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Header Tags SEO


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is there some way to set this so that the text added by header tags seo only shows up once on that page?

It should only show up once not matter what you have installed so my guess is that a mistake was made in the installtion. I suggest starting over with the changes for the index.php file and checking it after each change until you find the problem.



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The test routines should run the same on an installation. Some messages will be different, depending upon the type of system installed, but the code for the length messages don't check if STS is installed or not. If everything else is working fine in the shop with regards to Header Tags, then maybe there are no length problems.



Hey Jack,


I've been trying to figure out the 'Test' and 'currently'viewing' issues with no luck yet. But I noticed that since I removed the headertags.php from the STS modules in the admin panel, the header tags don't show up. If I enable that again, the tags show up. I thought this was disabled in this newest version, but my store doesn't work without enabling that file in the STS modules. What did I do wrong? I followed the instructions for updating to the latest version...

I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself...


--King Crimson (“Discipline”)

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In the latest version, if you have headertags.php in the STS settings, it will cause an error to be displayed. Since that doesn't happen with yours, you've made a mistake in the installation or you are using an older version.



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If you have the text Language_cs in the title, it must have been entered somewhere. You should search your database.



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1054 - Unknown column 'mi.manufacturers_htc_title_tag' in 'field list'


select mi.manufacturers_htc_title_tag as htc_title_tag, mi.manufacturers_htc_desc_tag as htc_desc_tag, mi.manufacturers_htc_keywords_tag as htc_keywords_tag from (manufacturers m) LEFT JOIN manufacturers_info mi on m.manufacturers_id = mi.manufacturers_id where m.manufacturers_id = '0' and mi.languages_id = '1'






Please Help???

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The error means you haven't made all of the required database changes. If this is a new install, just run the uninstall and install sql files to correct that.



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a few questions for the experts


I installed HT SEO some time back, i know i have upgraded from 2.6.3 at some point, but have lost which version it was,


Q1. is there any way of telling which version is installed, and therefore at what point to start upgrading from.


i already have a store full of tags and dont want to have to start again.


i currently have 2 issues which i hope the new version wil fix.


Q2. when trying to use keywords from text on actual page, i never get any results , always get 'no keywords found for this page'

Q3. when editing a category the fields header tags category title, header tags category description, header tags category keywords, header tags categories description never populate with current entries, the data is in the database but i would like to see the contents of those fields whilst in edit mode instead of blank boxes, is this a bug, an error on my part, or the way it should be?


many thanks in advance for your time



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1 - The readme and history files in the zip file you downloaded will have the correct version.


2 - It might be that there aren't any that fit the guidelines for that option. Try adjusting the keyword density setting in admin->Configuration->Header Tags SEO.


3 - Usually a mistake in the admin edits. See the troubleshooting section in the install_admin file.



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I've just installed header tags 3.2.1. (latest version) on a shop (version MS2).

Everything works fine as far as I can see...but ERROR_FAILED_FILE_OPEN appears at the top of my screen when clicking on the header tags section in the admin panel.

Also the layout of the header tags section doesn't look like the screenshot provided in the package...


All the items and options appears with the following format: HEADING_TITLE_SEO, HEADING_TITLE_SEO_PAGENAME etc.

It's like the shop can't get the descriptions that are defined somehow.


Anyone knows how to tackle this problem?

Every single piece of help and feedback would be appreciated!!


Thnx in advance...

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Capital letters in an error or on the page almost always mean the definitions were not properly installed. You should find those in the package and make sure the same changes are on the server.



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1 - The readme and history files in the zip file you downloaded will have the correct version.


2 - It might be that there aren't any that fit the guidelines for that option. Try adjusting the keyword density setting in admin->Configuration->Header Tags SEO.


3 - Usually a mistake in the admin edits. See the troubleshooting section in the install_admin file.






i have now upgraded to 3.1.2, all works ok, however i still have the problem where the edit category option does not populate the fields with the curent entries in the database, after checking through all install / upgrade files, and checking what i have to what exists in the latest files, i have found this difference.


in my current categories.php file (around line 984) i have this code


/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/

$category_htc_title_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_htc_title_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', tep_get_category_htc_title($cInfo->categories_id, $languages[$i]['id']));

$category_htc_desc_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_htc_desc_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', tep_get_category_htc_desc($cInfo->categories_id, $languages[$i]['id'])); $category_htc_keywords_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_htc_keywords_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', tep_get_category_htc_keywords($cInfo->categories_id, $languages[$i]['id']));

$category_htc_description_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_textarea_field('categories_htc_description[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'hard', 30, 5, tep_get_category_htc_description($cInfo->categories_id, $languages[$i]['id']));

/*** End Header Tags SEO ***/



if i check the install admin.txt that came with 3.1.2 it says that it should be this


/*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/

$category_htc_title_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_htc_title_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']');

$category_htc_desc_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_htc_desc_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']');

$category_htc_keywords_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_htc_keywords_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']');

$category_htc_description_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_textarea_field('categories_htc_description[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'hard', 30, 5, '');

/*** End Header Tags SEO ***/



why do i have this extra code which must have been there in a previous version, can it be removed, and if it should have been removed, in which version did this happen, it may help me determine if i have missed any other steps



tep_get_category_htc_title($cInfo->categories_id, $languages[$i]['id']));






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You edited the wrong section of code. There are two instances in that file where that code gets added. One is for new products so that part of the code is missing and the other is for editing a product, so that code is needed to load the previous text. If you look at the install instructions, you'll find both are shown.



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You edited the wrong section of code. There are two instances in that file where that code gets added. One is for new products so that part of the code is missing and the other is for editing a product, so that code is needed to load the previous text. If you look at the install instructions, you'll find both are shown.




Thanks Jack, Sorted!! :D

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i am currently testrunning this contribution on XAMPP-Windows before uploading it into my shop:


The contribution itself works allright at the moment - header tags,descriptions etc. are OK.


BUT, when i want to enter the catalog in the admin-panel i get this error message:



Parse error: parse error in C:\xampp\htdocs\testshop\catalog\admin\categories.php on line 342



That line 342 reads as follows:


tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CATEGORIES, 'cPath=' . $categories_id . '&pID=' . $products_id));


case 'new_product_preview': <- this is line 342

// copy image only if modified

$products_image = new upload('products_image');


if ($products_image->parse() && $products_image->save()) {

$products_image_name = $products_image->filename;

} else {

$products_image_name = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_image']) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['products_previous_image'] : '');








I did the TEST-Function: besides some messages from too short titles there was only this:


Missing Code in File explain

The Header Tags head code for the product_reviews.php file cannot be found.

The Header Tags head code for the product_reviews_info.php file cannot be found.

The Header Tags head code for the product_reviews_write.php file cannot be found.

The Header Tags head code for the specials.php file cannot be found.


Language Mismatch Error: explain

Language ID 1 in default Header Tags table does not exist in the shops languages.


Whats wrong?





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i am currently testrunning this contribution on XAMPP-Windows before uploading it into my shop:


The contribution itself works allright at the moment - header tags,descriptions etc. are OK.


BUT, when i want to enter the catalog in the admin-panel i get this error message:



Parse error: parse error in C:\xampp\htdocs\testshop\catalog\admin\categories.php on line 342

Please read the troubleshooting section in the install file before posting.



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OK, I solved that issue by just copying the premodified file and making some small adjustments for the SEO URL Contrib.


Now i have on the product_info pages this "Currently viewing"-Line right above the footer. Is there an option to turn that off? Couldnt find any....





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Sorry, I pushed the wrong button before and started a new topic, my intention was to post here. So I'll try again.


The headline was: "Got warning message from 3.0.6 to 3.0.7" and the post itself as below:


Hi and thanks again for your work!


I ran these commands one after the other:


 ALTER TABLE headertags_default ADD PRIMARY KEY (default_title, language_id);
ALTER TABLE headertags_default ADD KEY idx_default_title (default_title);
ALTER TABLE headertags ADD PRIMARY KEY (page_name, language_id);
ALTER TABLE headertags ADD KEY idx_page_name (page_name);


The first and second went through fine. But in the table headertags_default I can see this warning:




Should it be like that?


And when trying the next alteration, I got this error message:

ALTER TABLE headertags ADD PRIMARY KEY ( page_name, language_id );


MySQL said:



What should I do?


(If very difficult to sort this out, would it harm the whole purpose of this contribution not to add these commands?)

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ALTER TABLE headertags ADD PRIMARY KEY (page_name, language_id);

ALTER TABLE headertags ADD KEY idx_page_name (page_name);[/code]


The first and second went through fine. But in the table headertags_default I can see this warning:



What should I do?


(If very difficult to sort this out, would it harm the whole purpose of this contribution not to add these commands?)

It is because the code is wrong. It is not like that in the latest version. To get around that, you can run the headertags_seo_update file. If you already have configuration options loaded, which you probably do, then you will need to delete the last lines in that file dealing with configuration settings. The rest of the code will just replace the header tags tables, which shouldn't cause any problems.



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