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Header Tags SEO


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Thanks Jack, i deleted all files, uploaded new ones but still the same, i now notice that i cant call the header_tags_seo.php direct blank page again ?


All I can think of, assuming the contribution is installed correctly, is that it has something to do with your server. Some servers have error displaying turned off so you won't see errors that may be happenning. You would need to ask your host about that. This problem has come up a few times and I remember going through a troubleshooting process involving renaming files but I've no idea how long ago that was. I you can find it, you should be able to figure out the problem.

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At the present time the social bookmarks is located on right side just below the buttons at product_info.php. In searching Google, I am coming up with nothing. I like to center the bookmarks. Have tried different methods and one of them is bleow. But I get an error when at product_info page.


       <!--- BEGIN Header Tags SEO Social Bookmarks -->
     <?php if (HEADER_TAGS_DISPLAY_SOCIAL_BOOKMARKS == 'true') '<align="center">' include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'header_tags_social_bookmarks.php');  ?>
     <!--- END Header Tags SEO Social Bookmarks --> 


So would appreciate to know if a solution to do this. Thank you.



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At the present time the social bookmarks is located on right side just below the buttons at product_info.php. In searching Google, I am coming up with nothing. I like to center the bookmarks. Have tried different methods and one of them is bleow. But I get an error when at product_info page.

Try enclosing that whole section of code in <tr><td align="center"></td></tr>.

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Try enclosing that whole section of code in <tr><td align="center"></td></tr>.

The above failed to work so ended up enclosing the code inside a table.





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I'm planning on installing this on a live shop.

I think the best idea would be for me to make offline copies of all the files, make the changes then upload them in one go. Is that wise?


Should I make the Install_Catalog changes, upload them, then start on Install_Admin, or do them both and upload them together?


Of course I'll have backups when I upload the edited files.


Thank you,

Adam :thumbsup:

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I think the best idea would be for me to make offline copies of all the files, make the changes then upload them in one go. Is that wise?


Should I make the Install_Catalog changes, upload them, then start on Install_Admin, or do them both and upload them together?


Of course I'll have backups when I upload the edited files.

That is a good idea, but only if you have a local server setup so you can test it first. If not, then they should be uploaded in sections so finding any problems is easier.

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Hi Jack,

First of all, I would like to thank you for the hard and great job you're doing with this contrib. You have really all my respect for sharing yout skills.


I'm expecting the exactly same issue as beekay in page 2. Actually, I can't find why this problem is happening because when I disable Ultimate SEO, the title, keywords and description of all my products reappear correctly. When I enable Ultimate SEO, all this information disappear.

Since the post of beekay, have you ever seen this case and do you have any solution to solve it?


Thx you in advance for your time !!

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Hi Jack,

First of all, I would like to thank you for the hard and great job you're doing with this contrib. You have really all my respect for sharing yout skills.

Thank you. I apreciate it.


I'm expecting the exactly same issue as beekay in page 2. Actually, I can't find why this problem is happening because when I disable Ultimate SEO, the title, keywords and description of all my products reappear correctly. When I enable Ultimate SEO, all this information disappear.

Since the post of beekay, have you ever seen this case and do you have any solution to solve it?

No, still at a loss as to why it would happen. Since the titles and tags work with Ultimate SEO turned off, Header Tags is working correctly so it would appear to be a problem with Ultimate SEO. If you are not using version 2.2d-9 of Ultimate SEO, you may try upgrading to it. If you are using it and have the Header Tags option set, then be sure you have ran Fill Tags (should do that anyway). If this is an update from HTC, be sure you have made the changes in application_top.php, including removing the code added by HTC.

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Thank you. I apreciate it.

No, still at a loss as to why it would happen. Since the titles and tags work with Ultimate SEO turned off, Header Tags is working correctly so it would appear to be a problem with Ultimate SEO. If you are not using version 2.2d-9 of Ultimate SEO, you may try upgrading to it. If you are using it and have the Header Tags option set, then be sure you have ran Fill Tags (should do that anyway). If this is an update from HTC, be sure you have made the changes in application_top.php, including removing the code added by HTC.



Thx you very much for your explanations, in fact Ultimate SEO was no up to date. I did it and it succeeds. But one problem remain : the configuration works perfectly on my production server but not on my localhost. Everytime I try to click in a category, it redirects me to http://localhost whereas when I click on the contact us page for example, there is no problem.

I guess that it is the htaccess which is incriminated but I already tried to modifify the path and the only result I got was error 500.


PS : I'm using Wamp and rewritemod is enable and global register too.


Thx again for your time !!!! :rolleyes:

Edited by Glows
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I guess that it is the htaccess which is incriminated but I already tried to modifify the path and the only result I got was error 500.


PS : I'm using Wamp and rewritemod is enable and global register too.

Yes, that is a path problem in the .htaccess file but isn't a subject for this thread.

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Hey Jack, here is a possible bug to look into...


Adding a product, including the header tag title, descriptions, etc. then click Preview, see something I need to change so I click cancel to return to the product input screen, all the header tags are no longer there.


Don't know if you have updated to a newer version than you installed for me though...

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Hey Jack, here is a possible bug to look into...


Adding a product, including the header tag title, descriptions, etc. then click Preview, see something I need to change so I click cancel to return to the product input screen, all the header tags are no longer there.


Don't know if you have updated to a newer version than you installed for me though...

I tried reproducing the problem here but it didn't fail as you describe. The problem would be in the admin/categories.php file so you can try using the one in the contribution to see if it goes away. I can't look up what version you have without the site name but if you go to page control and there is a version check option there, you can check if there are updates. If you don't have that option, then thre have been several updates since yours.

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Hi This is my second site and I am having troubles with my admin catagories page it keeps giving me this message


Fatal error: Call to undefined function tep_get_products_head_title_tag() in /home/beachbab/public_html/catalog/admin/categories.php on line...


about this code...


<td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('products_head_title_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'soft', '70', '5', (isset($products_head_title_tag[$languages[$i]['id']]) ? stripslashes($products_head_title_tag[$languages[$i]['id']]) : tep_get_products_head_title_tag($pInfo->products_id, $languages[$i]['id']))); ?></td>


What did i miss...

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I tried reproducing the problem here but it didn't fail as you describe. The problem would be in the admin/categories.php file so you can try using the one in the contribution to see if it goes away. I can't look up what version you have without the site name but if you go to page control and there is a version check option there, you can check if there are updates. If you don't have that option, then thre have been several updates since yours.

No worries. If you can't reproduce it then you must have already fixed it. The version is 3.1.8 Seems there are a few updates available.

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Fatal error: Call to undefined function tep_get_products_head_title_tag() in /home/beachbab/public_html/catalog/admin/categories.php on line...


What did i miss...

It looks like you didn't make the required changes to the admin/includes/functions/general.php file.

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That shouldn't be possible so I don't know what to suggest.


Hi, well I am having the same problem in that categories descriptions appear in the products meta description.

Moreover, when after that I uncheck the category option in product_info page (Page Control) the category description,

instead of disappearing just changes position and comes first in the product meta description.


I then have to clear all product tags and start from scratch again by filling all products by hand to change the defaults

which is rather inconvenient.


Any idea ??? Thanks a lot for any help


Regards, David


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I am using this great contribution with a bts shop.


I have tried numerous times to get the meta-tags to work with the categories pages (index_nested.php and index_products.php) but it will only display the default message for the meta tags i.e. 'Replace me in Page Control under index.php'.


The tags work perfectly with the product info pages.


Has anyone managed to get this to work correctly with the category pages on a bts shop?

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I am using this great contribution with a bts shop.


I have tried numerous times to get the meta-tags to work with the categories pages (index_nested.php and index_products.php) but it will only display the default message for the meta tags i.e. 'Replace me in Page Control under index.php'.


The tags work perfectly with the product info pages.


Has anyone managed to get this to work correctly with the category pages on a bts shop?

You have to follow the instructions for a BTS shop when installing, in case you haven't done so. But once installed correctly, Header Tags will work as expected in such shops.

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Hmmmm, sorry to have wasted your time.


I have been at this for two days now and managed to get it right just after posting here. There must be something about posting a stupid request for help that makes things suddenly work.


Just in case anyone else is as dumb as me, to get the category tags to fill (on a bts shop), in page control, select index.php then tick the option 'category' and like magic, the tags will be filled with the correct information drawn from the category pages.


The trick was in selecting index.php on the page control.

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No, none at all, other than what's been mentioned.


Thanks for replying, sorry, I m sure I made a mistake by updating.


On 1 of my sites checking or unchecking behaves as expected but both

sites dont show the category name only when I check that option for the product info page meta tags:


More over not only the entire category description shows up BUT all

the category's keywords too!


Please you must have an idea were I went wrong.


Thanks again


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Thanks for replying, sorry, I m sure I made a mistake by updating.


On 1 of my sites checking or unchecking behaves as expected but both

sites dont show the category name only when I check that option for the product info page meta tags:


More over not only the entire category description shows up BUT all

the category's keywords too!


Please you must have an idea were I went wrong.


Thanks again

It simply isn't posible for a setting for the product page to affect the index (category) page. If that is happening, then there is something seriously wrong with your installation. Other than that, I suggest unchecking all check boxes in page control, including the default one (not the meta tag ones though) and see what happens. Then enable one in page control for index.php and proceed from there.

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It simply isn't posible for a setting for the product page to affect the index (category) page. If that is happening, then there is something seriously wrong with your installation. Other than that, I suggest unchecking all check boxes in page control, including the default one (not the meta tag ones though) and see what happens. Then enable one in page control for index.php and proceed from there.


It is the other way round.

It is the product page that is affected by the index page meta tags.

What I meant to say is that checking the category option in page control

brings up all category meta tags in the product info page:


Category title is added to the product name, thats OK for me

but it also adds:

- the entire category description the product is in

- all category keywords


Maybe that s what checking the category option should do

(I think it is reasonable as long as the categories are very homogeneous)

though I expected actually only the category name to be added to title, description

and product keywords, not everything.


If this setting is intended to add all then I sure must narrow down the products in my categories

, that is have more concise categories.


Thanks a lot again


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