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I've implemented the Siloing feature in the latest version, which is a neat addition. While doing some reading on the web there were two approaches discussed Directory Siloing and Virtual Siloing. Both approaches are meant to help search engines determine the theme of the website and also aid in the ranking for both common and targeted keywords. From what I gathered, siloing helps spread 'pagerank juice' of higher ranking pages to lower ranking pages. From what I read, the goal of siloing is to develop a stronger internal linking structure by linking products of similar content to create a theme. I guess your approach is Directory Siloing.


Is this correct? I don't want to confuse or misinform any followers of this thread. Please clear up anything I've gotten wrong.


Now my questions. Does the siloing feature in this contribution suppose to list similar products in the same category at random or just the first few in that category? Or How did you intend for this feature work? The reason I ask is to determine what adjustments, if any, I need to consider.



Also, what file(s) I need to edit to create new special words?



Thanks for your help.


Hi Rafael,


I have the same problem. I don't understand your solution though. What did you do exactly to fix it?





Hello marleenverbeek,


What Rafael meant was to run the headertags_seo_uninstall.php file then run the headertags_seo_install.php file.


How to do that:


First locate the above files in the Database_Files folder.


Upload both files to the root of your website.


Then run the uninstall file by inserting the URL into your browser's address bar. Example: http://www.mysite.com/headertags_seo_uninstall.php.

After that run headertags_seo_install.php the same way. That should uninstall and then re-install the database tables for this contribution.


NOTE: Please remove these files when you get finished. If you re-run these by mistake the results could be a set back.


That worked for me. If you feel unsure about this solution please seek further assistance. I'm not an expert but this worked for me. I hope it work for others.




Is this correct? I don't want to confuse or misinform any followers of this thread. Please clear up anything I've gotten wrong.

Yes, that is a good explanation of what it does.


Now my questions. Does the siloing feature in this contribution suppose to list similar products in the same category at random or just the first few in that category? Or How did you intend for this feature work? The reason I ask is to determine what adjustments, if any, I need to consider.

If the category being shown has sub-categories, it will list those by the last edited date. If there are products listed, they will be listed by the option set in Silo Control in admin. Eventually, more control options will be added in that section to allow better control over the categories.


Also, what file(s) I need to edit to create new special words?

If you mean in Fill Tags, that is in the code.

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Yes, that is a good explanation of what it does.

If the category being shown has sub-categories, it will list those by the last edited date. If there are products listed, they will be listed by the option set in Silo Control in admin. Eventually, more control options will be added in that section to allow better control over the categories.

If you mean in Fill Tags, that is in the code.

Thanks Jack.


I will study the code and backup before I tamper with it. After reading about siloing, it carries more weight than one realizes.


Hi Jack,


I have installed Header Tags SEO V 3.1.8, it runs without problem, but for categories and sub-categories, the title, descriptions and keywords are still same as index.php. Product pages do not have this problem to display their own title etc.


Also I check the source code of the web pages, all the Title and meta come twice, one in Head, and one in body, is that right?


Thanks for your great contribution and support.




After tweaked for couples hours, now categories and sub-categories have their own title, descriptions and keywords.


Do we need META in <body></body>? I found header_tags.php is called in header.php to generate META in <body></body>.


After tweaked for couples hours, now categories and sub-categories have their own title, descriptions and keywords.


Do we need META in <body></body>? I found header_tags.php is called in header.php to generate META in <body></body>.

No, there isn't any such code added by Header Tags. You should double-check the instructions to fix that.

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I am having a problem with the page control part of the Header Tags.


I can highlight some of my pages and make changes to the individual title using the page control feature however for other pages the page appears all the tags are blank and when I fill the fields I want in and press either View result or Update the page gets updated with nothing.


The files are all included in my includes/header_tags.php file.


What could be causing some of the tags to populate and not others.


If I manually try to imput a tag by placing it between the <title></title> tags and removing the

if ( file_exists(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php') ) {
 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php');
} else 

I still cannot manually change the tags.


Can you suggest anything that I may need to do.




I can highlight some of my pages and make changes to the individual title using the page control feature however for other pages the page appears all the tags are blank and when I fill the fields I want in and press either View result or Update the page gets updated with nothing.

If you can make changes to some files in the list and not others,then it would seem something is wrong with your database. Try running the uninstall and install scripts to see if that fixes it.

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Posted (edited)

Hi, When I installed this it seemed to work ok except for one thing. When I tried to go into the category pages I got an error page saying the page requested did not exist. I don't know if anyone else got this problem, but, I had noticed there are instructions for people who have sts installed, followed by general changes to files and I also noticed that in the instructions for sts, there was a change made to the header.php in the main catalog files and also when you follow the remainder of the instructions, after completing the changes for sts, it tells you to make more changes to the code of that same file.


It was not stated if sts users should use both pieces of code in the catalog>includes>header.php file, so I am wondering if this could be the source of the problem. At the time when I discovered the problem, I did not have time to try to fix it, so I ended up uninstalling the contrib. so that I could get the website functional again. Now, however, I am looking at it again and trying to figure out a possible solution before trying to reinstall it.


Does anyone have any ideas?


--edit --


Or could this be a problem with the code inserted in the sts files?

Edited by westindiestrader

Hi, When I installed this it seemed to work* ok except for one thing...


*btw. when I said this I meant the admin side of things seemed to work fine and the home page loaded normally, until I tried clicking on any of the links / navigation on it.


Hi, When I installed this it seemed to work ok except for one thing. When I tried to go into the category pages I got an error page saying the page requested did not exist.

The category pages are controlled by the index.php file so check your changes to it. Also try turing STS off to see if it still fails. That will tell you where the mistake is at.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks Jack_mcs


I have installed the very useful Add-on on my Osc store .


I will to install the cDynamic Meta Tags and Ultimate SEO URL next .


Are they compatible with the Header Tags SEO ?







Edited by zozzoozzz
Posted (edited)

I will to install the cDynamic Meta Tags and Ultimate SEO URL next .


Are they compatible with the Header Tags SEO ?

cDynamic Meta Tags - No. Not needed with Header Tags SEO installed and not very useful anyway.


Ultimate SEO URL - Yes. Very useful and should be installed.

Edited by Jack_mcs

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Posted (edited)

Jack, I added your contrib. It works better, but I am guessing I need Ultimate SEO URL also. i am still not getting god returns. i went into admin to add products and fix stuff and lost my buttons at the bottom o the products pages.


I got this:

Meta Tag Information
Product Title Tag: 	
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_products_head_title_tag() in \admin\categories.php on line 606


606 in catergories admin is:

$pInfo = new objectInfo($product);


Shipping weight, qty, model #, picture area and the submit button are all gone. I can't edit my products. Do you know what happened or know how I can fix this?

Edited by Mad Duck

I got this:

Meta Tag Information
Product Title Tag: 	
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_products_head_title_tag() in \admin\categories.php on line 606


That error is saying you didn't make the changes to the admin/includes/functions/general.php file. Since Ultimate SEO also changes that file, it might be that replaced the edits you had made by mistake. See the install instructions for both contributions for the needed changes to that file.

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cDynamic Meta Tags - No. Not needed with Header Tags SEO installed and not very useful anyway.


Ultimate SEO URL - Yes. Very useful and should be installed.




Thanks a lot!


I did not install Ultimate SEO yet.


Thanks, Now I can see how to change all the tags. :thumbsup:


Now I can work on Ultimate SEO and changing every tag for all my old products


Hi I have run the seo uninstall and reinstall and have got the following problem.


I can input Title tags for some of my pages but not all. All the pages show up in the Page control part of Header Tag SEO Page control area of admin. With some of the pages you can make changes to the tags and they update on the website. With some of the pages they do not update on the website and resolve back to the Default title tag.


I have checked on my database and the information that I fill in is being populated into the Headertags>>>Page title aspect of the database but it is not showing on the website.


I have checked with Winmerge the two files and the code for the tags is the same and they both use the same template.


The two pages in question areThe page that works


And The page that does not work.


Also my admin/categories works no problems however the product description that is in my database does not show up when editing a product so if I dont remember to cut and paste the description before I edit I will lose all this when updating (what might be causing this????


Thank you for your time on this.

The meta tags for the above page are
 <meta name="Description" content="Default description" />
<meta name="Keywords" content="Default Keywords" />

So it would seem you have the default option set. Turn that off and setup the options for the page as described in the documentation and you should all set.


Also my admin/categories works no problems however the product description that is in my database does not show up when editing a product so if I dont remember to cut and paste the description before I edit I will lose all this when updating (what might be causing this????

See the troubleshooting instructions in the Install_Admin.txt file.

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That can only be the changes made to the product_info.php file. Remove the changes and add one at a time until you find the mistake.




Hi Jack


I found the similar problem.


I isolate the problem and the problem is in this code:


<?php echo '<a title="' . $header_tags_array['title'] . '" href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $product_info['products_id'], 'NONSSL') . '"/# ' . $header_tags_array['title'] . '">' . $header_tags_array['title']; ?></a></td>



Your help is required.


I found the similar problem.


I isolate the problem and the problem is in this code:


<?php echo '<a title="' . $header_tags_array['title'] . '" href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $product_info['products_id'], 'NONSSL') . '"/# ' . $header_tags_array['title'] . '">' . $header_tags_array['title']; ?></a></td>

Similar to what? Please explain the problem since the code looks fine.

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Hello Jack,


first of all Thank you very much for this outstanding contribution - I installed it last night and it worked on the first try.


Well - I do have a small question to you: what is the purpose of the file 'header_tags_seo_words.txt'?

Looking to the code I guess it is supposed to remove defined words from the keyword generation process?


Since my shop is in German language, I better feed the 'header_tags_seo_words.txt' with German phrases? Correct?

In case I am right - maybe another user from Germany has done this already and it would be great to get a copy.


Thanks again and have a nice day.


Greetings from Wiesbaden/Germany



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