabled the cache and now all categories are showing a proper canoninal like <link rel="canonical" href="http://www.hmsistemas.es/shop/catalog/inversorescargadores-c-23.html" >


The BUT is that in the index is still showing that double slash <link rel="canonical" href="http://www.hmsistemas.es/shop/catalog//" > and i think it was already seen in this thread of 237 pages....so could yo help me Jack?


You can check it at http://www.hmsistemas.es/shop/catalog/index.php or try hmsistemas.es at google you will see the link with the //.




Dali45 I have this contribution working 100% with Security Pro & Sam's Anti-hacker account mods, I don not know the first 1 ,sorry.

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Hi, this sounds like a useful contribution (thought I admit I don't understand exactly all that it does :D ) but before installing I would like know if there will be any conflict with any of the following add-ons I have already installed, and if there is could anyone provide any advice:


Complete Review system

Security Pro

Sam's Ani-hacker account mods

I don't use those so I can't say for sure but there shouldn't be a problem since they provide different functions.

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Sorry to insist Jack, but any idea about this <link rel="canonical" href="http://www.hmsistemas.es/shop/catalog//" > is coming from?


If there is no solution i am afraid i have to set canonical off................which is worst?

It has to be coming from your configure file. The code in Header Tags doesn't have anything like that. This thread may help you find the problem.

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I can modify the configure to show only 1 / the canonical tag in index, but then all the categories urls are messed up (without it ), i copy the first part of my configure.


  define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.hmsistemas.es');
 define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'http://www.hmsistemas.es');
 define('ENABLE_SSL', false);
 define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.hmsistemas.es');
 define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.hmsistemas.es');
 define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/shop/catalog/');
 define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '/shop/catalog/');
 define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '/shop/catalog/');
 define('DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG', '/shop/catalog/');
 define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');
 define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/');
 define('DIR_WS_INCLUDES', 'includes/');
 define('DIR_WS_BOXES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'boxes/');
 define('DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'functions/');
 define('DIR_WS_CLASSES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'classes/');
 define('DIR_WS_MODULES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'modules/');
 define('DIR_WS_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'languages/');

 define('DIR_WS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC', 'pub/');
 define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/web/htdocs/www.hmsistemas.es/home/shop/catalog/');
 define('DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'download/');


In case I copy&pasted an extra "/" somewhere any clue where to start to check?



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I can modify the configure to show only 1 / the canonical tag in index, but then all the categories urls are messed up (without it ), i copy the first part of my configure.

I guess I don't understand the problem. I assumed you were asking why shop/catalog was showing up in the tag but I see that is how your shop is setup. Instead of having me guess, please state the exact problem to save time.

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My index.php source code was showing <link rel="canonical" href="http://www.hmsistemas.es/shop/catalog//"'>http://www.hmsistemas.es/shop/catalog//" > , touching the configure left urls missing a / in between catalog and categories but a correct http://www.hmsistemas.es/shop/catalog/

I find it hard to explain even in my own language, so by the time now I am thinking in turn it off.


Thank you Jack.

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First, thanks for the contribution. Now, the issue:


I've gone through the install process, and all looks well except for the social bookmarks. I'm using STS. I can get the bookmarks to show up on the product_info.php page, BUT none of the bookmarks (when looking via status) show the product ID. So each link has something to the effect of:




From testing, it appears as though the issue revolves around the fact that I'm using a product_info.php template. That led me to doublecheck this instruction:


NOTE 2: If you are using STS and a product_info template, use this code instead:


<table width="794" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>



<td class="smallText" align="center">$text_viewing  $text_viewing_title</td>


<!--- BEGIN Header Tags SEO Social Bookmarks -->



But unfortunately, I'm lost at this point, as experimentation with that code has not yet worked. Can you point me in the right direction? Where exactly is the above code supposed to go? Is there supposed to be code after the "<!-- BEGIN Header Tags SEO Social Bookmarks -->" code?


As of now, I have the above code in the product_info.php file (not the template) and the "Social Bookmarks" code in the STS Product CONTENT version of product_info.php.html .


Thanks for looking into this.

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Hello Jack. Thanks for this great contribution.


I have installed your newest version.


When I edit categories and I update Header Tags Categories Description (or any othe description) when I click save the page appears to save and return to the categories/products page. If I click on the categories again the information I entered was NOT saved. I have reveiwed my categories.php file several times against your admin install instructions file. I cannot find my mistake.


Any suggestions?

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Hello Jack,


I installed Header Tags SEO after installing STS on RC 2.2a, I run the Fill Tags, went to Page Control and tried to follow the instructions. When I run Test, there were a number of issues.


1. index.php gave this result - From Site:

Title -> 404 Not Found

Meta Description ->

Meta Keywords ->


From Settings:

Title -> Title of store/home page

Meta Description -> the description I entered

Meta Keywords -> keywords that I enetered

Results of scan:

index.php is missing Header Tags code or it is not installed correctly. Verify that Fill Tags has been ran and that the root checkbox or the default checkboxes have been checked in Page Control.


Specials.php also brought up a similar result. For the rest of the pages, the results as below e.g product_info.php: From Site:

Title -> 404 Not Found

Meta Description ->

Meta Keywords ->


From Settings:

Title ->

Meta Description ->

Meta Keywords ->


Results of scan:

product_info.php is missing data. Fill Tags should be ran.


I have gone through a number of times and even had to remove both STS and HT SEO before doing a re-installation but with same results. I installed some of the files you put in the package but it was same results.


The changes I made to "Replace me in Page Control under index.php" have been effected, and I can see the title, description, & key words in admin/catalog, as well as titles/catagories on the store using 1 product as sample.


I've done the Fill Tags several times (as best as I think) as by the instructions and suggestions you have made in this forum for some people. It looks like mine is a little different, but I've not been able to see if there is a code I missed somewhere (although I've tried the index.php & product_info you included in the package.


Another thing, when I go to store/home page and Check View Source I can see the Title, Keywords & description. But what also concerned me is this entry before the head; <html $htmlparams>. I read in one of your replies it should not be so, but I've not been able to locate the cause.


I've only installed 2 other contributions (I think), which are shipping modules. I'm not exactly sure how to add the headertags.php to STS as indicated by someone in the post, as I tried to put it after the sts_user_code.php

but received an error message.


I'll appreciate your suggestsions, as I've spent about 2 weeks trying to figure out how to install this add-on successfully.

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Hello Jack. Thanks for this great contribution.


I have installed your newest version.


When I edit categories and I update Header Tags Categories Description (or any othe description) when I click save the page appears to save and return to the categories/products page. If I click on the categories again the information I entered was NOT saved. I have reveiwed my categories.php file several times against your admin install instructions file. I cannot find my mistake.


Any suggestions?

Try using the included categories file to see if it still fails. Also turn off the html editor option for categories, if that is on, to see if that is the problem.

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Hello Jack,


I installed Header Tags SEO after installing STS on RC 2.2a, I run the Fill Tags, went to Page Control and tried to follow the instructions. When I run Test, there were a number of issues.


index.php is missing Header Tags code or it is not installed correctly. Verify that Fill Tags has been ran and that the root checkbox or the default checkboxes have been checked in Page Control.

Your STS installation isn't being recognized for some reason since the above is saying there isn't any <head> code in index.php. There shouldn't be if you have STS installed but the test function should see that. The only reason I can think for that to happen is an incorrect installation.

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Your STS installation isn't being recognized for some reason since the above is saying there isn't any <head> code in index.php. There shouldn't be if you have STS installed but the test function should see that. The only reason I can think for that to happen is an incorrect installation.


Thank you Jack for your reply. I'll install both add-ons again, hoping for success this time. I appreciate your time and input. Thanks

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Hi, I've just gone through the installation. I didn't get the message 'Replace me in Page contol...' so I went to admin to select Add Missing Pages but that option wasn't there.


Also,in admin I'm getting the following error message:


Warning: call_user_func(header_tags_reset_cache) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /homepages/**/*********/***/****/********/includes/functions/general.php on line 1195


and here's lines 1193-1200:


function tep_call_function($function, $parameter, $object = '') {

if ($object == '') {

return call_user_func($function, $parameter);

} elseif (PHP_VERSION < 4) {

return call_user_method($function, $object, $parameter);

} else {

return call_user_func(array($object, $function), $parameter);



Any help with these problems would be appreciated - I have no idea how to correct them.

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Hi, I've just gone through the installation. I didn't get the message 'Replace me in Page contol...' so I went to admin to select Add Missing Pages but that option wasn't there.


Also,in admin I'm getting the following error message:


Warning: call_user_func(header_tags_reset_cache) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /homepages/**/*********/***/****/********/includes/functions/general.php on line 1195


Any help with these problems would be appreciated - I have no idea how to correct them.

It sounds like you didn't complete the installation. The only way to get that error in regards to this contribution is by not making the required change to admin/includes/functions/general.php.

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Hi Jack,

"Fill tags" function is a great idea. But how to set "ITEMNAME is a great product" for multi language ?

And, maybe there is a bug that "clear all tag" not working.

Paint for VietNamese :

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Hi Jack,

"Fill tags" function is a great idea. But how to set "ITEMNAME is a great product" for multi language ?

And, maybe there is a bug that "clear all tag" not working.

There's not an option to fill with different languages. It will fill all of the languages but only with the text entered so it would be the same for all languages.

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Hi guys, let's start with my problem, but first i'd like to say i'm not a newbie with osc. I have an heavely modiefied shop and everything works smoothly except this:


My categories doesn't show anything in the browser's navigation. Every changes i make there's still shop title (so index header title is correctly installed).

Product info page works perfectly as header tags, infact my products are very good indexed.

I can't really figure out what i'm missing...


I also tried to get a clear Out-of-Box index and reinstall all the code in the right place but still no category title in browser's navigation.


Of course this limit my indexing in google and other sites because none of my categories got header title so they don't get indexed. This is a shame for me. I can't really understand where the problem is. I've been trying to solve the problem many times with no luck. Finally i decided to ask for help.


All test works perfectly. Header columns are perfectly filled in products_description's table but still i can't get the point..


Any help would be really apreciated. I know this matter can be also solved before and i did read many pages of this thread with no luck.


I know i know.... i'm a stupid... but i really need some help.


Thanks in advance.


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Hi guys, let's start with my problem, but first i'd like to say i'm not a newbie with osc. I have an heavely modiefied shop and everything works smoothly except this:


My categories doesn't show anything in the browser's navigation. Every changes i make there's still shop title (so index header title is correctly installed).

Product info page works perfectly as header tags, infact my products are very good indexed.

I can't really figure out what i'm missing...

If I am understanding you correctly, the problem is that the category titles are not showing in the bRowser. If so, and the titles are present when you view the category in admin, then it is probably because you don't have teh category box checked in Page Control, assuming everything is installed correctly, of course.

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I've installed and tested this contrib a while ago locally and all is OK. Been out of action since so now trying to get my head back into Osc. I've noticed the use of h1, h2 etc tags going down in importance *I think* but I'm getting conflicting info so just want to check.


In my Admin->product description, I'm using PHP and the EVAL function in the product_info.php as per an answer by Monica from Germany to a post ages ago.


This is part of the code I'm using (minus the h-tags). Should be easy to understand but I'm at www.icr-records.co.uk if you need examples. One code page does all products with only a few minor changes - ie number of images and tracks on each record. I've used h1 for the product name (Artist - Title), h2 for the record label and cat # and also for the track name, and lastly h3 for any comments I might add. I've found info saying that h tags need to be bold and they must end with an h6 tag. This is the link (delete if it breaks any rules) - http://www.vodahost.com/vodatalk/search-engine-topics-vodahits/35524-seo-tip-proper-h-meta-development-techniques.html


I'm going to be modding this down to HTML and including h-tags but want to be sure I've got them in the right places before I start.


//  5184000 = 60 days in the unix timestamp format
if ( ($today_time - strtotime($listing['products_date_added'])) < 5184000) {
$img_new_product = ' ' . tep_image_icon('icon_newarrival.gif', TEXT_ICON_NEW_PRODUCT);
echo $listing['products_artist'].'</b>' . $img_new_product;
} else {
echo $listing['products_artist'];
		<hr width="95%">
		<p><b>Quickfind : <?php echo $listing['products_quickfind'];?></b></p>
		<h2>Label / Cat No : <?php echo $listing['products_label'] . ' / ' . $listing['products_catno'];?></h2>
		<p>Format : <?php echo $listing['products_media'];?></p>
		<p>Country : <?php echo $listing['products_country'];?></p>
		<p>Released : <?php echo $listing['products_year'];?></p>
		<p>Genre : <?php echo $listing['products_category'];?></p>
		<p>Condition (Cover / Vinyl) : <a style="text-decoration: underline" href="javascript:Start('grading.htm')";><?php echo $listing['products_condition'];?></a></p>
		<h3>Additional Notes : <?php echo $listing['products_comments'];?></h3>
		<p>Price : <?php echo $products_price ;?></p>
           <hr width="95%">
		<p><?php echo '<a href=\'playlists/'.$listing['products_refno'].'.m3u\'><img border=\'0\' src=\'images/headphones.gif\' alt=' .'\''.'Play all tracks from '.$just_artist[1].' by ' .$just_artist[0]. '\' '. 'width=\'13\' height=\'14\'></a>  <b>Tracklisting:</b>';?></p>

if (!is_null ($Tlisting['A1'])) {
$side_track= '-' . substr(($Tlisting['A1']),0,2);
echo '<h2><a href=\'MP3/' . $listing['products_refno'] . $side_track . '.mp3\'><img border=\'0\' src=\'images/headphones.gif\' alt=' .'\''.str_replace("'", "'", substr(($Tlisting['A1']),3)) .' by ' .$just_artist[0]. '\''. 'width=\'13\' height=\'14\'></a>  ' . $Tlisting['A1'] . '</h2>';


Many thanks



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Hello, I need help please, the problem is, the title of the index is repeated in categories and manufacturers.


The e filled out by hand and save them, but above shows the title of the index in place of which I set, and also proved to be filled automatically, and if you fill but keeps repeating the title of the index.

In the pages of the products if they leave the titles that I set, the problem is only in the categories and manufacturers


He had azap installed header tags controller, then install Header Tags SEO V 3.2.2 and the problem arose, I just upgraded to V3.2.3, and evidences the persistence problem.

In Testing the Installation page did not show any problem.

In my oscommerce store, delete the English and German, I have only Spanish.

I have also installed the Ultimate SEO URLs v2.2d contribution.


This is my website www.primerocomputadoras.com


Thank you very much.



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If I am understanding you correctly, the problem is that the category titles are not showing in the bRowser. If so, and the titles are present when you view the category in admin, then it is probably because you don't have teh category box checked in Page Control, assuming everything is installed correctly, of course.



Yes you understood me correctly. Well i'm running version 3.1.0, in admin there is no box about category... Am i missing something?


I read again sql file and there is no configuration change to control categories.

Edited by fozzo
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